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Q: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible? ( No Answer,   15 Comments )
Subject: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
Category: Reference, Education and News > Teaching and Research
Asked by: drclintjones-ga
List Price: $20.00
Posted: 05 Jul 2005 02:22 PDT
Expires: 16 Jul 2005 14:29 PDT
Question ID: 540055
Creation vs Evolution.
1) I need to find as much scientific evidence/research backing up the
biblical story of Creation as possible. People have been arguing for
ages that either God created the universe and all in it, or it was the
result of pure chance(big bang) - I need to find all the arguments
that support the Creation account.
2) I need as much scientific evidence/research which supports some of
the famous stories in the bible, like the flood, Jesus' miracles, etc.

Obviously, it would help if the people who gave the evidence were
experts in their field, i.e. mathematics, science, astronomy, biology,
history, geology, geography, etc.

One good example of what I am looking for is Dr Carl Baugh's work in
the USA found here -


Request for Question Clarification by mathtalk-ga on 16 Jul 2005 13:03 PDT
Hi, drclintjones-ga:

I thought I'd inquire what sort of Answer, if any at this point, might
interest you.

Your subject line, Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?,
suggested to me quite a different Question than the criteria laid down
in the body of your post:

"1) I need to find as much scientific evidence/research backing up the
biblical story of Creation as possible...

"One good example of what I am looking for is Dr Carl Baugh's work in
the USA found here...[Welcome to CEM Online]"

When I looked at this site, which I think by any standard is more a
commercial offering than a work of scholarship, I found conflicting
indications of what you might want.

On a positive note there was this about Bible credibility (using
"mathematical" twice in short space of words!):

"This book will demonstrate that every chronological statement
contained in the Bible is consistent with all other chronological
statements. Author Floyd Nolen Jones carefully and thoroughly
investigates the chronological and mathematical facts of the Old
Testament, proving them to be accurate and reliable. This biblically
sound, scholarly, and easy-to-understand book will enlighten and
astound you with solutions to many questions Bible scholars have had
over the centuries. Its features include:

    ? Scriptural solutions to many biblical mathematical controversies


However that describes, not work by Dr. Carl Baugh, but rather a book
The Chronology of the Old Testament: Solving the Bible?s Most
Intriguing Mysteries by Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones.

What the CEM Website says (in part) about Dr. Baugh's work is:

"Dr. Carl Baugh, the museum?s Founder and Director, originally came to
Glen Rose, Texas to critically examine claims of human and dinosaur
co-habitation. He conducted extensive excavations along the Paluxy
River, with appropriate permission of the landowners. These original
excavations yielded human footprints among dinosaur footprints (see
the Director?s doctoral dissertation)."

Hence my confusion.  While I can well imagine that mathematical
propositions, known to be eternally demonstrable, would lend
credibility to the Bible, it becomes with regard to Dr. Baugh's work a
matter of defending the Bible against the incredulous huckstering in
which such long-ago disproven claims find a haven.

Let's stop and ask ourselves if anyone has ever described a passage of
the Bible as depicting men and dinosaurs walking together?  Chapter
and verse, anyone?

So, while I can imagine a distant chorus of Readers shouting "Ah, but
it proves that scientists are wrong!", I do not think the credibility
of the Bible is well served merely by denigrating scientists'
credibility.  Indeed your request here is for "as much scientific
evidence/research backing up the biblical story of Creation as

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Item 0:  Scientists say dinosaurs died "quickly" as such things go
about 65 million years ago, presumably in chronological juxtaposition
with the KT boundary event widely thought to an asteroid impact near
what is the Yucatan peninsula.  In the scientific view Humankind
"evolutionarily diverged" from the other "great apes" only within the
past 4-10 million years.  Human cultural attainments are so important
to its species characteristics that there is wide range for opinion
about when precisely we arrived at being "thoroughly modern".  But the
distribution of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in our genetic
code points to various genetic bottleneck events within the past
200,000 years, that strongly support what is called the "modern
out-of-Africa" theory:

[Using DNA to Unravel Man's Ancient Origins]

which discusses the most recent common ancestor of all males ("Adam")
based on Y chromosome studies and the most recent common ancestor of
all females ("Eve") based on mitochondrial studies.  It says in part:

