Clarification of Answer by
19 Aug 2002 16:20 PDT
Hello Vishwakarma,
You are requesting a clarification of how to introduce the buffers
into MS project. For this clarification, I will use the example at
A Critical Chain Schedule (A Better Wrong Answer)
and start with the second illustration (showing the minimum task
durations, and tasks linked with no buffers). I will assume you have
entered this schedule into Microsoft Project with
- the minimum task durations as described
- the constraints between tasks
- the start dates set for tasks F (day 1), D (day 1), A (day 3), C
and H (day 7), and I (day 10)
You should be able to display a schedule similar to the second
illustration with an end date of day 12, and zero slack on all tasks
(no buffers). For reference, the other tasks should start as follows -
day 4 (K), day 5 (J), day 6 (E), day 7 (M, H, B, C), day 9 (G), day 10
(I, L), and day 11 (N). As noted on the web page, this schedule is too
optimistic and delays all tasks to the latest time they can begin.
To introduce the feeding buffers, we will start with task M, which has
two finish to start (FS) constraints from J -> M and K -> M. In the
third and fourth illustrations, a feeding buffer was introduced (the
three small f letters) between tasks K and M. There is an
inconsistency between the third and fourth illustration with the start
date for task M, I will assume task M should start on day 11 (to match
the fourth illustration). You can introduce the three day feeding
buffer between J and M by:
- setting the start date of task M to day 11.
- setting the start date of task F to day 5.
The slack shown by Microsoft project for task J should now be three.
The three day slack represents the three day feeding buffer between
task J and task M. Note there is no feeding buffer protecting M from
delays in tasks F and K and the slack is still zero.
You set dates on the other tasks in a similar manner to introduce the
remaining feeding buffers (slack in Microsoft Project) between tasks.
To introduce the project buffer, add a milestone task (O) at the
desired end date. Add a finish to start constraint from M -> O. The
slack of task M should be equal to the number of days in the project
The result of this plan should be similar to that in the fourth
illustration. The milestone O should be on day 23 (end of day 22). To
verify, the slack should be...
- task N, 6 days - project buffer
- task I, 1 day - feeding buffer
- task L, 5 days - feeding buffer
- task J, 3 days - feeding buffer
Other tasks will have slack of zero (no buffers), or a value matching
one of the buffers listed above.
As you work the project and status the schedule, the predicted end
dates of each task will cause the slack to be updated (usually
decrease) and represents the feeding buffers being consumed. The start
date of a task protected by a buffer will not change until the buffer
is completely consumed (slack is zero).