Good morning Microsoftbug and thank you for your question.
The California Secretary of State holds all the LLC filings. They
have a search engine that allows you to search if an entity is
currently registered with the Secretary of State and gives information
such as the complete name of the corporation, corporate number, date
of incorporation or date of conversion, status, jurisdiction (place of
domicile), mailing address, and name and address of the agent for
service of process. You can search their business portal online at:
( )
Additionally, you can search the CA Publicly Traded Disclosure
database for additional information at:
( )
If either of those databases doesn?t have what you are looking for,
you can order a Status Report or a copy of the last complete Statement
of Information on file. Fees and instructions for requesting this
information are included on the order form, found at:
( )
The status report includes:
Status of Corporation
Jurisdiction (place of domicile)
Date of Incorporation/Date of Conversion
Corporate Number
Name and address of Agent for Service of Process
Name and Address of the Chief Executive Officer
Corporate Addresses (Principal office, mailing address, & principal
office in California (if any)
Type of Business (Not available for nonprofit corporations)
The Statement of Information includes:
Directors Names & Addresses (Not available for nonprofit or foreign corporations)
Corporate Number
Name and address of Agent for Service of Process
Name and Address of Chief Executive Officer, Secretary & Chief Financial Officer
Corporate Addresses (Principal office, mailing address & principal
office in California (if any)
Type of Business (Not available for nonprofit corporations)
Access to credit reports is restricted to businesses with a specific
need, or to people who request their own reports. Anyone who obtains
a copy of someone else?s credit report under false pretenses can be
fined and put in jail.
Only businesses or individuals with a "permissible purpose" can access
another credit report. "Permissible purpose" is defined in Section 604
of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).
Examples of permissible purpose include:
1. Accessing a credit report in connection with a credit transaction
involving the consumer,
2. For the underwriting of insurance involving the consumer,
3. In connection with determining eligibility for a license or government benefit
4. For a business transaction initiated by a consumer.
Source: Fair Credit Reporting Act
( )
There are three national credit reporting agencies that do credit
checks on businesses from which you can learn about a company?s
payment history or bankruptcy record:
( )
( )
( )
You can also research a company?s payment history or bankruptcy
through Dun & Bradstreet by obtaining a Comprehensive Report.
This report will tell you if a company is undergoing financial stress
by obtaining six months of alerts notifying you of any changes in the
company?s credit, along with detailed credit information and payment
If this answer requires further explanation, please request
clarification before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this
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