"...the most recent ancestor of all males living today was a man who
lived in Africa around 59,000 years ago. The results came after
drawing up a genetic family tree of mankind by studying variations in
the Y-chromosome of 1,062 men in 22 geographical areas including
Pakistan, India, Cambodia, Laos, Australia, New Guinea, America, Mali,
Sudan, Ethiopia and Japan. Some modern-day men living in what is now
Sudan, Ethiopia and southern Africa are believed to be the closest
living descendants of the first humans left Africa 35,000-89,000 years
ago. It also concluded that the common matrilineal origin was some
80,000 years earlier, circa 140,000 BP (before the present)."

In other words "Eve" is more than twice as old as "Adam", or in "plain
language" that our female sexual ancestory is considerably more
diverse than our male sexual ancestory.

In a formal Answer, I could of course provide several scholarly
presentations on this material, though you can easily track some down
from the links on the article above.  See for example the Wikipedia
article and references about this advanced subspecies of Homo sapiens,
believed to have been an "advanced speaker":

[Homo sapiens idaltu]

Moreover closely-related species to us are thought by scientists to
have died out comparatively recently:

[Homo erectus -- died out in Asia some 25,000 years ago (??)]

Based on a study of the co-evolution of humans and head lice; disputed.

[Homo florensis -- died out on Indonesian island Flores < 18,000 years ago]

Last year's discovery; widely accepted.

If you believe that birds are descendants of dinosaurs, and in some
remote sense very specialized dinosaurs in themselves, then I see no
reason you couldn't legitimately argue this evidence that humans and
dinosaurs "walked together".  But if the aim is more that "science is
wrong", I fail to see how this helps the case for Bible credibility
one way or the other.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Item 1:  When I read the beginning of the book of Genesis, I have the
impression that there are two accounts of Creation given there.  Bible
scholarship tells us that the first "days of the week" account is from
a source known through other portions of the Torah/Pentateuch/books of
Moses as P (for priestly), and the second "Adam and Eve" account is
from a source known in a similar sense as J (after the Holy proper
name of G*d; takes too long right now to explain WHY).

As I told an Israeli colleague of mind, I cannot imagine that someone
with enough ingenuity to reconcile these two accounts could not
equally reconcile the scientific evidence with them, if they chose to
do so.

Please note that a widely broadcast Protestant fundamentalist
apocolytic doctrine holds that an entirely previous Creation of a
perfect world by G*d is concealed in the unspoken interlude between
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gen. 1:1)
and "The earth was without form and void..." (Gen. 1:2).  This
doctrine posits the creation and fall of the Angels, including Satan,
before the accounts we have now (asserting further G*d's plan for
redemption of the physical world through Jesus, a Son of Humankind).

So realistically I'll have to ask your Clarification of which Biblical
account of creation you have in mind.  I consider myself a student of
such things, but I can't think of one that rises or falls with Fred
Flintstone and Dino taking a walk together.  Possibly you have in mind
a "Young Earth" theory, some of which have proposed that evidenced of
times prior to a literal "week" of creation within the past 6,000
years or so is an illusion intentionally created by G*d or perhaps
Satan.  As is obvious, if one can accept explanations on that basis,
there really shouldn't be any longing for "scientific" evidence, since
any incongruous facts are openly dismissed as illusions.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

Item 2:  Mathematics, on the other hand, seems to me an excellent
potential source of knowledge that enhances the credibility of the
Bible, specifically in connection with the accounts of creation we
find in Genesis.  At least as we read these accounts today, from our
modern understanding of the physical world, both accounts stress the
occurrence of events within some finite past time/history of this
world we inhabit today.  This may not seem at all remarkable, but it
is remarkable in a purely philosophical way.  That is, there appears
to be no apriori logical reason why the physical universe should have
a finite age, a point carefully considered (if perhaps carelessly
presented) by Kant.  So to find both Biblical accounts in something of
a striking agreement on what is certainly (up to the discovery of the
MBE and the general acceptance of some sort of Big Bang cosmology by
scientists) a major controversy, to me is a point in the favor of
Bible credibility that should be respected.

