It does not look or sound like a scam. Under FAQs they say that after
a telephone interview, someone will visit, so until then no money has
been committed, though I can imagine that the contact people might be
very "professional" then about arranging the kinds of financing
services that are offered. Maybe all the links to veterans aid
programs, etc., helps sort the type of people who respond to the site,
rather than being what they really advise about.
FAQ also indicates that they earn from arranging financial services -
as do all insurance, investment and loan agents - so does not have to
be suspect.
Good contact persons, experienced with the situations of persons who
would respond to the site, could - of course - be quite successful
in "selling" those financial services, but that is true for anyone
else in the business.
An elderly person, especially if unexperienced in financial matters,
would always do well to have a younger person at and on their side
when talking with a financial advisor.
Myoarin |