Hi psychopoet-ga,
Ah, the great Lindsey Lohan body size talk. I hear about it all the
time on websites like Fark.com and the men around me have talked about
it as well.
I found some before and after photos of her weight loss showing her
size reduction, not only in her body, but in her breasts as well.
http://www.goodplasticsurgery.com/archives/006276.html (Article Title:
Thanks for the mammaries, oops I mean memories, Lindsay)
http://www.goodplasticsurgery.com/archives/006343.html (Article Title:
The Case of the Vanishing Breasts)
Now, as far as weight loss reducing breast size. I as a female can
tell you it?s more than true. However, let?s find some medical proof
to back this up.
I have found an article entitled ?Why does dieting cause breast
shrinkage?? What they go on to explain is that the breasts are made
mostly of fat, which, when you lose weight, you lose fat, and
therefore the breasts look smaller.
?The predominant tissue causing the bust to become plump and round is
fat. That's right, fat... a vast matrix of adipose (fat) tissue
surrounding the mammary glands??
??The reason our breasts shrink during weight loss is relatively
simple: fat cells in the female breast effortlessly store excess body
fat (that's why they get bigger when we gain weight), and -- just as
fast as they store excess fat -- the fat cells in our breasts are the
first to release stored fat when our bodies need it for energy... like
when we diet and exercise.?
I also found some first hand talk about this happening
Can anyone say for sure except Lindsey if it was all weight loss, or
she had them reduced to be more proportionate to her new weight, no.
Nevertheless, could it be from weight loss, a resounding YES!
You can also read this blog, by a board certified plastic surgeon
about her breast shrinkage.
Google Searches:
If this answer requires further explanation, please request
clarification before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this
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Clarification of Answer by
06 Jul 2005 12:50 PDT
Hello again!
You know, I did some reading, and I?ve concluded on what may have happened here.
Men do get breast tissue that can go up and down in proportion to
their amount of body fat, just like women.
?Excess fat tends to cause a man's body to produce more of the female
hormone estrogen, which can stimulate breast tissue growth.?
However, in this article, it talks about ?fitness training? not
reducing the size of a man?s ?breasts.?
http://www.pss.org.sg/dispfileaz.cfm?filename=BY_cuprun.htm (In the
section ?A busty issue?)
Therefore, maybe what the 20/20 special was saying is that fitness
training, which can bulk up muscle while not reducing body fat would
not help firm up a man?s breasts. That it takes cardio or another form
of exercise that burns fat off instead of building muscle that would
reduce the size of the breast tissue.