Dear d_1234,
I'm pleased that my findings are useful!
"Criminal Records at Registro Civil: According to information provided,
one will receive a paper document immediately if he visits any
Registro Civil Office in person. However further research states that
the information is available only to the affected ones, to the
judicial authorities, Public Ministry, Customs officers of Chile,
Police of Investigations of Chile and Gendarmerie of Chile. Is this
information available to the general public?"
This information is not available to the general public. This
information is only available to the affected one and to the
Government Authorities that you mentioned.
"Database provided by La Superintendencia de Bancos e Instituciones
Financieras: According to information retrieved from the site, the
authority provides the Report of Debts for an entity, which is a
document that reports indebtedness of an organization or person with
the financial system. A personal visit is required and the fees are
$500. Didi I get it right? Is there any other database provided by
this authority through its website?"
Link to SBIF Database
Yes, you are correct in that the authority provides the Report of
Debts for an entity, which is a document that reports indebtedness of
an organization or person with the financial system.
This document costs 500 Chilean Pesos.
The Debt Report is available online (with a password) or in person at their office.
You can get the Debt Report in person by visiting the "Oficina de
Información y Consultas" which is located at 92 Bandera Street in
Santiago between 9:00 and 14:00.
This document is only available to the affected person or entity.
A representative with a notarized document that specifically
authorizes a request for the Debt Report can do so.
You can also request the Debt Report online; however you need a password.
The password is requested in person by visiting the "Oficina de
Información y Consultas" which is located at 92 Bandera Street in
Santiago between 9:00 and 14:00. The password is only given to the
affected person or entity.
A representative with a notarized document that specifically
authorizes a request for a password can do so.
A person that lives outside Santiago or in Regions may request the
Debt Report or password in a letter by registered mail.
Casilla 15-D,
They do not charge for this.
The individual must include a photocopy of both sides of the ID card
"Cédula de Identidad."
"Is there any other database provided by this authority through its website?"
I am reposting the previous information below to make this answer official.
Best regards,
1. Civil litigation Judgments/Liens
Updated Daily and Weekly
Record maintained electronically
2. Bankruptcy records
In person
Superintendencia de Quiebras
Huérfanos Nº 626, piso 9,
Teléfono: 6398231
Fax: 6398235
Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00.
Information available in Spanish here:
3. Criminal Records
Criminal Records are available at Registro Civil
Servicio de Registro Civil e Identificación
Dirección Catedral 1772
Teléfono 782 2000
In person in any Registro Civil Office in Chile.
You will receive a paper document immediately
Other offices
Further information in Spanish
4. Company registry records
Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros de Chile
In person only
For publicly held companies
Contact information:
Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros de Chile
Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 1449,
Código Postal 834-0518,
Santiago, Chile.
Teléfono: (56 2) 473 4000
Fax: (56 2) 473 4101 ?
Call Center: 600 4738000
5. Databases of enforcement actions/fines etc imposed by banking
regulator/capital market regulator like SEC.
Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros de Chile
Click on link ?Novedades?
Choose ?Sanciones?
Contact information:
Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros de Chile
Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 1449,
Código Postal 834-0518,
Santiago, Chile.
Teléfono: (56 2) 473 4000
Fax: (56 2) 473 4101 ?
Call Center: 600 4738000
La Superintendencia de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras
Moneda 1123, Santiago
Casilla 15-D
Fono (56+2) 442 6200
Fax (56+2) 441 0914
Other contact information: |