Hello Jc1397,
I believe the song you have in mind is The Sweater by Cadell Meryn.
The lyrics are spoken.
I know you will understand this
and feel the intrinsic incredible emotion
You have just pulled over your head the worn,
warm sweater belonging to a boy
Now, you haven't had a passionate kissing session or anything,
but you got to go on a camping trip with him
and eight other people from school
And you practically slept together,
your sleeping bag right next to his
And you woke in the night to watch him as he slept
but you couldn't see anything 'cause it was dark
so you just laid there and listened to his breathing
and wondered if your heart might burst
The sweater has that faintly goat-like smell
which all teenage boys possess,
and that smell will lovingly transfer
to all your other clothes"
View the complete lyrics here:
This song is on the CD Angel Food for Thought by Meryn Cadell (Track 12).
Product Details
Audio CD (April 14, 1992)
Label: Warner Brothers
New and used copies od this CD are available at Amazon
Search terms :
lyrics song about a shirt OR sweater
I hope this is helpful!
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |