Dear Bachermom,
Your question is about to expire without having been answered, and you
might be disappointed.
One of the reason might be lack of details:
- You say that you plan to "carry" products. Are you planning to
sell/present them there to retailers (or to buyers)? Or, are you just
passing through Ireland, visiting there, etc.?
- You haven't mentioned what is your nationality and whether you have
a license to practice your business in Ireland or in the EU.
In addition, taxation and customs are two different things here.
Taxation might depend on many factors (as mentioned before, your
nationality and your intentions in Ireland, but also sometimes
personal status, the area in Ireland you're planning to do business
at, the estimated profit you've made and many other factors); customs
depends, more or less, on quantities, qualities and intentions. In
other words, these are two different questions and it might be best to
post them separately.
Finally, given the complexity of the tax issues involved, it might be
better if you adjust your pricing to the effort it would probably take
to investigate the Irish taxation system in cases such as yours.
If you are still interested in an answer, I recommend that you'll
repost your question, with amendments. |