Hello and thank you for your question.
Take a look at the Order to Report for Armed Forces Physical Examination
You'll see at the bottom that it cautions men classified 1-A and 1-A-O
that failure to report can result in immediate induction and fine or
Consider Bill Clinton:
"[O]n 16 February 1968 the federal government eliminated draft
deferments for most graduate students, and Clinton would therefore no
longer be eligible for additional student deferments after he
completed his final term at Georgetown in the spring of 1968.
Accordingly, his draft board reclassified him 1-A (available
immediately for military service) on 20 March 1968.
"Clinton set sail from New York to begin his first year at Oxford in
October 1968. At the end of his first term in December, Clinton
received a notice from the Selective Service instructing him to
undergo an armed forces physical examination at a U.S. air base near
London, which he took (and passed) on 13 January 1969."
http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/politics/clintondraft.asp And
Likewise Carl Rove:
"Rove graduated from high school in the spring of 1969 and in June was
reclassified 1-A, available to be drafted.
"On Jan. 19, 1970, ... Rove underwent a required Armed Forces Physical
Examination and was found to be fit for military service. About a
month later, on Feb. 17, 1970, Rove was again reclassified, this time
as 2-S, a deferment from the draft because of his enrollment at the
University of Utah."
And David Arthur GEAREY, whose fate was determined by the Second
Circuit Court of Appeals:
"[H]e was granted a student deferment (2-S) because of his attendance
at St. Francis College in Brooklyn. In November 1964, he was
reclassified 1-A (available for military service) when his Local Board
learned that he was no longer enrolled as a college student, except
for a three credit part-time course at the New School for Social
Research. Gearey was ordered to report for preinduction physical
examinations, and on January 4, 1965 he was notified of his
acceptability for military service."
It's hard to prove a negative, but in light of the reference to 1-A
and 1-A-O on the Order to Report, and the above examples, I'm
comfortable concluding that holders of 2-S status did not get called
for a physical.
Search terms used:
"selective service" physical "draft board
"selective service" physical "draft board" student 2-s
Thanks again for letting us help.
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