If this is truly the subject matter you are interested in, I'd be
honored to share what few mathematical gems I can think of to report
in this connection.

regards, mathtalk-ga
There is no answer at this time.

Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: myoarin-ga on 05 Jul 2005 06:12 PDT
I will be very interested to see what scientific evidence/research can
be presented to back up the biblical story of Creation.

As to Dr. Carl Baugh's work being a "good example of what I am looking for,"
this site by another supporter of Creationist theory casts doubt on
the value of Baugh's work and on the academic qualifications he
Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: tutuzdad-ga on 05 Jul 2005 06:40 PDT
I can't answer your question in the way you are hoping but consider
this from someone who prefers to believe the creationism theory: It
doesn't take a rocket scientists to figure this out. The facts are
there for everyone to see. DNA is so complicated in it's makeup and so
fragile in its maticulously arranged components that the natural
accidental/incidental rising of life and subsequent evolution of even
ONE thinking creature from the surface of an otherwise void Earth is
about as probable as an F5 tornado blowing through a junkyard and
rearranging the trash so that it accidentally/incidentally leaves in
its wake a perfect, fully furnished replica of Buckingham Palace.

Personally I find evolution (as an origin) a much more absurd concept
than creationism. But that's just me.

Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: drclintjones-ga on 05 Jul 2005 06:42 PDT
Thanks for the link.

Carl Baugh's work may be inaccurate, incomplete and even complete
nonsense, but he does present the kind of TOPICS and DISCUSSION that I
am interested in.

I am very sceptical about taking one point of view and making a
doctrine of it, this is the way cults are formed. So, let's see what
else comes out of my question, and go from there.
Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: richard-ga on 05 Jul 2005 10:41 PDT
It may not take a rocket scientist to figure out the origin and, dare
I say it, evolution of DNA.  But it does take a scientist.
Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: pinkfreud-ga on 05 Jul 2005 10:49 PDT
You might be interested in reading the work of the Canadian astronomer
Dr. Hugh Ross. Some of his essays are linked on his website:
Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: kriswrite-ga on 05 Jul 2005 11:42 PDT
There are quite a few books out there on the subject; I especially
recommend "The Young Earth" by John D. Morris (
) . Also, try these websites. Creation Science:
, Creationism: , and
Terrestrial Soup:

Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: nfpolaris-ga on 05 Jul 2005 12:21 PDT
This is the best book i've found on the subject:

?My road to atheism was paved by science . . . But, ironically, so was
my later journey to God.??Lee StrobelDuring his academic years, Lee
Strobel became convinced that God was outmoded, a belief that colored
his ensuing career as an award-winning journalist at the Chicago
Tribune. Science had made the idea of a Creator irrelevant?or so
Strobel thought.But today science is pointing in a different
direction. In recent years, a diverse and impressive body of research
has increasingly supported the conclusion that the universe was
intelligently designed. At the same time, Darwinism has faltered in
the face of concrete facts and hard reason.Has science discovered God?
At the very least, it?s giving faith an immense boost as new findings
emerge about the incredible complexity of our universe. Join Strobel
as he reexamines the theories that once led him away from God. Through
his compelling and highly readable account, you?ll encounter the
mind-stretching discoveries from cosmology, cellular biology, DNA
research, astronomy, physics, and human consciousness that present
astonishing evidence in The Case for a Creator."
Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: chslaw-ga on 05 Jul 2005 23:00 PDT
You might consider looking at the website if the Institute for
Creation Research:
Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: dprk007-ga on 07 Jul 2005 18:20 PDT
My contribution

Hope this adds to your resourses!!!

Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: dprk007-ga on 07 Jul 2005 18:40 PDT
while poking around the link provided by MYOARIN
I came upon this link which I think is an absolute gem.

Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: myoarin-ga on 08 Jul 2005 04:47 PDT
Yes, dprk007-ga, that is interesting. While browsing through a couple
of interviews with scientists, in which they admitted to the dychotomy
between their beliefs and their work, it occurred to me that
creationist who are not scientists have the same problem, but can
usually ignore it  - as we all ignore many dychotomies in our daily
Usually they are about matters we don't have to confront; usually
there is an obvious, practical choice  (my job,livelihood and family
support vs knowing that my company polutes, supplies the weapons
industry, etc.).  And usually we can seek social groups that agree
with our choice in these dychotomies.

Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: dprk007-ga on 08 Jul 2005 18:31 PDT
Yet another website (again linked to MYOARIN's original website)

I was amazed when I read this stuff. I am not a trained Physicist or
Astronomer (although I do read quite a bit on both subjects
Phusics/Astronomy). I therefore apologize to anyone if my
interpetation of this article is incorrect.

So here is what I understand to be the gist of the article.

  - The central issue at hand is how to reconcile the age of the
Earth/Universe as is currently accepted by most
/geologists to the values accepted by creationist/"Intelligent Design"
    Conventional scientific theories put the age of the Earth at 4.5 billion
 years and the Universe at 14 billion. Creationist/Intelligent Design
theories put the age of the Earth and Universe at approximately 10000
Years (Order of magnitude difference of 1 million).
    The article attempts to justify the 10000 year timeframe while
explaining away the embarassing fact that many astronomical objects we
observe (i.e. Globular Clusters, Androemeda Galaxy, Quasars) are more
than 10000 light years away thus meaning they existed before the
beginning of the Universe.

   Three explanations are offered to explain this problem:

  1  At the time of creation God created light rays to make these
objects appear (i.e. while any astronomical object closer than 10000
light years are real any object further away is a non-Real image which
God created at the point of creation).

2. For objects further away than the 10000 light years, God simply
"speeded up" the Speed of Light at the time of creation. Thus the
Androemada Galaxy is a real object at two million light years. However
as it was created only 10000 years ago , the speed of the original
light emanating from it was much faster than the 300000 kms /sec which
we now measure as the actual speed of light. In this way we can
actually observe it (Good Trick!)

3. At the time of Creation most of the activity according to
creationists happened over a period of 6 days. However many objects in
the universe appear to be billions of years old. This can however be
explained by a massive time dilation affect caused by the introduction
of  all the matter into the universe. In effect this means that while
timeframes measured at the boundary of the universe could be billions
of yesrs , the time frame from perspective of an observer on earth
would be a mere six days!
As to this last explanation while on the one hand I think it is
ingenious it also sounds like the plot to a Grade B Sci-Fi movie.

Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: dprk007-ga on 10 Jul 2005 13:21 PDT
I have to say I was fascinated and indeed somewhat intrigued when I
started to examine some of these Websites and their links.

I would like to make the following observations and to also
to express some personal opinions (with which not every one may be in
agreement :-) )

-	The Websites in general are well constructed and appealing to
someone who may be new to them. In some the use of alternate language
is impressive and indeed one may call them slick.

-	They contain a lot of science and also a lot of theology with
respect to a strict Christian interpretation of the bible.

-	In many cases the science is accurate and factual almost as if it
were copied out of a standard science textbook or a modern book
written about Astronomy,  biology, geology or cosmology.

-	In some cases the science is simply total gobbledygook written by
someone who has had only basic or no training in the relevant fields
of science. However for someone who is not a trained scientist this
stuff may come across as pretty impressive.

-	There are many criticisms of aspects of modern science especially
with respect to evolution, biology, geology astronomy and Cosmology.
In many cases the criticisms are simply totally unfair and/or

-	As an example to my above point, creationists appear to reject the
idea that there may be other intelligent civilizations in our
Universe. To support this they point to the lack of evidence currently
produced by the SETI program and also the fact that none of the UFO
sightings have been proved to be extraterrestrial beings. Many
postulates, hypothesis, theories have taken years if not centuries to
verify. Just because there is currently no evidence supporting an
hypothesis does not mean it is wrong. The fourteenth century Italian
philosopher Giordino Bruno hypothesized that planets circle other
stars. This was only verified in 1995.

-	Most of these websites refer to an alternate theory called
?Intelligent Design?. My understanding  of ?intelligent Design? is
that it is a scientific theory which will explain evolutionary Biology
, Geology and cosmology in the context of the literal interpretation
of the bible especially with respect to the fact that the age of both
the Universe and planet Earth is approximately 10000 years.

