Hi dlo3334-ga
I did find a source that states that income is related to gender based
??Gender disparities are very closely associated with poverty. The gap
between men and women in such things as health and education is
greater in poor countries than in rich countries, and within countries
it is greater among the poor,? said Elizabeth King who co-authored the
?Women only got about half as many years of education than as men in
South Asia, while many female-headed households in Latin America were
either landless or owned only small pieces of land. Enterprises
managed by women were often under-capitalized with less chances of
obtaining credit than those run by men.?
?Societies that discriminate on the basis of gender pay a significant
price in greater poverty, slower economic growth, weaker governance,
and a lower quality of life,? noted Andrew Mason, the other author of
the report?
You can read more here:
I also found an article that talks about a charity?s work to educate
women in poorer countries. The reason for this being to help stop the
discrimination towards women in things such as education in a poorer
?Some of World's Poorest Countries Show Most Progress in Educating
Girls, Report Finds?
Therefore, while it is an issue, it?s a recognized issue that?s being worked on.
If this answer requires further explanation, please request
clarification before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this
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Google Search:is the more discrimination with a poor country?
(I just now realized there was a typo in my search term, but it worked anyway!) |