You want to be as kind as possible. You want to be extremely specific
about the date and time of your departure.
Thank them profusely for the opportunity to work for them. Maybe list
one or two things that you learned and will take with you.
You DO NOT need to to say anything about your new job unless it
directly effects the circumstances of your leaving your current job
(e.g. you are not able to give two weeks notice because your new
employer requires you to start earlier)
Wish them luck. Don't offer to "be available to answer any questions"
after the time of your resignation. If they do start to call you once
you have gone, be friendly, but think twice about helping out too
Also, include any other details or loose ends in terms of Hr/benefits
if they apply. These include unused vacation, continued insurance
coverage under COBRA, outstanding expense checks, etc.
Be aware that it is a very small world. You don't want to put
anything on paper that would give anyone a reason not to help you in
the future if your paths crossed. |