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Human life span in the Bible
Category: Relationships and Society > Religion Asked by: halejrb-ga List Price: $10.00 |
28 Jun 2005 17:58 PDT
Expires: 28 Jul 2005 17:58 PDT Question ID: 538112 |
In the book of Genesis it's not unusual for people to live several hundred years. (Adam 930 years, Methuselah 969) It's also widely accepted that much of the old testament was written around 1200 to 1000 BC. Now obviously the ancient Jews of 1200 BC knew what a solar year was. After all they lived in an agrarian culture. So is there any reasonable explanation for why life spans in Genisis seem to be off by about a factor of 10? Were they counting months, not years? Are there any mis-translations in the text? Is there any widely accepted selcular explanation? |
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There is no answer at this time. |
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Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: pugwashjw-ga on 29 Jun 2005 03:20 PDT |
There is not a doctor on earth [ secular] that can give you a 'secular' answer. But might this suffice. In the days when King David wrote Psalms, 460 years before Jesus, which complies with your requirement, Psalm 90; verse 10 states that people then were not much different from today. " In themselves, the days of our years are seventy years. And if because of special mightiness they are eighty years....It begs the question, why did not King David doubt the lifespan of his forebears, Adam, Methuselah etc., He realized that the scriptures were inspired and truthful. 900 plus years for both. They were that much closer to perfection. And when the prophecy at Revelation 21;4 is fulfilled, we might again aspire to such ages. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: politicalguru-ga on 29 Jun 2005 04:50 PDT |
Dear Halejrb, An interesting question indeed. I am posting the information here as a comment, but if you feel that this would satisfy you as an answer, please let me know: Explanation A: Myths and symbols. The Bible would like to distinguish the antediluvian era (before the flood) and after flood. Please note, that these longevity myths were common in those periods, and similar myths could be found among other ancient cultures. Enoch, Methuselah's father, hasn't died according to the Bible: "Enoch was a just man, walked with God, lived 365 years, and then was taken by God without dying" (Wikipedia, Enoch, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch>). Several books that have been left out of the "official" version of the Bible give us this impression, in particular the pseudepigraphical apocryphal Book of Enoch (ibid and see: Wikipedia, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Enoch>). This era is also marked, for example, by the Nephilim. Explanation B: "Some maintain that the unusually high longevity of Biblical patriarchs is the result of an error in translation: lunar cycles were mistaken for the solar ones, and the actual ages are 12.37 times less. This gives 78 years for Methuselah, which is still an impressive number, bearing in mind the life expectancy of Biblical times. Methuselah's fathering of Lamech would correspondingly have occurred at solar age 15 (187÷12.37). (This theory however, seems doubtful to others since patriarchs such as Mahalalel (ibid 5:15) and Enoch (ibid 5:21) were said to have become fathers after 65 "years." If the lunar cycle theory were accepted this would translate to an age of about 5 years and 2 months." (Wikipedia, Methuselah, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methuselah>). Explanation C: " Creationists have proposed a number of ideas for the dramatic decrease in lifespans following the flood of Noah's time. One was that conditions before the flood caused much less ultraviolet light from the sun to impact the earth, and that this allowed for longer life spans. The latest proposal is that it is due to the genetic bottleneck that would have been caused by the flood, causing loss of longevity genes." (Wikipedia, <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methuselah>). |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: pugwashjw-ga on 29 Jun 2005 18:38 PDT |
The Wickipedia answer supplied by Politicalguru implies that Enoch was 'taken' by God 'without' dying. To many people, this could be taken to mean that he was transported to heaven. When the scripture at John 3;13 is taken into account, "Moreover, no man has ascended into heaven , but he [Jesus] that desc ended from heaven, the son of man". So Enoch did die an earthly death, but in a way known only to God, that probably caused no pain or discomfort. It is possible that because of Enoch's judgement against the ungodly [ Jude 14,15]he was in mortal danger from them and was rescued from a cruel death. The Bible says little in the way of explanations, but if all the scriptures are considered, it is possible to clarify the situation. Enoch's body, like that of Moses, was nowhere to be found. Deuteronomy 34; 5,6 & Jude 9. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: halejrb-ga on 29 Jun 2005 18:56 PDT |
