Hello again lynnes-ga,
It looks like we?re dealing with a moving target. J I?ve collected a
variety of resources to help you with your project whatever direction
you decide to take.
I found the Financial Times article you mentioned. I had seen it while
doing my earlier research. I had found that the FastLane blog from Bob
Lutz was mentioned whenever the topic of corporate blogging came up.
It generally gets good reviews but some question whether it is really
living up to the hype. I?ve found some websites to help you do your
own evaluation. I?ve also included Jonathan Schwartz?s blog and
comments about it from others so you can draw your own conclusions
about him as well.
Since you mentioned that you?re now working on an article on blogging
strategies for branding I?m including some resources on this topic in
addition to the resources I had collected for your original request.
My conclusion is that corporate blogging is just beginning to emerge
and there is no consensus about what it should look like, how it
should be used, who should be doing it and how to evaluate the ROI on
it. Some of the hype anticipates that corporate blogs will/should be
used for open sharing with the customer and corporate constituents as
well as for damage control in a crisis. I wasn?t able to find any
corporate blogs that clearly demonstrate that they consistently are
open and responsive. If anything, it would be much easier to find you
examples where corporate blogs blew it or exacerbated problems.
Fortunately, there are lots of resources and articles dealing with
corporate blogging. I think you might find the Backbone Media survey
results about corporate blogging especially helpful.
I spent much more time on this question than I would normally devote
to a $10 question but I kept digging because I simply couldn?t believe
that there aren?t any good examples of fast and flexible corporate
blogs. I trust that what I?ve found will be useful for your articles.
Best wishes for your project.
~ czh ~
The rise of the corporate blogger GUIDE TO BLOGGING
By Scott Morrison
Published: July 15 2005 03:00 | Last updated: July 15 2005 03:00
Bob Lutz, the vice chairman of General Motors, does it. So does
Jonathan Schwartz, chief operating officer of computer maker Sun
Microsystems. A handful of executives at Hewlett-Packard and Boeing
are also getting in on the act.
What's Your Brand Mantra?
Musings on Branding, Marketing and the Ecology of Business
Brand News and Marketing Strategies
Branding and Web Coaching Strategies.
Saturday, May 7, 2005
BUSINESSES ENTER THE BLOGOSPHERE: Online soapboxes becoming a force in
corporate America
Feb 25, 2005
"Corporate Blogging" = Oxymoron
Doc Searls takes a promoter of "corporate blogging" to task (gently). He writes:
"Corporate blogging" is so ironic it's nearly an oxymoron. Having "a
system in place to monitor what is being said" seems more consistent
with ending a conversation than with starting one.
But, credit where due. Sally Falkow (whose blog is Website Content
Strategy) is trying to do a Good Thing here: getting companies to
talk, and to engage, in human voices, with real people.
The TinBasher Blog from Butler Sheetmetal
***** This blog kept turning up as among the best of the small
business blogs. See one of the reviews below.
The Power: The Power of The Tinbasher Blog is in the way it is being
used to enter new markets and promote end-user sales, by a small
family business with no marketing budget. It's a fascinating lesson in
how to craft content that attracts a readership and subtly conveys a
marketing message, without becoming soul-less and commercial.
Should You Blog in Your Business?
A great example is the Tinbasher Blog, which is a blog written by the
owner of a small sheet metal company in England. This blog has become
very popular, however, because the blog usually showcases the part of
its business that will appeal to the average Internet reader, not
necessarily its large customers who buy huge amounts of sheet metal
products (other advertising sources may work better there). Their
target audience, as any business blog?s should be, is the end-user and
usually an individual.
Robert Scoble ? Microsoft
***** This blog stands out as the most noticed among the Microsoft
blogs. It is frequently referred to by other bloggers.
Internet Media Commentary by Jupitermedia CEO Alan Meckler
***** Newsy commentary about the company?s activities.
EDS' Next Big Thing Blog
The EDS Fellows discuss the future of technology.
***** This is a new blog that will share opinions about future trends.
GM FastLane Blog
***** See evaluation from Business 2.0 below.
A Motor City Marketing Lesson
GM's new corporate blog works. Here's why.
Encouraged by this early success, GM has moved into the blogging big
time. In January it launched Fast Lane, an online forum hosted by the
company's vocal -- and, it turns out, highly literate -- vice chairman
Bob Lutz. "People were already talking about us all over the
Internet," Wiley explains. "This blog was an attempt to get GM more
involved in the dialogue and to get people talking to us. We see this
as a direct line to enthusiasts, supporters -- and detractors."
