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Need a good office practical joke!
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: esarkissian-ga List Price: $2.83 |
12 Aug 2002 12:14 PDT
Expires: 11 Sep 2002 12:14 PDT Question ID: 53707 |
I need a good practical joke to play on my boss. Any ideas? Nothing TOO serious or damaging....just to give you an idea, here's what's transpired so far: I switched the "N" and "M" keys on his computer....provided a few laughs. He put clear Scotch tape on the earpiece of my phone....spent a week looking through the phone manual. I retaliated with hiding a pickle (he hates pickles) behind a poster on his wall. Unfortunately, it dried up and didn't wreak havoc like I intended. He countered with clear Scotch tape over the ball underneath my mouse. I rebooted my computer 3 times before I discovered it. (Apparently he likes the Scotch tape trick) He also put coffee grounds in a bunch of my desk items....move my stapler, out spills coffee.....open my drawer, out comes coffee... He clearly has the upper hand, so I need some help! ed |
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Re: Need a good office practical joke!
Answered By: thx1138-ga on 12 Aug 2002 13:29 PDT Rated: ![]() |
Hi esarkissian and thanks for the question, First of all, let´s remember what was said in the Albuquerque New Mexico Business Weekly online magazine. Forgotten ? let me remind you: The best workplace pranks, experts and mere hobbyists agree, are those that leave the victim feeling amused and uplifted, rather than insecure or offended. Done right, office pranks can even improve employee relations and productivity, so some companies endorse the occasional gag. http://albuquerque.bizjournals.com/albuquerque/stories/2002/05/13/focus1.html OK, now for some suggestions, however you should click on the links below each one as I have posted only suggestions I thought might be sutable for you. My personal favorite, change the mouse buttons on his computer so that right is left and left is right. Here´s how: http://aitt.acadiau.ca/tutorials/Windows95/mousebutton.htm The old favorite, duct tape: Sinking Chairs Here is a fun (and safe) prank to pull on co-workers in an office setting. Most office dwellers have chairs that use a pneumatic piston to control the height. They are also designed to use a persons weight to effect the downward adjustment. While your coworkers are away from their desk, take a strip of duct tape and tape the height adjusting lever to the bottom of the seat. This effectively locks the piston into adjust mode. When they sit down, their weight will cause the chair to bottom out quickly. The looks of utter confusion are priceless. Extra points to brave individuals who pull this one on their boss Desk Drawer Dilemma Duct tape is real handy for driving your co-workers, or better yet, your boss, nuts. Only a few feet are needed to tape someone's center desk drawer shut around the edges of the two sides and the back. It's doubly exciting if the drawer is just slightly open so that the victim can tell that the drawer can't be locked, but can't immediately see or feel what is holding the drawer shut if the tape doesn't cover the entire length of the drawer. At the same time it doesn't do any permanent damage to the furniture. Works best in conditions of reduced light. Avoid doing this to anyone who may have a bad back. The drawer pulling response can get really vigorous http://www.octanecreative.com/ducttape/joker/ Tape on the phone Roll up a piece of clear plastic tape with the sticky side out. Place the tape in the earpiece of the phone handset. http://www.gwally.com/pranks/office/ Thanks for the question, and I hope these suggestions and links help you to get the upper hand, and that you DON´T GET FIRED ! THX1138 Search Strategy: office pranks ://www.google.com/search?q=%22+office+pranks%22&hl=pt&lr=&ie=UTF-8&as_qdr=all&start=30&sa=N | |
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rated this answer:![]() I'm sorry, for the most part the suggestions were pretty lame. A couple decent suggestions though, but not what I was looking for. |
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Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: j_philipp-ga on 12 Aug 2002 13:44 PDT |
Hello Esarkissian, You can also try this: - If you have access to his computer, hide the desktop symbols; instead, put up a wallpaper which is a screen-shot of the desktop before you moved around things. Now, your boss will be clicking on the icons and nothing happens. - Put a Post-It paper on his screen which is completely impossible to decipher but appears to be very urgent. You can alternate same joke by using a friends phone and speaking something nonsensical on the answering machine with a major accent. - Order a personalized fake newspaper starring your boss: http://www.trixiepixgraphics.com/write_custom.html - Save up some coffee, just like your boss drinks it, and let it cool down. Once your boss leaves his coffee mug unattended for a minute, replace his hot coffee with the cold coffee. If he doesn't realizes what happens the first time, make sure to repeat until he does. - Go to the post office and send him to work an important-looking, but empty parcel. - If he has a medium sized picture in his office, scan it, vertically mirror it in a painting program, and color-print it again. Replace it with the picture in your bosses offices, but hang it upside-down; now wait until your boss fails to "correct" the picture by turning it around. - If he has a black-board in his office, soak its sponge in sugar water. Now take the chalk to write something worthwhile erasing on the board (like "Honey, I'm home!"). - Hide two very small alarm clocks in his office. Set them to go off at a time where he'll pretty sure be there, but with a five-minute interval between each other. With all of this, make sure to be neither too close nor too far from the scene of surprise -- you don't want to miss the look on his face while it's still fresh! |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: nvwriter-ga on 12 Aug 2002 13:47 PDT |