I like the idea of confusing lunar months with solar years. But it just doesn't hold up. The ancient Jews knew how to tell time and they knew the difference between a month and a year. It's hard to see how mis-translations could account for fantastic life spans. One of the Dead Sea Scrolls contains a copy of the Book of Isaiah. It's a couple thousand years old and yet it's almost word for word the same writing that's been passed down through the centuries. The bottom line: The Jews didn't make errors or "mis- translations" in copying their sacred texts. Also if the month/year confusion was due to mis-translations some linguist would have discovered it by now. My own theory is that the Book of Genesis is fiction. Some highly intelligent thinker (call him Moses) was wondering how the world came to be and why men have to work so hard. So he derived a creation story that is not that far off from the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution. The idea of the Fall of Man is not that different from the idea of the evolution of consciousness. The evolution of consciousness is the equivelant of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Once men became conscious beings they realized that they were different from other animals and that the world was not a garden. In short Genesis is a remarkable intellectual achievement. But just as Homer added gods and goddesses in writing about the history of the Trojan War, so too the author of Genesis couldn?t' resist exaggerating. Hence we get extreme life spans, world wide floods, talking snakes etc. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: pugwashjw-ga on 29 Jun 2005 19:16 PDT |
Dear Halejrb. Consider this. All the books of the Bible were written over 1500 years. And they have a common theme. The restoration of man, through Jesus, back to perfection. No one Bible writer ever denies what another has written. 40 men over 1500 years? The thought of only one mans ideas, in this case, Moses, exaggerating life spans, floods and snakes being totally supported by all those other writers is really stretching credibility. One single scripture covers the whole Bible. 2Timothy 3;16 "All scripture is inspired of God.... |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: fruitfly_-ga on 30 Jun 2005 01:49 PDT |
Hi all!! I agree - it's a very interesting question. But ? hey - it's also one that DOES have the aswer, so there's no need to say something like ?It's all a lie? in resignation. (I hope the length of the post won't discourage you from reading it ? ) As it was mentioned,some have concluded that the years listed in the Bible for these men must have been shorter, perhaps only a month in length. However, it's very easily ruled out; this does not agree with the context in which the Bible mentions the age at which men such as Kenan and Mahalalel died: ?Kenan lived on for seventy years. Then he became father to Mahalalel. And after his fathering Mahalalel Kenan continued to live eight hundred and forty years. Meanwhile he became father to sons and daughters. So all the days of Kenan amounted to nine hundred and ten years and he died. And Mahalalel lived on for sixty-five years. Then he became father to Jared.? (Gen. 5:12-15) Now, if we were to replace the word ?years? with ?months,? this would mean that both Kenan and Mahalalel became fathers before they were six years old. This certainly is unreasonable! ?:-) I can find you more proofs in the Bible that deal with this way of reasoning, but I guess this will do. If not ? say so. Next, I just dont get the logic that stands behind trying to explain this question by ?confusing lunar with solar years and/or months???? The Bible speaks of ?lunar months.? (Ex. 2:2; Deut. 21:13; 33:14; Ezra 6:15) Our modern months are not lunar months, for they are not determined by the moon. They are merely 12 ARBITRARY divisions of the solar year. A lunar month is a month that is determined by the new moon. There are four phases of the moon, which make up one lunation averaging 29 days, 12 hours, and 44 minutes. One has only to look at the shape of the moon to tell approximately the day of the lunar month. Neat, huh? Until the time of Christ, most nations used lunar years for counting time, employing various ways of adjusting the year to coincide more or less with the solar year. The common lunar year of 12 lunar months has 354 days, with the months having 29 or 30 days, depending on the appearance of each new moon. The lunar year is therefore about 11 1/4 days short of the true solar year of 365 1/4 days. The Hebrews followed the lunar year. Just how they adjusted this year to coincide with the solar year and the seasons is not explained in the Bible, but they must have added additional, or intercalary months when needed. The arrangement of intercalary months was later systematized in the fifth century B.C.E. into what is now known as the Metonic cycle. This