keithc-ga - I can give you the answer, however, I know it is not what
you want to hear. According to Outlooks help files, Outlook can't
force an appointment to remain fixed when the time zone changes. If
you need the appointment to stay at a fixed time, you should not
change your current time zone.
To change the time zone setting in Outlook without changing the times
for each of your appointments, you can try to export the data from
your Calendar folder, change the time zone setting, and then import
the data into Outlook.
You can export to Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word,
Microsoft PowerPoint, or to a Personal Folders file.
On the File menu, click Import and Export.
Click Export to a file, and then click Next.
In the list, click the file type you want to export to, and then click Next.
If you want to export to a file for use in Word or PowerPoint, choose
either Tab Separated Values or Comma Separated Values.
Follow the instructions in the Import and Export Wizard.
To Import the calendar back into Outlook, use the Import and Export
Wizard to move the contents of the file into a folder that you specify
in Outlook
I hope this helps you. If anything needs further clarification, please let me kow!
Google Researcher
Outlook Search Terms: "Troubleshoot time zones", "Exporting Calendar"
& "Importing Calendar" |
Clarification of Answer by
01 Jul 2005 10:00 PDT
If you import calendar items into Outlook that are duplicates of items
that already exist in your Calendar folder, and you select the Allow
duplicates to be created option in the Import and Export Wizard, you
can delete the duplicate calendar items after the import process is
completed. Removing the duplicate calendar items is a manual process,
but the following is the easiest way to do it:
In Calendar, select the calendar folder where there are duplicate calendar items.
On the View menu, point to Arrange By, point to Current View, and then
click By Category.
Click the Subject column heading to arrange all calendar items by subject.
Hold down CTRL while you click each duplicate calendar item in the list.
When you have selected all the duplicate calendar items, press DELETE.
Note If you do not want duplicate calendar items when you import
calendar items into Outlook, select the Do not import duplicates
option or the Replace duplicates with items imported option in the
Import and Export Wizard.
Hope this helps!