It's working. The site, which focuses on topics such as GM design, new
product launches, and business strategy, averages 4,000 to 5,000 hits
per day from people around the world. Those consumers are talking
back, and then some: Each posting receives between 60 and 100
comments, a mix of positive and negative reactions to Lutz's thoughts.
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Fast Lane Blog: GM Vice Chairman Bob Lutz Gets It
January 11, 2005
HUGH HEWITT has repeatedly noted this new blog by GM Vice Chairman Bob
Lutz as evidence that General Motors "gets" blogs.
Naw. Lutz does, maybe, but a company as big as GM doesn't get anything
that fast. And for proof, all you need to do is to read this article
from the Wall Street Journal on GM's response to blog leaks regarding
the new Corvette:
April 05, 2005
Is Bob Lutz a real blogger?
You probably know GM FastLane, the blog from Bob Lutz, of General
Motors. Bob Lutz was vice-chairman of GM North America. But because of
poor financial results, Rick Wagoner, GM's CEO, decided yesterday to
take day-to-day control of North American automotive operations. For
more information, you can read "GM CEO Takes Over Core Car Unit."
As a result, Bob Lutz has been pushed aside and will lead GM's global
product development activities.
Can you see this on his blog? Not at all. The last note is dated March
30, and his ousting came on April 3.
For me, Bob Lutz is not a "real" blogger. And you, what's your take?
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Story Behind Bob Lutz's Blog
Curious about how and why Bob Lutz, Chaiman of GM started blogging?
Debbie Weil's post How GM's Fastlane blog was born is a must read.
Couple of interesting tidbits...
-Mister Lutz writes all of his own posts but it's the tech team that
adds them to the blog.
-Comments are reviewed before posting by Gary Grates, VP
Communications and his team.
Sidebar: Debbie didn't say if comments were "filtered"
Posted by Toby on Thursday, June 09, 2005 | Permalink
How GM's Fastlane blog was born
From an interview I did today with GM's Gary Grates, VP Communications
for North America, for the book:
"Bob Lutz, our 73-year-old vice chairman, was on a plane coming back
from Europe when he started writing a response to some posts about GM
he'd read on other blogs. He said, 'What do I do with this?'"
Grates told GM's communications techies to drop what Lutz had written
about the new Saturn design into the Movable Type template being
readied. And Fastlane was born (on Jan. 5, 2005)...
***** Read the rest of this item to get additional background information on Lutz.
Jonathan?s Blog
Friday, April 22, 2005
Sun's Jonathan Schwartz On Blogging and Making Important Decisions
In today's Financial Times, some interesting words [subscription
required] from Jonathan Schwartz, president of Sun Microsystems, on
blogging. He took some funny potshots at Slashdot:
Jonathan Schwartz's Weblog
Jonathan Schwartz's Weblog was the subject of much speculation when
analysts at several firms were heard to be very positive about it's
recent performance. It's share price rose from B$2,074.73 to
B$2,883.87. Much of the hype was said to originate from oncee whose
Stud (artefact) was said to be involved.
Writing the codes on blogs
Companies figure out what's OK, what's not in online realm
Monday, June 13, 2005
Corporate Blogging ? Is It Worth the Hype?
With all of the buzz around corporate blogging, we wanted to
understand the real value of it for companies. Why would a company
want to start blogging, who should blog, what makes a blog successful,
and how can a company use this type of website to make a positive
impact on business?
***** White paper on 2005 survey on corporate blogging.
399 posts tagged:
corporate blogging
BlogWrite for CEOs
***** Lots of links to CEO and other corporate blogs
2005 Business Blogging Awards Winners
Google News Search: corporate blogs
***** See current articles on corporate blogging. These will give you
a general impression of what?s happening in the field right now.
Supernova, a conference focused on the decentralization of computing,
communications, digital media, and business, was held June 20-22,
2005, in San Francisco, California, USA. CNET News.com, in association
with Supernova and Knowledge@Wharton, offered blogcast coverage of the
conference from this page. David Weinberger--popular industry analyst,
writer and blogger--interviewed panel moderators as well as session
attendees. You can also check out other community reactions at the
Supernova 2005 site.
corporate OR company blogs OR blogging
crisis -"fast company" fast OR fastest corporate OR company blogs OR blogging
most responsive company OR corporate blog
company OR corporate blog damage control
used blog for corporate damage control
"bob lutz" blog |