allowed for the intercalary month to be added seven times every 19 years, and in the Jewish calendar, it was added after the 12th month, Adar, and was called Veadar, or ?second Adar.? As the lunar calendar is thus adjusted to the sun, the years, which are of 12 (or 13!) months, are known as lunisolar years. The bottom line is the lunar and solar years (thanks to that intercalary month) come to the same! So even if they were confused (wich they weren't) ? so WHAT!? Next ? thanks Pugwash; you have nicely explained what the Bible says about Enoch's death. And also you, Halejrb, you've got it right; Dead Sea Scrolls nicely proove there were no mistakes in copying the Biblical text through the ages. However, before we start saying ?I guess it's...? ?My idea is that...? , a word of caution: You all know very well there are more opinions on a certain subject than there are people participating the discussion. :) Obviously - it's impossible to reach an agreeable conclusion without having a reference. If the subject is ?say- languages, the reference is grammar and dictionary. But if we talk about the Bible, the reference is not peoples' impressions and opinions on the Bible, but the Bible itself! So, finally, let's see what the Bible has to say on the subject: In the perfect state, Adam?s body had the potential of being SUSTAINED forever and that would also have been true of other sinless humans. But, through his disobedience, he ruined his perfection and this shortened his life-span and that of his descendants. ("...just as through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men...")?Rom. 5:12. Another point: Adam's eternal life (not immortallity ? the Bible makes a distinction between the two, but that's a different subject) was not something he had as his property. It was a GIFT, SUSTAINED by Jehovah! So, since man was created to enjoy an endless life-span, it logically follows that Adam and his early descendants must have lived far longer than their later descendants who were FARTHER REMOVED from perfection. This is exactly what the Bible shows to have been the case. After the great flood of Noah?s day that occurred over sixteen centuries from the time of Adam?s creation, human life span dropped sharply. Among those born after the Flood, life span continued to decline more gradually: Adam 930 Seth 912 Enosh 905 Kenan 910 Mahalalel 895 Jared 962 Methuselah 969 Lamech 777 Noah 950 Shem 600 Arpachshad 438 Shelah 433 Eber 464 Peleg 239 Reu 239 Serug 230 Nahor 148 Terah 205 Abraham 175... ...and than we have Moses who says (in 15th century BC) ?In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; And if because of special mightiness they are eighty years,...?(Ps 90:10) The same we would say if asked, don't you agree? (N.B. life span and life expectancy are not the same!; if you were 40 or 50 in Moses' time, you wouldn't be considered old just like you wouldn't today. People don't live longer today than 1000 years ago. It's only that there are more people who live to their old days and less infants' deaths, so the AVERAGE!! is higher!!) Anyway, we can see ? further from perfection ? physical and moral decay becomes more prominent. Hence, according to the Bible, men once did live for centuries. But this is of more than passing interest. It testifies to the fact that God?s original purpose for man was that he might enjoy an endless life-span. This purpose will yet be realized when Jehovah God fulfills his word to bring into existence an earth free from sickness, pain and death.?Rev. 21:3, 4. Knowing that it is not easy for people in our position to believe it, it adds further on: "Write, because these words are faithful and true." |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: adiloren-ga on 30 Jun 2005 20:52 PDT |
It's a metaphor and it is much more than a factor of 10. People didn't even live until 90 years back then. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: fruitfly_-ga on 01 Jul 2005 00:37 PDT |
Hmmm... seems many still don't understand the difference between lifespan and life expectancy? See... Life expectancy in our time is - say- 74-75. This means the statistics say people on average live that long. It doesn't mean people don't die at the age of 100. Nor that you won't get sick and die at 40. it only means that when you add up the age of all the deceised ones and divide that number by their number, you've got the AVERAGE age of their death! Now you may think 'but it may be that majority of people really die at their let's say 67, but those that died at 99 raise the average?' Precisely!!! And to be more specific, life expectancy has increased in the last decades VASTLY because the infants death rate has significantly decreased due to the good health care. And since we speak about an AVERAGE - less children die - higer the life expectancy. So it's not that people suddenly started to live longer! This number doesn't even represent the age at wich MOST people die, let alone a number of years that can't be surpassed. When we talk about