-	I find it difficult to find anywhere in these sites an actual lucid
description of what ?Intelligent Design?  actually IS. When it comes
to the point where I think I am going to hear an explanation about the
key aspects of the theory, I see the usual mindless quotes of the
bible and more criticism of conventional theories of science.

-	Further to my last point, where is the actual science to back up
?intelligent Design?? Where are the pier reviewed articles on the
subject in scientific journals such as ?NATURE?? Where is the
experimental and observational evidence? Despite the fact that some of
these sites have very nice graphics detailing the scientific process
of verification I do not see where any of this is applied to
?Intelligent Design? !

-	Many names of supposed experts are also quoted in these sites. Just
because someone has a degree or even a doctorate in science DOES NOT
make them an expert or an authority on the subject.

-	Creationists and the ?Intelligent Design? theory reject the Big Bang
theory which is the cornerstone of Modern Cosmology. The scientist who
proposed the Big Bang theory was George Lemaitre a Belgian Astronomer
and Roman Catholic priest. Although he was in every sense a devout
Christian , he never let his faith interfere in his pursuit of
Scientific Knowledge.
-	And of course all of the above points would be of purely academic
interest , if it were not true that Creationists and proponents of
?Intelligent Design? have already hijacked /usurped the teaching of
the well established theories of Evolutionary Biology from some
American Schools. As many of these sites also refer to aspects of
Astronomy, Cosmology and Geology, are the teachings of conventional
theories of these subjects now going to have to compete with
Intelligent Design? Will Geological museums be forced to include
?Christian/Biblical? explanations for the origin of its exhibits? Or
will Planetariums be forced to show biblical versions of the creation
of the Universe with the Earth and the rest of the universe been
created in 4004BC and man arriving 6 days later to be precise on
October 23rd 4004BC at nine o?clock in the morning?

-	Which brings me to my final point. This is not meant to be an attack
on the private religious views of anybody. However in many of these
Websites there appears to be a hidden agenda on behalf of Creationist
community to impose an alternate theory (i.e. ?Intelligent Design?) on
the scientific establishment to allow for their literal interpretation
of the bible. Considering that there is neither a clear definition of
what ?Intelligent Design? or any evidence to back it up, I believe
that Creationists are very arrogant to attempt to impose this on
general scientific community. Frankly I believe that ?Intelligent
Design? is a totally bogus theory and again I reiterate all this would
be totally academic except for the fact that this stuff is been
officially taught in some American Schools as a supposed respectable
theory in place of Evolutionary Biology.
So are we going to see ?Intelligent Design? taught in place of the 
Big Bang Theory or the standard theories of Geological formation of
the earth?
And where is the scientific establishment to stop the propagation of this nonsense?


Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: dprk007-ga on 10 Jul 2005 13:39 PDT
I certainly take your point that many people will have a dichotamy
between their private religous beliefs/views and what they do for a
living (especially if they are scientists). Like George Lemaitre many
scientists who are also deeply religous can often deal with this
dichotamy by taking a pragmatic view of their religous beliefs. For
Christians this may mean a less than literal interpetation of the

With the respect to my last two somewhat longwinded contributions to
this thread , I am pointing out my own view that some creationists are
imposing their (untested) scientific beliefs on the rest of the
scientific community.
Subject: Re: Creation vs Evolution - is the Bible credible?
From: myoarin-ga on 10 Jul 2005 13:57 PDT
I thought that was interesting, not having the patience to read those
sites, thanks.  I agree with you.  One can be a Christian without
being a creationist, e.g., George Lemaitre and Giordano and many
Is Intelligent Design the concept of God, the great clockmaker, which
I believe arose during the period of the enlightenment?  Maybe carried
to a higher level to account for what we know about the cosmos and the
speed of light?

From what you say about I D, it sounds like its proponents are having
to bend over backwards to deal with the scientifically justified facts
about the age of the universe, which is rather admitting that they ARE
justified, but  - of course -  the Creator can do anything, so he
could create an infinitely large universe complete with all the light
rays to let us see stars that are billions of light years distant.
Sounds sort of like the explanation for the movement of the planets
based on epicycles.

But, as you have said, these are personal opinions and are not
intended to question anyone else's beliefs.

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