This question is directed to PAFALAFA-GA. I know you have already
done some research on this and was hoping I could utilize this.
I'm looking for detailed information[preferably in database or excel
format - downloadable] for US Schools:
-The information should be in excel or .txt or similar format
-The information should include both public and private schools
-At a minimum the file should contain:
(1) Name of School
(2) Address of Institution - separated by appropriate fields, ie,
street #, street name, suite #, city, st, zip, +4, etc. (or as close as possible)
I will take them in SEPARATED files if that makes it easier (whether
by State, or public or private, etc) |
Request for Question Clarification by
19 Jun 2005 13:49 PDT
Thanks for sending this my way.
I've pieced together a database of more than 18,000 high schools, bot
public and private. The data includes school name, address, city,
state, zip, zip+4 (for some) and phone.
In doing some QC, I see that there appears to be about 200 squirrely
records...mostly records that got shifted over by a field due to an
unconventional address (that is, the address includes, say, bot box
number AND street address, so that an extra field was inserted, and
the rest of the info is off by a column).
This will take some manual clean-up on your part to whip it into
shape, and I wanted to make sure that was acceptable before posting an
Let me know.
Clarification of Question by
22 Jun 2005 12:56 PDT
I think we would definitely be interested. A couple things before you
post though, how much manual clean up do you think it would require
and is it obvious where the problems are (so mistakes aren't made
because of misperception.) Do you think it would be easier for you to
clean it up (b/c your more familiar with the data) for a tip?
Also, its come to our attention that there are about 26,000 high
schools in the U.S., is there any additional legwork you could try
before posting it to make the list more complete? And lastly, do you
have any ideas about the qualitative nature of the data you have
(meaning, are the records primarily for the more populated cities and
the ones missing are more rural high schools, are they concentrated
disproprtianetly in any states?)
Thanks! Any additional information you could provide before posting
would be great, but its likely we'll take what you have, let me talk
over with my research partners. Thanks.
Request for Question Clarification by
22 Jun 2005 14:42 PDT
Please direct me to the source of your 26,000 number. I need to check
to see why there is such a big difference between this number, and the
records that I have.
Clarification of Question by
22 Jun 2005 16:04 PDT
Hey Paf- has detailed information for 25K+ high
schools. (they also charge a hefty price.)
Request for Question Clarification by
25 Jun 2005 20:10 PDT
I've spent a bit of time looking into this, but frankly, I do not know
why there is such a large discrepancy between the file I have (about
18,000 high schools) and some of the private-sector files that say
they have 26,000 high schools or more.
One possibility is that my file has only incomplete records for
private schools, since only about 1,000 or so are included, as
compared with about 17,000 public high schools.
I'm just speculating, though. The 18,000-records file is all I've got
to offer. Let me know if it is of interest.
Clarification of Question by
26 Jun 2005 12:20 PDT
Yes that would be great for now, please send the answer!
Thank you.
Here you go:
Please download this file to your local system, as the above link is not permanent.
The includes almost 19,000 name/address/phone records for US high
schools. The first (large) batch are the public high schools, while
the final 1,000 or so are private schools.
I managed to do a fair amount of clean-up on the records, I suppose to
make up for the fact that the number of records seems to fall a bit
short of the full complement of US high schools.
Hope this fully meets your needs. But please don't rate this answer
if you find there's anything more you need. Just post a Request for
Clarification, and I'm at your service.
search strategy -- used files from my growing collection of government
records that are freely transferable and non-copyright. These
particular files are from the Department of Education. |
Request for Answer Clarification by
26 Jun 2005 15:11 PDT
Thank you for the spreadsheet. It looks pretty good. There is one
important issue though and I'm not sure if we can fix it. For my
purposes, the NAMES of high schools are the most important; now, just
spot checking it...I tried to find MY highschool which is PARKWAY
NORTH HIGH SCHOOL in CREVE COUER, MO 63146. This appears on your list
as NORTH HIGH (missing the district name.) This would cause problems
for us with our search, etc.
I'm not sure what could be done but if that problem with my high
school exists all over the list, it may makes the list almost usless
for us. Any ideas? Thanks again.
Clarification of Answer by
26 Jun 2005 19:30 PDT
Since I didn't put together the list, but extracted it as-is from an
existing source, I'm not sure there's much I can do with how the names
are entered. It's certainly not unexpected that schools might go by
different versions of their names in different settings.
Perhaps if you could explain a bit more about what you're up to, that
would help things along. What are you planning on doing with the
data? The more I understand the purpose for the list, the better I
can think through what options (if any) there are for maximizing its
usefulness to you.
Let me know what you think.