Excellent! I'm so glad our extended dialog proved successful
in clarifying the changes needed to make your forum work!
I will reiterate the more relevant points of my input here,
for the sake of future readers:
I wonder, since your GoDaddy account is described as MS SQL,
whether you need to tailor the installation for that. You
note that config.asp says "strDBType = 'mysql'", and, while
I'm not clear on the significance of that, the difference
makes me wonder. I wasn't able to find anything about the
config.asp file on the Snitz Forum, and I'm not clear why
your config file would say mysql and not MSSQL, or the
It seems that GoDaddy hosts SQL Server 2000, which is noted
to be compatible with Snitz, and I assume you've leased an
account which provides this service.
I've found two strings for use with SQL Server:
'strConnString = "driver={SQL
'## MS SQL Server 6.x/7.x/2000 (ODBC connection)
'strConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data
'## MS SQL Server 6.x/7.x/2000 (OLEDB connection)
These are from a script by Michael Anderson and Pierre Gorissen
on this page:
Yours resembles the first, though you have inserted a URL for
the SERVER_NAME, and I wonder if simply a name is needed. If
the DB_NAME given by GoDaddy is other than a URL, e.g., it
would make it seem more likely that only a name is needed for
the SERVER_NAME, and not a URL. I'm also not sure of the
function of the _'_ symbol at the beginning of these strings,
and I notice you left it off of mysql in the config.asp file:
'strDBType = "sqlserver"
'strDBType = "access"
strDBType = "mysql"
Are you familiar with the use of _'_ here? Perhaps it needs
to be added in front of the "mysql" entry, as well as the
strConnString entries. I don't believe it acts to comment
out an entry, but if it does, then you might want the file
to read:
strDBType = "sqlserver"
'strDBType = "access"
'strDBType = "mysql"
...assuming you want to comment out all but what you're using.
I'm feeling my way in the dark here, but these sorts of tiny
details can make a world of difference in code. I've set up
a PHP forum before, but this is a different animal, and I've
no personal experience with it. I'm just hoping to trigger an
insight or offer you some possibilities you can experiment with.
I'm wondering about what you said here:
"The xxx.yyy.zzz.secureserver.net address shows up on the Godaddy
screen when setting up databases."
Do you mean that this is the URL in the browser when setting up
databases, or that this is on the page, and somehow indicated to
be the servername you should use. I have a strong suspicion that
the servername you should use would be your own domain name.
This was the case with the bulletin board that I set up. The server
This is, in fact, confirmed in the ReadMe file:
"You will need the following information to connect to
your database:
SERVER_NAME: This is usually 'localhost', an IP address
such as '' or a server address such as
'mysql.server.com', depending on your host. This is not
the url for your website."
Of course, I was using MySQL rather than MSSQL or SQLServer.
See if you can't find something similar on the domain manager
when you log into your account at GoDaddy, under SQL on a menu
It's going to be an address relative to the site on which your forum
is hosted, but independent of the forum itself. So if you're hosting the
forum on drappier.com, it might be, e.g.,
Also, in the ReadMe file, they note that you can use either
of the two following scripts for accessing MS SQL, and that
they recommend the first for efficiency:
strConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data
'## MS SQL Server 6.x/7.x/2000 (OLEDB connection)
strConnString = "driver={SQL
'## MS SQL Server 6.x/7.x/2000 (ODBC connection)
So, while you indicate you've uncommented the 2nd one,
and clarified the entry you're using for the database,
I believe you're still not using the correct SERVER_NAME,
plus you have the option of using uncommenting the 1st
string above, instead, and seeing if that works.
In summary, continue using the change you made:
strDBType = "sqlserver"
'strDBType = "access"
'strDBType = "mysql"
Then go to your GoDaddy account page and log in to find
out the correct address for your SQL server. Since you
continue to confuse MySQL with MS SQL (= SQL Server),
you might also check to make sure precisely which one
you have available on GoDaddy. If you discover you're
actually using MySQL instead of MS SQL, then make the
appropriate change in commenting the strDBType above.
Then uncomment either of the strConnString strings above,
inserting the SQL server location as follows:
strConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data
'## MS SQL Server 6.x/7.x/2000 (OLEDB connection)
strConnString = "driver={SQL
'## MS SQL Server 6.x/7.x/2000 (ODBC connection)
Since you discovered that GoDaddy is hosting MySQL, rather
than MS SQL, you uncommented and made appropriate changes
to your strDBType and strConnString entries and the problem
was resolved!
May your forum be a great success, and a source of much
satisfaction to you and its members!
sublime1-ga |