I am looking to find a Latin motto to encompass a concept that I've
found really helpful in life.
The source concept is pretty straightforward, and there may be a well
known Latin phrase already in print. Or you may need to write a new
Correct conjugation and succinct phrasing is _very_ important, as
there is a good chance I?ll get a tattoo of this phrase on my
This is the concept: The idea that through investment of time and
energy and ambition you will be able to enjoy things otherwise outside
your reach, enjoy the fruits of your labour. The simplest English
phrasing I've come up with is "Efforts come to Fruition". I
particularly like the word Fruition as part of that, as its group of
meanings tends to encompass the entire idea: (esp definitions 1 and 2)
fru?i?tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fr-shn)
Realization of something desired or worked for; accomplishment: labor
finally coming to fruition.
Enjoyment derived from use or possession.
The condition of bearing fruit.
I found the following Latin glossary translations on this page
> enitor, eniti, enisus sum (1st conjugation deponent verb) "to work one's
way up, climb, give birth to, exert oneself, make an effort" (+infinitive)
> vita, vitae (1st declension feminine noun) "life, way of life"
> fructus, fructus (4th declension masculine noun) "fruit, produce,
proceeds, profit, payoff, income, reward"
I hope these give you a starting point as to what I am looking for.
Please feel free to find more appropriate or elegant words to use. I'm
looking for something around 3 words, maybe even 2 if there is some
well known Latin saying encompassing this concept.
I'd like the answer to include the following:
1)The final phrase, or perhaps a few phrases to choose from if there
are different flavours to each.
2) Their English translation as a phrase and concept.
3) A word by word breakdown of the phrase
If the phrase is a well known latin motto or concept
1) The final phrase
2)Some links to usage of this phrase and their context, and any
history or past affiliations of this phrase with groups or movements
I hope this project is fun for someone well versed in Latin.
Best Regards
-Noah |