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Hitler in WW1
Category: Miscellaneous Asked by: marksem-ga List Price: $20.00 |
04 Jul 2005 06:38 PDT
Expires: 03 Aug 2005 06:38 PDT Question ID: 539790 |
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Re: Hitler in WW1
Answered By: scriptor-ga on 07 Jul 2005 05:28 PDT |
Dear marksem, Unfortunately, it is not possible to give you a direct answer. The personnel records of the Imperial German Army are not available online. But I have nevertheless good news for you: While many German archives were destroyed in World War II, the former Bavarian military archive suffered almost no damages. So almost all records are still available for research. Adolf Hitler, albeit still an Austrian citizen when war broke out in 1914, enlisted with the Bavarian army as a volunteer (the various states of Imperial Germany had their own armies, with a joint high command). Hitler's regiment was the Bayerisches Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 16 (16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment). And the muster rolls and personnel records of this regiment are now held by the Bavarian Central State Archive in Munich. If Andrij/Ilja Semotiuk ever served in the Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 16, as Hitler did, his name must be in the regimental personnel records. Upon request, the archive will assist research and look up information from their inventory. If the research is of genealogical or academic character, the services are generally free of charge. To request research assistance or a look-up of information, please contact the Bavarian Central State Archive, Dept. IV, War Archive (don't hesitate to contact them in English): Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv Abt. IV Kriegsarchiv Leonrodstr. 57 80636 München Germany -- Phone: +49(0)89-18951680 E-Mail: kriegsarchiv@bayhsta.bayern.de Website: http://www.gda.bayern.de/hsta00.htm I hope that this, since it is not possible to obtain the information you require from online sources, will be helpful for your research. Best regards, Scriptor |
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Re: Hitler in WW1
From: myoarin-ga on 04 Jul 2005 08:25 PDT |
Hi Marksem-ga, Hitler's rank in WW I was "Gefreiter", which is not "corporal" but "lance corporal". This is not a non-commissioned officer's rank, so Hitler did not have any soldiers serving under him. This is explained in the last two quotations from Wikipedia below. The first two just confirm that Hitler ended his WW I military service as a "Gefreiter" or lance corporal. I included the German site - that may be more "friendly" to Hitler - just to confirm that the Jewish site did not understate his rank. The last line in the German translate: "Above [the rank of] Gefreiter, Hitler did not rise." Hitler served as a courier during the war, was injured and was gassed in the last four weeks of the war. In Gefechtspausen vertreibt sich Hitler die Zeit mit Malen, Zeichnen, Lesen und Gedichte schreiben. Im Jahr 1918 bekam Hitler erst das Regimentsdiplom für hervorragende Tapferkeit, danach das Eiserne Kreuz erster Klasse. Freiherr von Godin: ?Als Meldegänger leistete er sowohl im Stellungskrieg, als auch im Bewegungskrieg Vorbildliches an Kaltblütigkeit und Schneid und war stets freiwillig bereit, Meldungen in schwierigsten lagen unter größter Lebensgefahr durchzubringen. Ich halte Hitler würdig zur Auszeichnung mit dem EK 1.? Über den Gefreiten kam Hitler nie hinaus. http://www.hitler-biographie.de/Hitler_3.html In May 1913 Hitler left Vienna for Munich and, when war broke out in August 1914, he joined the Sixteenth Bavarian Infantry Regiment, serving as a despatch runner. Hitler proved an able, courageous soldier, receiving the Iron Cross (First Class) for bravery, but did not rise above the rank of Lance Corporal. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/hitler.html United States Marine Corps Lance Corporal insignia (USMC) Lance Corporal insignia (USMC) In the U.S. Marine Corps, Lance Corporal is the third lowest enlisted rank, just above Private First Class and below Corporal. It is not a non-commissioned officer military rank. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lance_Corporal During World War I and World War II, Gefreiter was considered more to be a lance corporal, with the rank of full corporal known as Unteroffizier (lowest grading Junior Non-Commissioned Officer), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gefreiter Myoarin |
Re: Hitler in WW1
From: myoarin-ga on 05 Jul 2005 16:44 PDT |
Since you have provided names to check, the approach to an answer has changed considerably, which is not apparent from the subject line. Maybe Scriptor-ga, a researcher who is an expert at finding people can help you - and will notice his name here. Good luck to you both, Myoarin |
Re: Hitler in WW1
From: myoarin-ga on 07 Jul 2005 20:11 PDT |
From here, thanks, Scriptor-ga. I wasn't sure if it was fair to call you in, but you proved this was in your field. No reply needed. Myoarin |
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