It appears that, in addition to beneficial effects, certain "fish oil"
lipids such as those in Lyprinol may have anticoagulant
(blood-thinning) properties. Lyprinol contains omega 3 fatty acids,
specifically eicosatetraenoic acids (ETA's,) which are precursors to
series 3 prostaglandins. Prostaglandins have anti-inflammatory effects
and also anticlotting effects.
Here are a few citations that give weight to the possibility that
Lyprinol serves as a blood thinner:
from :
"Omega 3 fatty acids may also act as an anticoagulant to prevent blood
from clotting."
from :
"Omega-3’s have been shown to have an antithrombotic effect on
platelet function, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
In other words, they thin the blood."
from :
"Omega 3 research in the United States, Europe and Asia has focused on
the possible blood lipid-lowering and anticoagulant effects."
Here are two articles that specifically mention fish oil pills in
connection with bruising:
from :
"[Penny] Kris-Etherton [of the American Heart Association]... says
fish oil pills can cause side effects, such as an upset stomach,
excessive belching, increased bleeding and nosebleeds, and easy
from :
"Potential Side Effects of Fish Oil Capsules... Coagulation: Increased
bleeding time may result in nosebleeds, easy bruising."
Search strategy:
"fatty acids" + "anticoagulant"
"lyprinol" + "anticoagulant"
"prostaglandins" + "anticoagulant"
"omega 3" + "bruising"
I hope this information is useful to you. Keep in mind that Google
Answers is not an authoritative source of medical advice, and is
certainly not a substitute for a visit to your doctor.
Best regards,
pinkfreud |