Hello jude1:
Thanks for the interesting question.
I've had a look at the source code for your pages and the problems you
mention all stem from improper use of "named anchors" - or internal
jumps. Contrary to what you said in your question, these mistakes are
also causing the jumps to not work within your pages as well.
Thankfully, the mistakes are easy to fix by editing the source code
for these pages. You've simply forgotten to put in some target anchor
links or you've made minor typos in constructing these links. What do
I mean by forgetting to put in target links? Well, in your table of
contents for the pages, you've got all the links like
<A href="#yourname">
but you haven't got all the target links that match up like
<A name=yourname></A>
So, when you try to access the related article from outside (or
inside) the page, nothing happens because there's no target location
to go to!
I tested all your internal jumps on both pages, and the following are
the the mistakes you need to correct:
Page: www.mammasmilk.com/pages/news.php
1. <A href="#bodyglove"> is missing
<A name=bodyglove></A>
Insert it directly before
<H4 class=articleTitle>BODY GLOVE FOR BABY.</H4>
2. <A href="#KangarooKorner"> is missing
<A name=KangarooKorner></A>
Insert it directly before
A hands-free stroller </H3>
Page: www.mammasmilk.com/pages/celebrities.php
1. <A href="http://www.mammasmilk.com/pages/celebrities.php#Heidi Klum">
needs to have the space between "Heidi" and "Klum" removed like:
<A href="http://www.mammasmilk.com/pages/celebrities.php#HeidiKlum">
so that it matches the syntax of the target link which is
<A name=HeidiKlum></A>
Another issue that you have is the "Celebrities" sidebar that appears
on the righthand side of both these pages. Some sort of program cycles
the images that come up in this sidebar for different visits to these
pages. However, the links that in this sidebar are all incorrect. In
most cases that I could find by refreshing these pages, the link in
these sidebars has an extra space (represented by "%20") that needs to
be removed. Spaces count within HTML tags! Two examples:
1. In the Celebrities side bar, where you have the text "Sadie Frost
creates a new line of baby slings.",
should have the "%20" removed so that it reads
so that it matches the syntax of the target link which is
<A name=SadieFrost></A>
2. In the Celebrities side bar, where you have the text "Cindy
Crawford slings her baby.",
should have the "%20" removed so that it reads
so that it matches the syntax of the target link which is
<A name=SadieFrost></A>
You need to go into whatever file is generating these sidebars and
edit the content so that the links are correct.
Please let me know if making these changes helps fix the problems that
you noted in your question.
Search Strategy (on Google):
* HTML "named anchor"
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