Here are two more to try: String all his paperclips together, so when he grabs one, they all come out at once. I tried this once with the co-operation of a few co-workers. On the first day of our bosses vacation, we all called in sick to the assistant. Then we showed up 5 minutes late with donuts. The look on her face was priceless. |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: davidsar-ga on 12 Aug 2002 14:02 PDT |
I think after the coffee grounds trick, you need some revenge that's a bit on the icky side. Spread some mayo on the earpiece of your boss' phone, give him a call, and make sure you're close enough to catch the look on his face. Not a bad idea having a camera handy, either. |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Aug 2002 14:31 PDT |
I have had good success with the old "Rattlesnake Eggs" trick. http://www.suba.com/~neveu/project8.html This is elegant in its simplicity, and very suprising to the recipient (although you have to wonder about the sanity of anyone who would open an envelope once they see the label that says "GENUINE RATTLESNAKE EGGS.") |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: journalist-ga on 12 Aug 2002 15:08 PDT |
This is one you probably know and is also an excellent way to catch a snooping employee: purchase a fake but realistic rubber snake and place it in a drawer where the employee is not suppoesed to be looking. When the offender opens it, you will usually have caught the snooper because they will squeal with surprise. |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: missy-ga on 12 Aug 2002 15:35 PDT |
When a friend graduated from high school lo these many years ago, his sister and I filled his car with confetti filled balloons. It takes some planning and a couple co-conspirators, but the results are hilarious. My friend thought he was going to be a real smartie-britches and pop the balloons to get them out. He's probably still fishing confetti from under the seats... --Missy |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: pinkfreud-ga on 12 Aug 2002 17:19 PDT |
Glitter. Put glitter in some spot where it will get spilled on your boss's clothing (or even better, in the boss's hair.) Glitter doesn't destroy anything, but it is devilishly difficult to get rid of. A good way to deposit glitter in someone's lap is to put the glitter inside a greeting card. Victim opens the card, the glitter pours out, mission accomplished! |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: knowledge_seeker-ga on 12 Aug 2002 19:29 PDT |
Do absolutely nothing. But spend the whole entire day watching him expectantly, baiting him with unopened envelopes and serving him coffee with that "innocent" look on your face. Guaranteed to drive him crazy. --K~ |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: owain-ga on 13 Aug 2002 14:31 PDT |
I liked knowledge_seeker-ga's suggestion best.# If he uses Word (or similar) put in some auto-correct entries for words he types frequently. It's harmless as the auto-correction can be undone by Alt-Backspace immediately after Word makes the correction. I made one person's computer change "protestant" into "heretic". Or make it so that every time he types his name, it's slightly misspelled. |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: sluggy-ga on 16 Aug 2002 01:16 PDT |
I tried this one on a co-worker. Six months later we were married! Therefore, be careful who you pull practical jokes on! Next time your co worker wants you to pick him up some fast food, buy a pack of Dentyne gum (or other thick gum) and jam one end of his soft drink straw into the gum, and put that end into the drink. Then stand back and get ready to laugh as he tries to take a sip of the drink and the straw is plugged up. Then he'll move the straw around a little thinking it's caught on a piece of ice and try again. Finally he'll try to remove the straw, but if you put the gum on correctly (no fair chewing it beforehand), the gum will pop off the end of the straw when it hits the underside of the lid and he'll have no clue what's going on. Hehehehee. He then did this to me, but it didn't work, because someone else used the restroom before I did: Unscrew the bolts holding the toilet seat on to the toilet. When he sits down, the seat will start shimmying around under his weight. The more he tries to balance the seat so he can do his business, the more it wobbles and scoots around. Hopefully it's one of those bathrooms with only one toilet, so he has no choice but to slide around until he's finished with his business. |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: lot-ga on 06 Sep 2002 11:48 PDT |
Just before a major internal meeting, use a water pistol to wet his pants / trousers in the spot where it looks like he's had an accident in the men's room. Will work particulary well if he has to do a standing up presentation ;-0) |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: crimson_harlequin-ga on 17 Nov 2002 12:31 PST |
if your boss has a door to his office you can have loads of fun by balancing a bucket of water on top of it with the door open a few inches. or less risky by putting a small plastic jar of glitter on there. a big bag of feathers is absolutely hysterical to watch (and harmless). if you want to get really complex, you can screw an eyelet above his door and tape a string or thread between it as well as to his door so that the bucket or container dumps as he opens the door. |
Re: Need a good office practical joke!
From: johnny_phoenix-ga on 19 Nov 2002 05:55 PST |
I always love the autocorrect funtion on Word. Go into the auto correct via the tools menu. Type in his name and have it auto correct to "Me I'm a Freaking Idiot" everytime he types his name in. Dear Sirs .....In the event of a query please contact me, I'm a freaking idiot" obviously, you can substitute the phrase for your level of mirth...lol. |
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