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Whenever more than one assembly is put together, new dimensions are
created as well as new distributions. Because of this, we need to look
at the addition of distributions. The distributions that exist on the
first distribution are added to the second piece and so on till the
building of the component is finished. Because the addition of
distribution is statistical in nature, we need to know some
rudimentary statistical laws so that we may use this information to
predict the best and most reasonable resolution for production.
Formulas and Calculations
There are four laws that govern the addition of distribution.
1. Law Of Additions Averages. If parts are assembled in such a way
that one dimension is added to another, the average dimension of the
entire assembly will be equal to the sum of the average dimensions of
the parts.
Let A = The Mean of Part A
B = The Mean of Part B
C = The Mean of Part C
Average dimension of assembly = A + B + C ,etc. See Fig. 1
2. Law Of Differences. If parts are assembled in such a way that one
dimension is subtracted from another, the average dimension of the
entire assembly will be the difference between the average dimensions
of the parts.
Let D = The Mean of Part D
E = The Mean of Part E
Average dimension of assembly =( D - E )or( E - D )as the case may be. See Fig. 2
3. Law Of Sums and Differences. If parts are assembled in such a way
that some dimensions are added to each other and some dimensions are
subtracted from another, the average dimension of the entire assembly
will be the algebraic sum of the average dimensions of the parts.
Average dimension of assembly = A + B + C - D + E ,etc
4. Law Of The Addition and Standard Deviations or Variances. If the
parts are assembled at random, Standard Deviation, (Sigma), of the
assembly WILL NOT BE the simple sum standard deviations of the parts,
but rather, it will be the value obtained by squaring each of the
component standard deviations, totaling the squares, and then taking
the square root of the total.*
Let A = The Standard Deviation of Part A
B = The Standard Deviation of Part B
Standard Deviation of the assembly =
the square root of ((A)^2 + (B)^2 )
The forth law should be carefully examined because the statistical
addition gives a different result from the one which he/she would be
likely to get naturally.
One should note that the squares of the standard deviations are always
added regardless of whether the average dimension is gotten by sums of
differences. DO NOT attempt to subtract one standard deviation from
another as may be done in the case of averages.
The forth law can also be expressed using variances instead of sigma,
(standard deviations). Variance is the square root of standard
deviation (2). If (A)2 is the variance of Part A and (B)2 is the
variance of Part B, the variance of the assembly will be (A)2 + (B)2
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