Good afternoon nicheprof-ga and thank you for the question!
I answered a question not that long ago on sleep apnea of which Pink
has directed you to. However, I have gone a bit deeper in this
answer, answering all of your original questions.
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Sleep apnea is a breathing disorder characterized by brief
interruptions of breathing during sleep. It owes its name to a Greek
word, apnea, meaning ?want of breath.?
Sleep apnea was first discovered in Europe by H. Gastaut and
colleagues while studying the sleep habits of Pickwickian? patients.
"One of the most important events in the history of sleep disorders
medicine was the simultaneous and independent discovery of sleep apnea
in 1965 by Jung and Kuhlo [14] in Germany and by Gastaut, Tasinari and
Duron [15] in France..."
Source: The History of Sleep Medicine
( )
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During the night, the number of involuntary breathing pauses or
?apneic events? may be as high as 20 to 60 or more per hour. These
breathing pauses are accompanied by snoring between apnea episodes.
Not everyone who snores has this condition. Sleep apnea can also be
characterized by choking sensations. The frequent interruptions of
deep, restorative sleep often leads to excessive daytime sleepiness
and may be associated with an early morning headache.
In some people, apnea occurs when the throat muscles and tongue relax
during sleep and partially block the opening of the airway. When the
muscles of the soft palate at the base of the tongue and the uvula
(the small fleshy tissue hanging from the center of the back of the
throat) relax and sag, the airway becomes blocked, making breathing
labored and noisy and even stopping it altogether
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MALE & FEMALE: Sleep apnea occurs in all age groups and both sexes.
It ismore common in men and young African Americans.
YOUNG & OLD: Almost 18 million Americans have sleep apnea, four
percent being comprised of middle-aged men and 2 percent of
middle-aged women. It is possible that sleep apnea runs in some
families, suggesting a possible genetic basis.
OVERWEIGHT: Sleep apnea also can occur in obese people when an excess
amount of tissue in the airway causes it to be narrowed. With a
narrowed airway, the person continues his or her efforts to breathe,
but air cannot easily flow into or out of the nose or mouth. Unknown
to the person, this results in heavy snoring, periods of no breathing,
and frequent arousals (causing abrupt changes from deep sleep to light
sleep). Overweight persons can benefit from losing weight. Even a 10
percent weight loss can reduce the number of apneic events for most
DRINKERS & THOSE WHO ARE MEDICATED: Ingestion of alcohol and sleeping
pills increases the frequency and duration of breathing pauses in
people with sleep apnea.
THOSE WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: It has been estimated that up to 50
percent of sleep apnea patients have high blood pressure. Sleep apnea
also contributes to high blood pressure. Risk for heart attack and
stroke may also increase in those with sleep apnea.
People with sleep apnea often feel very sleepy during the day and
their concentration and daytime performance suffer. They are often
depressed, irritable, have sexual dysfunction, learning and memory
difficulties, and fall asleep while at work, on the phone, or driving.
Untreated sleep apnea patients are 3 times (or more) likely to have
automobile accidents;
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1. Frequent waking episodes at night
2. Disrupted breathing, gasping, gagging, or choking for air during sleep
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There are 3 types of sleep apnea:
1. OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA (OSA): Obstructive sleep apnea is the
most common type of sleep apnea and is caused by an obstruction in the
airway, which actually stops the air flow in the nose and mouth.
Throat and abdominal breathing continue normally. Obstructive sleep
apnea is commonly accompanied by snoring and causes the sleeper to
wake up, gasping or snorting, and then go back to sleep again.
Persons with obstructive sleep apnea often have daytime sleepiness
with loss of concentration and memory impairment.
An additional concern is the potential for cardiovascular morbidity
and mortality resulting from hypoxemia. A standard therapy for
obstructive sleep apnea is nasal continuous positive airway pressure
2. CENTRAL SLEEP APNEA (CSA): Central sleep apnea is much less
common. It is due to a brain signal problem. The brain signal that
instructs the body to breathe is delayed. Oral breathing, throat and
abdominal breathing all cease at the same time. The periods of
breathing interruption may last a few seconds, and breathing may be
too shallow to provide oxygen to the blood and tissues. Central sleep
apnea may be associated with:
a. Irregular heartbeat,
b. High blood pressure,
c. Heart attack
d. Stroke.
3. MIXED SLEEP APNEA: This is a combination of Obstructive sleep
apnea and Central sleep apnea. Mixed sleep apnea is most commonly
found in infants or young children who have abnormal breathing
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1. POLYSOMNOGRAPHY - a test that records a variety of body
functions during sleep, such as the electrical activity of the brain,
eye movement, muscle activity, heart rate, respiratory effort, air
flow, and blood oxygen levels. These tests are used both to diagnose
sleep apnea and to determine its severity.
2. MULTIPLE SLEEP LATENCY TEST (MSLT) measures the speed of falling
asleep. In this test, patients are given several opportunities to fall
asleep during the course of a day when they would normally be awake.
For each opportunity, time to fall asleep is measured. Individuals who
fall asleep in less than 5 minutes are likely to require some type of
treatment for sleep disorders.