the number of the years we are LIMITED to live, we talk about life span. (Logically, it is always higher than life expectancy.) Let's put all of this into the perspective: When Moses says ?In themselves the days of our years are seventy years; And if because of special mightiness they are eighty years,...? he is talking about life span. It's very unlikely they were keeping statistics in the desert like we do today and calculated life expectancy. :) But even if he was refering the life expectancy, 70-80 years would still be the same like in our time! So.. the people they were calling old were of the same age like the people we would call old nowdays; if somebody died at 45, people would say 'too bad; he died YOUNG'. They wouldn't call him old even if on average (life EXPECTANCY) people lived 45. That's a mere average, and since the medicine was not like ours, it's only natural that ON AVERAGE they lived shorter. But they life span was just like ours - they were old when 70-80 . Hope that makes it clear. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: ilmag-ga on 06 Jul 2005 09:58 PDT |
adiloren - How do you know that people didn't live that long back then? How are you certain that it is a metaphor? What are your sources? Do you have any historical sources from the same era that show otherwise? If so, please share. I would be interested in reading them. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: fruitfly_-ga on 06 Jul 2005 14:38 PDT |
The Encyclop?dia Britannica (Macrop?dia, Vol. 10, p. 911) states: ?The exact duration of human life is unknown, although there is presumably a maximum life-span for the human race established in the genetic material. At first thought, this statement seems irrational. Surely no human being can live 1,000 years. Even though all may agree that the likelihood of an individual living 1,000 years is infinitesimal, there is no scientific proof that this statement is or is not true.? Accordingly, from a scientific standpoint, no absolute evidence can be presented to prove or to disprove what the Bible says about the long life-span of certain men in ancient times. The Biblical statements, therefore, stand on their own merit. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: sachinkotak108-ga on 21 Jul 2005 09:59 PDT |
It is not just bible history where people lived for almost a thousand years. Vedic (Indian) history and scripture also agrees. This comes from the idea that there are four ages of eternal time called yugas. Those who lived in earlier yugas had a longer lifespan and used more of their brain (i.e. we only use upto 10% today)! These four ages / yugas are... Satya-yuga (Golden Age) - 1,728,000 human years Life span - 100,000 years Treta-yuga (Silver Age) - 1,296,000 human years Life span - 10,000 years Dvapara-yuga (Copper Age) - 864,000 human years Life span - 1,000 years ** age of Biblical times ** Kali-yuga (Iron Age) - 432,000 human years Life span - 100 years ** we are 5000 years into this age ** More information can be found on http://www.veda.harekrsna.cz/encyclopedia/time.htm#6 SK108 |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: justme22-ga on 26 Aug 2005 12:52 PDT |
One simple fact seems to escape those who don't think Adam and others lived to be over 900 years literaly. That fact is that bible dates and chronology are accurate and if 900 years were something different then years then bible dates would be way out of whack as to when specific people such as certain kings and so forth lived, however secular history confirms bibles dates as regards all information that has been uncovered by archeologists. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: zerosystem-ga on 08 Sep 2005 09:23 PDT |
I'm posting my "answer" in to comments section because no one else than God could answer this question properly. If you read the book of genesis 1:7 God seperated the water under the firmament from the water above the firmament, the firmament wich he called heaven in verse 8. In genesis 7:11 The Bible speaks of the windows of heaven being opened and water pouring out of it. One could speculate that in the days of Noah, there was a physical barrier that contained large ammounts of water, which caused the athmosphere to have different pressure and humidity values than today's. It is believed by some CHristian scientist that these conditions werefavorable for a long life span. (this theory resembles the paleonthologist's theory that in order for the dinosaures, which were enormous, needed higher pressure and humidity to live) Further more, after Noah's flood, The longevity of man started decreasing, due to the athmosphere changing to what we now have. You should not take this "answer" as a truth because it is not founded on facts(like the big bang and darwin's theory) it is a plausible explanation to why poeple lived longer back then I hope you are satisfied with this answer |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: dofknoxville-ga on 20 Sep 2005 21:30 PDT |
