Hi griffith933-ga,
Using my memory from when I was a kid, and Pink's link she mentioned,
I made you a list of 100 candies from the 80's, which was 20 years
ago. I can remember getting these for Halloween myself. Unfortunatly,
I don't have any 20 y/o candy lying around, but I bet I wouldn't be
eating it either if I did.
1. 100 Grand
2. 5th Avenue
3. Abba-Zabba
4. Almond Joy
5. Appleheads
6. Atomic Fire Balls
7. Baby Ruth
8. Bazooka Gum
9. Beechman?s Gum
10. Big Hunk
11. Bit-O-Honey
12. Black Cows
13. Blackjack Gum
14. Blow Pops
15. Boston baked Beans
16. Bottle Caps
17. Bubble Tape
18. Bubblicious
19. Butterfingers
20. Candy Buttons
21. Candy Cigarettes
22. Candy Corn
23. Candy Lipstick
24. Candy Necklaces
25. Candy Watch
26. Caramel Squares
27. Charleston Chews
28. Charms
29. Cherryheads
30. Chick-o-Stick
31. Chiclets
32. Chuckles
33. Chunky
34. Chupa Chups
35. Cinnamon Bears
36. Clove Gum
37. Cow Tales
38. Crybabies
39. Dr. Pepper Gum
40. Fizzies
41. Fun Dip
42. Gobstoppers
43. Good and Plenty
44. GrapeHeads
45. Gum Cigars
46. Gumdrops
47. Gummy Bears
48. Gummy Worms
49. Hot Dog Gum
50. Hot Tamales
51. Jaw Breakers
52. Jolly Ranchers
53. Jujubes
54. Jujyfruits
55. Junior Mints
56. Lemon Heads
57. Mamba
58. Marathon Bars
59. Mars Bars
60. Mike and Ike
61. Milky Way
62. Mounds
63. Necco Wafers
64. Nerds
65. Nestle Crunch
66. Now and Later
67. Oompahs (Old version and a new version)
68. Pepsin Gum
69. Pixy Sticks
70. Pop Rocks
71. Rainblow Gum
72. Red Hots
73. Reese?s PB Cups
74. Reese?s Pieces
75. Ring Pops
76. Root Beer Barrels
77. Runts
78. Saf-T-Pops
79. Sixlets
80. Skittles
81. Slo-Pokes
82. Smarties
83. Snickers
84. Sour Patch Kids
85. Spree
86. Starburst
87. Sugar Babies
88. Swedish Fish
89. Sweet and Sour Pops
90. Sweet Tarts
91. Tangy Taffy
92. Wacky Wafers
93. Warheads
94. Wax Bottles
95. Wax Lips
96. Wax Mustache
97. Whistle Pops
98. Wrigley?s Gum
99. Zagnut
100. Zots Sours
If this answer requires further explanation, please request
clarification before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this
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