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effective treatment for sleep apnea. In this procedure, the patient
wears a mask over the nose during sleep, and pressure from an air
blower forces air through the nasal passages. The air pressure is
adjusted so that it is just enough to prevent the throat from
collapsing during sleep. The pressure is constant and continuous.
Nasal CPAP prevents airway closure while in use, but apnea episodes
return when CPAP is stopped or it is used improperly.
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2. DENTAL APPLIANCES can reposition the lower jaw and the
tongue. These have been helpful to some patients with mild to
moderate sleep apnea or who snore but do not have apnea. A dentist or
orthodontist is often the one to fit the patient with such a device.
3. SURGERY - although several surgical procedures are used to
increase the size of the airway, none of them is completely successful
or without risks. More than one procedure may need to be tried before
the patient realizes any benefits. Some of the more common procedures
a. UVULOPALATOPHARYNGOPLASTY (UPPP) is a procedure used to
remove excess tissue at the back of the throat (tonsils, uvula, and
part of the soft palate). The success of this technique may range from
30 to 60 percent. The long-term side effects and benefits are not
known, and it is difficult to predict which patients will do well with
this procedure.
snoring but has not been shown to be effective in treating sleep
apnea. This procedure involves using a laser device to eliminate
tissue in the back of the throat. It may decrease or eliminate snoring
but not eliminate sleep apnea itself.
c. SOMNOPLASTY is a procedure that uses radiowaves to
reduce the size of some airway structures such as the uvula and the
back of the tongue.
d. TRACHEOSTOMY is used in persons with severe, life-threatening sleep
apnea. In this procedure, a small hole is made in the windpipe and a
tube is inserted into the opening. This tube stays closed during
waking hours, and the person breathes and speaks normally. It is
opened for sleep so that air flows directly into the lungs, bypassing
any upper airway obstruction. Although this procedure is highly
effective, it is an extreme measure that is rarely used.
4. MEDICATION: Medications are not generally recommended for
bstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, in some cases, medications
may be helpful. Modafinil (Provigil) has been approved by the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to improve wakefulness (reduce
daytime sleepiness) in people with obstructive sleep apnea.
A recent study reports that modafinil (Provigil) may help reduce
daytime sleepiness in OSA when continuous positive airway pressure
(CPAP) is reducing apneas but daytime sleepiness continues.
( )
5. OTHER REMEDIES (please note there are no clinical trials
known of to prove or dispove the following):
VALERIAN: Valerian is a relaxant herb that has a calming effect
on the nervous system. For insomnia it helps induce sleep quickly,
decreasing the amount of time taken to fall asleep. Valerian like some
drugs modulates GABA receptors which are present in 40 of the brains
cells. Over activity is thought to cause nervousness and insomnia. But
valerian acts in a milder manner with no side effects, grogginess or
CHAMOMILE: Chamomile is known as a mild herb but can be
surprisingly effective. It promotes sleep with tranquilizing action
similar to some drugs. Chamomile also helps reduce stress related
chemicals in the brain and promotes adrenal health. It is best not
used for extended periods without a break. Avoid it if you are
allergic to ragweed.
PASSIONFLOWER: Works with the body to create to balance for
exhaustion, overwork, anxiety, stress, drugs, alcohol, asthma, cough
and pain related insomnia. Acts as a mild MAO inhibitor without the
hangover or sedative properties.
NASAL STRIPS: Over-the-counter nasal strips, such as the Breathe
Right strip, or other devices that open the nostrils are inexpensive
and useful to prevent snoring. They may significantly improve
early-stage sleep in people with sleep disorders associated with nasal
obstruction and help reduce morning tiredness. They are not intended
as treatments for sleep apnea, however.
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There was a study done in 1999 by the American College of Chest
Physicians whose main goal was to study the quality of life of those
suffering from the most common form of sleep apnea, Obstructive Sleep
Apnea. They studied 23 males and 6 females and found that all aspects
of the quality of life, from physical and emotional health to social
functioning, are markedly impaired by OSA. Additionally, CPAP therapy
improved those aspects related to vitality, social functioning, and
mental health. You can view the entire study at:
( )
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AFFILIATE PROGRAMS (I am unsure of exactly what you are looking for in
an affiliate program so if you would like me to supplement this
section, please let me know your criteria and I will clarify):
Global Health Center
( )
Snore Ender:
( )
Other Medical Affiliate Programs:
( )
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For more information, please visit the American Sleep Apnea
Association at ( )
or one of the following links:
( )
What is Sleep Apnea
( )
Sleepy Website
( )
Sleep Apnea information and Resources:
( )
( )
( )
Phantom Sleep Resources
( )
Sleep Apnea Articles, Support Groups & Resources
( )
* American Academy of Sleep Medicine: ( )
* American Sleep Apnea Association: ( )
* National Center on Sleep Disorders Research: ( )
* National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: ( )
* National Sleep Foundation: ( )
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Google Answers Researcher
Previous Google research on sleeping disorders:
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A Brief History of Sleep Research
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International Classification of Sleep Disorders
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American Academy of Sleep Medicine
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Medical Encyclopedia
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National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke
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