Hello I will answer this question as quick as I can. The long ages of these people are simply to show that they are important. They did not actually live that long. The bible is not something that you tmust do a background check on by using the writings, geography, and culture of the time it was written. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: halejrb-ga on 21 Sep 2005 11:47 PDT |
Ok dofknoxville, I like your theory that the writer of Genesis gave people long life spans to show they were important. However, what do you base this theory on? Do you have any evidence that ancient Jews exaggerated life spans as a literary device to show respect for important people? Do you have any evidence that fibbing about life spans was common in Jewish culture back then? |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: spartacusyentl-ga on 29 Sep 2005 01:41 PDT |
Fruitfly, Your logic is flawed and diplays the inherent problems when discussing science with religion. You stated: "The Encyclop?dia Britannica (Macrop?dia, Vol. 10, p. 911) states: ?The exact duration of human life is unknown, although there is presumably a maximum life-span for the human race established in the genetic material. At first thought, this statement seems irrational. Surely no human being can live 1,000 years. Even though all may agree that the likelihood of an individual living 1,000 years is infinitesimal, there is no scientific proof that this statement is or is not true.? Accordingly, from a scientific standpoint, no absolute evidence can be presented to prove or to disprove what the Bible says about the long life-span of certain men in ancient times. The Biblical statements, therefore, stand on their own merit." Scientists do not make a statement as theory and then say "Prove me wrong!" They use evidence from experimental practice to make their claims. We have not had any evidence of anyone in recorded history (3000 years at least) live past 130, let alone 1000. Why not make it 10000 while you're at it. If you're going to use the Bible as your proof for anything, your not going to get much credibility in the scientific community. Save some of that kool-aid for your congregation! |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: dofknoxville-ga on 20 Oct 2005 15:10 PDT |
I get my view from Old Testament Class at a Catholic Seminary. I remember the teacher covering this during one class and this is basically what he said. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: dofknoxville-ga on 20 Oct 2005 17:54 PDT |
I have found some stuff to confirm what I said as a better source. I found this in my Old Testament textbook "Reading the Old Testament An Introduction by Lawrence Boadt. What I am going to say comes from page 123 in the book which describes this as from the Priestly Source. "What has always interested readers is the long lifespan in the Priestly Source. This was not intended as proof that humans lived to such ripe old ages in the first days of the world, but a device to show just how vast a distance seprates our own world experiance from that of the story itself. The "myth" if enormous lifespans was commonly used in the ancient world to show the superiority of the person being descirbed. " A list of Sumerian kings also makes this huge lifespan claim. King Alulin 28, 800yrs King Alagar 36, 000yrs and etc. Even some Hindu Traditions do this when they tell of humans who lived to be 8,400,000 years old. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: guru_ghantal-ga on 16 Nov 2005 13:53 PST |
I have an entirely different take on it ... according to theory of relativity, time is actually relative. So, my hypotheses is that a "year" at that "time" may not be same as the "year" today. According to big bang theory, all galaxies are moving farther and farther away, and they are doing that at a faster rate than before. So, as we move faster and faster, time slows. But the definition of a year is the amount of time earth takes to go around the sun. So, the "year" now is bigger than the year before - Simple - eh!! |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: chrisy2sweet-ga on 17 Nov 2005 10:54 PST |
pugwashjw, you really helped me a lot with a paper i'm doing on the life span of man. Are you a Jehovah's Witness? |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: bradleelandis-ga on 17 Nov 2005 15:35 PST |
I've always been told that the ultraviolant rays were fewer, like pugwashjw-ga mentioned. Maybe because the earth was newer than it is now, and the atmosphere was in better condition. Also, there were fewer bacterias and viruses back then and the ones that they had weren't as developed as they are now. Plus, there were fewer people for bacteria to spread. Personally, I'm not sure if Genesis is fictional or true. But I still believe in God and the Bible. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: fractl-ga on 01 Dec 2005 09:16 PST |
