Clarification of Answer by
27 Jun 2005 14:04 PDT
I found another database of zip codes ( Census 2000 data ) that
contains the information you need, however it isnīt free.
"Our database contains all current data regarding ZIP codes, area
codes, city name, alias city names, two digit state code, city type,
county name, state FIPS, county FIPS, time zone, daylight savings
indicator, primary record indicator, latitude, longitude, county
elevation, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), MSA description name,
Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area (PMSA), Core Based Statistical
Area (CBSA), Metro CBSA description name, and CBSA division. Our
database also provides Census 2000 data for the United States,
including population, households per zip code, average house value,
average income per household, white population, black population, and
hispanic population information."
Purchase here:$79.95