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Q: Favorite childhood book ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   2 Comments )
Subject: Favorite childhood book
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Books and Literature
Asked by: foxtrotwarrior-ga
List Price: $35.00
Posted: 16 Jun 2005 15:50 PDT
Expires: 16 Jul 2005 15:50 PDT
Question ID: 534015
I am seeking the title, author and publisher of my favorite childhood
book. It was about the misadventures of a young rabbit named
Maximilian. This was my favorite book as a preschooler and
would probably have been published between 1947 and 1952. It was one
of those very inexpensive children's books such as Golden Books. The
story line as remarkably similar to that of Beatrix Potter's
adventures of Peter Rabbit, but my book was about Maximilian. I loved
Maximilian and would cherish knowing where I could find him again.
Subject: Re: Favorite childhood book
Answered By: pinkfreud-ga on 16 Jun 2005 17:13 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
I believe your book is "Three Little Bunnies," by Ruth Dixon. It's a
Rand McNally Elf Book that was published in 1950. I was enthralled by
this book when I was a tiny tot, and had forgotten about it until now!

"Three Little Bunnies" features a rabbit named Maximilian, his
siblings Hippy and Hoppy, and their mother and father. The memorable
illustrations are photos of real rabbits wearing costumes, posed with
small, rabbit-sized props.

You can see some sample pages from "Three Little Bunnies" here:

The Flying Fists of Master Grant

More sample pages, and a picture of the cover:

iOffer: Ruth Dixon 3 Little Bunnies

Here you'll find listings of merchants offering copies of "Three
Little Bunnies" (this link may take a while to load, but it should
find lots of goodies for you):

AddAll Rare, Used and Out of Print Book Search

Google search strategy:

Google Web Search: book rabbit OR bunny maximilian

Google Web Search: "three little bunnies" dixon

I hope this is helpful! If this is not the correct book, or if a link
doesn't work for you, please request clarification; I'll be glad to
offer further assistance before you rate my answer.

Best regards,

Clarification of Answer by pinkfreud-ga on 18 Jun 2005 14:52 PDT
I just came across a book that I thought might interest you. It's
another of the Rand McNally "Real Live Animal" series, also written by
Ruth Dixon. This one has puppies and kittens in addition to bunnies:
foxtrotwarrior-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars and gave an additional tip of: $10.00
Oh, God BLESS you, pinkfreud! Not only is this a great answer, it is
the PERFECTLY CORRECT answer. I shall be eternally grateful. The
little bunny Maximilian, for tender and personal reasons, is my "holy
grail." I am especially thankful for the many links. Because of your
research I will soon be able to once again embrace the "Three Little
Bunnies" which I loved so dearly as a very small child. Life doesn't
get any better than this. Thank you! Thank you. Thank you.

Subject: Re: Favorite childhood book
From: waukon-ga on 16 Jun 2005 20:12 PDT
Oh, no. I think the author is *that* Ruth Dixon.
Subject: Re: Favorite childhood book
From: pinkfreud-ga on 17 Jun 2005 10:11 PDT

Many thanks for the five stars and the generous tip! I am always
delighted to be able to help someone recover a bit of childhood. This
research project brought back some pleasant memories of my own, too,
so I was multiply blessed.


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