While I will concede that anything is possible, and that disproving a 900 year lifespan cannot be done. At some point one should consider that the astronomical improbability of a 500+ year life (and sucessful reproduction after centuries have passed) happening to so many biblical figures by chance alone makes the idea virtually impossible. Indeed, it's more likely that every translator to read the passage has made the same error than it is to accept so many extrodanary events occuring by coincidence alone. This question is one of many that really strike a chord with me. I love the concept of meta-logic, stepping outside of a system to examine the system itself. This is done quite often in mathematics and philosophy, and usually results in revolutionary approaches to various problems. Attempts to apply this logic to the Bible tends to hit a wall, however. The main reason being that people try to prove the bibles credibility by citing it. Not suprisingly, it more often than not agrees with itself. The two immediate solutions to your question are: A. The bible is correct and the figures did, in fact, live as long as it reports. If one accepts A as true the next step would be reaserching the possible reason for there to be such a change from the time of Adam and Methuselah to modern day. Perhaps simply saying they had a closer relationship with god, they were closer to perfection, or that there was a higher miracle per capita ratio then than there is now (its tough to pay attention to 6,000,000,000 people and still make time to raise the sun each day). or B. The Bible (or at least its interpretation) is incorrect. This becomes shaky ground, because the validity of the entire religion rests on the credibility of the Bible. There are many possible scenarios here, as well. Perhaps its a translation error, perhaps it should not be taken literally, perhaps the whole book is wrong (although this one discrepancy is harldy enough to support a claim like this). I'm concerned that people who feel strongly about religion will unthinkingly accept the Bibles word, and support any explanation that proves it consistant. It's important to realize that doubting the text does not mean you doubt the events that formed Christianity. Perhaps a mistake has been made in translation, wouldn't discovering the true story only make you more faithful? I won't presume to know an answer, but I ask people considering this problem to look beyond the words of a book. Don't support your claims on circular logic alone, the only thing that says the Bible is 100% correct is the Bible itself. You can question the Bible without doubting the Word of God. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: damonhoppe-ga on 08 Dec 2005 04:48 PST |
Sorry to dispell the great mystery here...Its a simple misunderstanding...caused by imposing out understanding on time on a different people...They are not solar years or even lunar ones...The years refer to events... The idea of time divided into discrete units based on an objective critera... The tribe of the Hebrews, was oral tradition and thus did not use such a measuring technique until much later in life, probably obtained from the Egyptains. Rather they measured in the same way we would talk about our personal lives...In the year of 'the flood', in year of 'the famine' etc. So someone who had many years by their name probably lived in interesting times, but may of in fact lived a shorter life, due to all that stress, than someone with less events and therefore less years next to thier name...Or so I was told just yesterday (what a concidence) by my local Biblical Expert and scholar Father Simeon when somone else brought it up... |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: halejrb-ga on 08 Dec 2005 16:31 PST |
An interesting theory Damonhoppe. I have to ask though: Who is Father Simeon? What are his credentials? What is his source for this information? |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: sheryll-ga on 12 Feb 2006 17:10 PST |
IMO: We are currently using the Julian Calendar that was made after the Old Testament. They had a different calendar to base their time/date on. |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: doooode-ga on 02 May 2006 18:49 PDT |
Hello, i beleive that people in the Old Testament did live this long because if Adam didnt live as long as he did .. would it be possible for him to have so many babies to repopulate the earth? |
Re: Human life span in the Bible
From: myoarin-ga on 03 May 2006 08:33 PDT |
Good point, Dooode, something to bring up on the next question about creationism. How does it deal with this little problem? Hmmm? Well, it doesn't seem that there was anything against incest until Moses, a couple of books later, and Adam and Eve and Cain had no faulty genes to cause problems, but: 4:16 And Cain went out from the presence of the LORD, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. 4:17 And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch: and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch. Where did all those folks in Nod come from, enough to populate a city??? |
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