Is there any distance research program in information management, or
databases management? Please note that I am not very much interested
in the Information Technology part, but more in the management or
content management part.
Thank you,
Thomas |
Clarification of Question by
16 Jun 2005 21:03 PDT
Please also note that I am not expecting a detailed answer, just an
answer that points out to the link I am looking for. Thanks.
Request for Question Clarification by
17 Jun 2005 01:07 PDT
Dear Tateti,
What do you mean by "research"? Should it be a PhD programme?
Clarification of Question by
17 Jun 2005 02:57 PDT
Thank you politicalguru-ga for your clarification request.
Yes, a PhD programme should be perfect, but also any other research
activity (I mean, on-going research projects where I could
participate, on a distance basis).
In other respect, I think that 2 US$ is too little for this query. I
will double the amount.
Thank you.
Request for Question Clarification by
20 Jun 2005 11:16 PDT
I have found three programmes:
- The first is titled indeed "Management of Information Systems", but
is from a university that has a very problematic reputation.
- The second is titled "Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
Management Information Systems Specialization" - it is fully distance
learning, from an accredited, private institute. It is not an
Information Science PhD, but a Business Administration one.
- The third is from a state university. It is a PhD in technology
management, and contains a very small residency part that you'll have
to complete.
Is any (or all) of these of interest to you?
Clarification of Question by
20 Jun 2005 14:01 PDT
Hi, politicalguru-ga
Yes, they interest me very much (specially options #2 and #3, but
please include all of them). Please, go ahead with the answer.
Thank you,