Hello Susie22,
Mental Health Professionals:
To find a mental health specialist, you should ask your physician for
a recommendation. Psychiatrists and psychologists are doctors who
treat ODD.
Finding the right doctor for you
Find a mental health professional at Boston Children?s Hospital
For more information, please contact our Call Center:
Dr. James Sutton will discuss this topic with you by phone: 800-659-6628.
?Telephone consultation will be available on a set fee of $125 per
consult (approximately an hour in length), payable by purchase order
or credit card. This is a time-efficient and cost-effective
arrangement that benefits everyone.
There are no hassles, no contracts and no travel expenses ... just an
effective way to access 30 years of "been there; done that"
I am VERY clear on the fact that no one person will ever have all
the answers to tough situations, but just a few suggestions can often
make a dramatic difference ... and maximize existing funds and
Please be aware that consultation, especially by phone, is not
treatment, assessment or therapy. It is not covered by health
?Specially trained psychiatric nurses and licensed practitioners are
available around the clock to assess patients in need of psychiatric
or chemical dependency hospitalization. Assessments may be done at the
Medical Pavilion or at the Emergency departments of John Muir Medical
Center or Mt. Diablo Medical Center.
Children ages 4 to 12 with emotional, psychiatric or behavioral
problems can receive treatment through this inpatient program. The
24-hour observation provided in our inpatient setting allows our child
psychiatrists to assess and diagnosis each child based on behavioral
observation as well as history. Appropriate medications can then be
prescribed if needed. Our multidisciplinary program ensures that each
child has access to appropriate treatment activities geared toward
his/her particular problem.?
Call (925) 674-4100 for this free, confidential service.
John Muir Medical Center
1601 Ygnacio Valley Rd.
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
(925) 939-3000
Other addresses are on this contact information page:
The University of Kansas has a great Child Psychology program
The University of Kansas
Clinical Child Psychology Program
2006 Dole Human Development
1000 Sunnyside Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66045
785-864-4226 (phone)
785-864-5024 (fax)
Non-traditional Treatment Programs for Adolescents
SUWS is a wilderness intervention program for troubled students, ages 11-18.
911 Preacher Creek Road
Shoshone, ID 83352
Phone: (888) 879-7897
Fax: (208) 934-8533
E-mail: suws@suws.com
?Research has identified both biological and environmental causes for
Disruptive Behavior Disorders. Youngsters most at risk for
Oppositional Defiant and Conduct Disorders are those who have low
birth weight, neurological damage or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder. Youngsters may also be at risk if they were rejected by
their mothers as babies, separated from their parents and not given
good foster care, physically or sexually abused, raised in homes with
mothers who were abused, or living in poverty.?
From the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
eMedicine has a very descriptive article here:
This disorder is described ??as a recurrent pattern of negativistic,
defiant, disobedient, and hostile behavior toward authority figures
that persists for at least 6 months. Behaviors included in the
definition include the following: losing one's temper; arguing with
adults; actively defying requests; refusing to follow rules;
deliberately annoying other people; blaming others for one's own
mistakes or misbehavior; being touchy, easily annoyed or angered,
resentful, spiteful, or vindictive.?
It is usually diagnosed when a child has a persistent or consistent
pattern of disobedience and hostility toward parents, teachers, or
other adults. The primary behavioral difficulty is the consistent
pattern of refusing to follow commands or requests by adults.?
Another eMedicine article on diagnosis and frequency:
DocSpeak has numerous resources on this page:
?Very little research has been conducted in the use of medications for
oppositional defiant disorder. Therefore, medication is not
recommended as a treatment option for this problem.?
Very short article here:
Rage Free Kids
From the University of Virginia
Boston Children?s Hospital
From Dr. Jim Chandler, MD, FRCPC
An updated article by Dr. Anthony Kane
DCFSW Resources
Adult ODD
?About one-half of all young people with ADHD have oppositional
defiant disorder; about one-quarter have an anxiety disorder; and as
many as one-third have depression and one-fifth have bipolar
Information Sheet from
The Discovery Centre
4a Church Road
CF14 2DZ
Tel: 029 2062 8222
Fax: 029 2062 8333
Email:info@dyscovery.co.uk Web: http://www.dyscovery.co.uk
Quick Answers
Health A-Z
A very informative site here. The Thomson Corporation.
Children?s Hospital, Central of California
Lucille Packard Children?s Hosptal
For Parents: Learning to Handle ODD
FAQs at DocSpeak
Success Stories
Success Stories
One story
Therapy, by Phillip W. Long, M.D.
Parents Speak Out online videos
?Real Life Stories
Brandon's teachers in the daycare center report that he is the
"terrorist of the 4- year-olds." He punches or bites children and
pushes them off the swings in the playground without provocation. He
swings the class pet rabbit by the tail in spite of being told how it
hurts the animal. His parents report that he has been difficult to
manage since he was an infant.
Eleven-year-old Paul, known as The Prankster in his family, was
suspended from school after leaving half-eaten candy bars in all the
girls' lockers. He had previously been suspended for leaving poison
pills for the frogs in the biology class lab.
Robin, l6: "When I was 13, that summer was a blast. One time we picked
up some older guys in a bar and tried a new kind of speed. We got
really wild and we smashed in some car windows and somebody called the
police. My mother freaked out and tried to punish me by locking me in
my room, but I would just skip out on her through the window."
?Parent training is effective for treating oppositional and defiant
behaviors (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, based on systematic
reviews). Parent training programs are standardized, short-term
interventions that teach parents specialized strategies--including
positive attending, ignoring, the effective use of rewards and
punishments, token economies, and time out--to address clinically
significant behavior problems. In addition to parent training, other
psychosocial interventions (Table) are efficacious in treating
oppositional and defiant behavior.
To date, no studies have assessed the efficacy of medication in
treating children with pure oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
However, studies have shown amphetamines to be effective for children
with ODD and comorbid attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
There you go. I was unable to find any affiliates for you, as this is
a mental disorder, and as such offers few opportunities to sell or buy
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Sincerely, Crabcakes
Search Terms
oppositional Defiant Disorder
oppositional Defiant Disorder + patients successfully treated
oppositional Defiant Disorder + therapy |