California: Plumber 2 visits, 2nd visit drilled a hole in the FLOOR,
the hole is a 220v elec wire hole. Now being billed for TWO service
Leak on upstairs apt over garage/barn/workshop. We turned water off,
oldest apt-dwelling son staying in local College town for a few days
during this time anyway.
I never authorized drilling, the guy's a dingus and I don't feel I
should have to pay.
I'm under the impression that plumbers, electrician, whatever
construction repair person normal mode is to first bid a job, tell you
how much it will cost THEN you decide for work to be done or not. Yes
I verified before visit I would be notified how much any repair would
Took a week to get a plumber to visit my rural home. Could not see the
leak 1st visit (no one was home, this was fine with me, I've only had
my new job 1 month, single mom, 3 kids cannot afford to take off work
to meet repair guy) But, 2nd visit my oldest daughter stayed home
again (1st visit she finally gave up 3rd day@ 4pm and went to town) She had
to walk this guy to the leak, folks there were buckets with water
dripping in them downstairs as soon as water was turned on.
He drilled a hole in our ceiling/downstairs, floor/upstairs, to find
the leak. Now I'm being hounded for the price of TWO service calls
@$95 each.
I NEVER gave permission for any hole to be drilled, especially right
alongside a 220v wire! Let's see elec+water= God help me the
possibilities oi vay.
Ok we're limited to a few plumbers in our rural area. I'm one of those
folks who like to spend my money with small time businesses rather
than new box/big contractors.
That's why I waited a week even though now I know I should have called
more plumbers. This same company had repaird the same pipe's $200~
leak a year ago, I thought this would be easy!
When I called I was asked 'do you have a credit card we can charge'?
Of course I do that's how I paid them last year for a leak in the same
I was told they were very busy and finally would get one of the guys
to come by on his way TO work.
Supposedly guy could not find a leak, we're talking upstairs apt of work shop.
Says he spent 20 mins watching kitchen sink, and 20 mins watching for
leak under the bathroom sink.
No one was home that visit.
I've tried to talk to their billing dept and they're always
unavailable:( The male receptionist asked me if I had an electrical
contractor access the damage yet. This was in reference when I called
repeatedly and said NO way did I want that guy out to my place again
after drilling (w/sawzall) next to 220v wire. My answer is NO but I
will if I have to!
Where do I go from here? I'm angry that they dare charge me for two
visits. The way I see it, it's not my issue their dispatch folks did
not describe well enough how to find the leak NOR is it my fault I did
NOT know ahead of time which day he would be there?we waited a week.
FOlks this guy told me he was their ONLY plumber and that he had not
been getting paid I'm guessing he meant for his trip on
way to work to see my plumbing problem. Supposedly, local contractor
tells me, this biz cannot keep their workers, they just walk off
because they don't treat them right.
Do I owe them, no contract signed, no verbal 'ok' given? What recourse
do I have. Should I be researching Better Biz Bureau, Contractors
Guild, write a Letter to the Editor of local paper?
Of course I don't want my credit rating to plummet I'm already so
maxed out on my Visa @$15k.
My out-of-state X fixed this leak in 5 minutes after picking up our
daughter for a visit. He is a retired contractor and all 4 brothers
also in construction.
Do I create an invoice (w/X or bro-in-laws letterhead) and present it
to them for double the amount of their invoice?
This just seems so silly and unprofessional to me. SO what can I do?
Do I owe them? What recourse do I have. Should I be researching Better
Biz Bureau, Contractors Guild, write a Letter to the Editor of local
This is what I?ve found so far and thinking if I somehow merge these
contact the state consumer protection office (no not in Santa Cruz,
results of search only)
What Rights Do I Have after I Have Informed My Creditor of the Billing Error?
While the bill is in dispute:
? You may withhold payment on the disputed part of the bill (but only
the disputed part) without being subject to legal action by the
creditor while the investigation is ongoing. Note: the disputed
amount may be applied against your credit limit.
? Your creditor may not threaten your credit rating or report you as
delinquent during the dispute.
? A consumer cannot be denied credit in the future based on
challenging a credit card bill in good faith in the past.
If the creditor finds that the there was a billing error, the creditor
must explain to the consumer in writing what the error was and what
corrections are being made. The creditor must also remove all charges
related to the error.
If the creditor finds there was no billing error, the consumer must be
informed in writing of how much is owed and why. The consumer then
has 10 days to write the creditor if the consumer disagrees with the
result of the creditor?s investigation. The creditor may report the
consumer as delinquent, but has to put in that the consumer is
refuting the charges and must tell the consumer who the reports are
being sent to***
Letter (For a Debt You Do Not Owe):
Collection Agency Address Re: (Account # on debt collection letter)
I was notified on (date) by (name of company) that I owed a debt of
(amount). I dispute this debt and request that you send me
verification of a bill that you think I owe. Please make all
communications to me in writing. You may provide me with the name and
phone number of your agent whom I will contact if necessary. If this
debt is not verifiable, you must cease the collection effort and
remove any negative report from all Credit Reporting Agency records.
Please contact me by (date). Thank you.
(Your Name and Address)
cc: Federal Trade Commission |
Clarification of Question by
10 Jul 2005 20:48 PDT
thanks for the response!
First visit was a total waste of time, since he could not see any leak:(
2nd visit was him trying to find the leak, that he reported did NOT exist.
He drilled before discussing with me, so no there was absolutely no agreement.
I am worrying now that I might have signed something AFTER the
drilling when I came home from work he was there.
Guess I'm the dingus because all I could think of is to get him OUT of
my place because he was dangerous to drill a hole alongside a 220v
wire. I immediately called the emergency phone # to complain and
INSIST he not come back onto my property the next day, or EVER.
Thinking I was signing a paper saying he showed up, now I'm worried
that I might have signed some sort of ? don't know what.
Am I screwed?
It really feels WRONG to pay when I feel this person MAY have
compromised the safety of my son (sorry living in the boonies=fire
thanks again for any knowledge you can share
I'm really working myself up to complaining to the following City Biz
Bureau, County licensing bureau, State Contractors Board, because it
seems so unprofessional and unsafe.