Micromarketing looks at the activities of a single firm, whereas
macromarketing views marketing from a much higher perspective, such as
an entire country. Therefore, macromarketing views micromarketing in
"Macromarketing: The study of marketing processes, activities,
institutions, and results from a broad perspective such as a nation,
in which cultural, political, and social, as well as economic
interaction are investigated. It is marketing in a larger context than
any one firm." "Macromarketing"
"Micromarketing - the study of marketing decision-making from the
perspective of an individual firm or organisation." "Micromarketing"
"Within the field of economics, two types of marketing have been
defined: micromarketing and macromarketing. Micromarketing describes
the activities of individual firms, beginning with originating and
producing products and ending when the products reach the final user,
the customer. Macromarketing, by contrast, describes how the whole
system of production?" "marketing" Britannica Student Encyclopedia,
Encyclopędia Britannica Premium Service
Search terms: macromarketing micromarketing
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