I've gathered some info on celebrities who admire Carol Burnett.
"Jessica Capshaw (The Practice): 'Oh, my gosh, I'm a big fan of Carol
Burnett and I would never want to replace Carol Burnett, but perhaps I
could be one of the secondary characters who comes in and does a
little bit and then goes. Any chance to work with her would be, like,
a heart-stopping experience."
Palm Beach Post: Today's stars, classic TV: Who would you be?
CHARLES J. FOGARTY, Lieutenant Governor of Rhode Island
"Just when you think you've seen it all at the General Assembly, Carol
Burnett shows up to hug Charlie Fogarty and do a Tarzan yell.
The lieutenant governor is a huge fan of The Carol Burnett Show, so as
a Christmas gift, his staff got him tickets for Burnett's appearance
Friday night at the Providence Performing Arts Center. They were
front-row seats, and Fogarty was going to attend a private reception
for Burnett afterward.
But by Thursday, it was clear the Senate was going to be working late
Friday, passing a budget and attempting to wrap up this year's
legislative session. Since Fogarty presides over the Senate, he and
Sen. Maryellen Goodwin gave up their tickets to the event.
Fogarty's scheduler, Christina Jagolinzer, came up with the idea of
asking Burnett to visit Fogarty in the Senate chamber prior to her
show... Burnett agreed."
Providence Journal: Burnett steals the show in cameo role at Assembly
"She is a fan of Carol Burnett, realizing, 'Just watching her work
inspires me. She?s my absolute favorite of anything,' Curtsinger says.
'I mean actor, comedienne, whatever, just as a performer.' In 1999,
she was in another City Theatre production, Moon Over Buffalo, as
Charlotte - a role Burnett had played on Broadway. Curtsinger felt it
gave her a chance to pay homage to Burnett with the role."
KC Stage: Carla Curtsinger: Laughing Her Way through Life
JILL PLACE, Acting Coach
"It didn't dawn on me until I started developing the BRANDACT?
workshop that I most admired Carol Burnett when I was growing up. I
even did her breakthough role in Once Upon a Mattress. What I admired
most was Burnett's ability to combine singing and physical comedy. I
must have unconsciously emulated her. People often said I reminded
them of her."
Acting Intuitive: Branding for Actors, Part Two
MAGDA SZUBANSKI, Actress/Comedienne
"As a way of coping with being an outsider, the young Magda sought
attention; she enjoyed making others laugh and being an accepted part
of the tribe. Her funny accents helped. 'There were lots of influences
around the dinner table and on the TV - people like Carol Burnett,
Phyllis Diller and Benny Hill."
The Sydney Morning Herald: Magda's charter
TRACEY ULLMAN, Actress/Singer/Comedienne
"I loved the late Gilda Radner,' Ullman continues, her voice dwindling
to a hush. 'I love Carol Burnett and Lily Tomlin."
BookPage: Enter the antic world of Tracey Ullman
SUTTON FOSTER, Actress/Singer
"I became obsessed with Patti LuPone and the Carnegie Hall Sondheim
celebration. I loved her singing 'Being Alive,' and I would play it
over and over and over again and try to sing like her. I also loved
Carol Burnett's comedy."
Broadway.com: Sutton Foster
ANN RANDOLPH, Actress/Comedienne
"I also loved Carol Burnett. I wanted to be her. In 2nd grade I
started writing sketches for her show and told her that she needed to
improve her endings. If only had the confidence now! Anyway, I sent
them off and I never heard back."
Actors Life: Ann Randolph
SHANNAN CALCUTT, Performance Artist
"Calcutt, who grew up with clown idols like Carol Burnett and Lucille
Ball, also admits that, when people discover she is a performing
clown, most people instantly assume that she is a birthday clown.
This, however, is definitely not the case."
The Gazette: Izzy the adults only clown
"I would love to watch the sitcoms, and was drawn to the female
comedians... like Carol Burnett ... Lucille Ball ... and Cher. It
didn't dawn on me that Comedy could be a career, so I spent 15 years
of my life in the computer field before leaving it all to pursue
The Double Dose Show: NYC's Only Comedy & Cometry Show
KATE CLINTON, Comedienne
"There were many inspirations for Kate Clinton to get into comedy.
Watching women like Carol Burnett and Lily Tomlin on television gave
her the motivation to want to try stand-up."
OUTwords: Kate Clinton tours CNY
MERV GRIFFIN, Actor/Singer/Game Show Magnate
"My favorites were 'All in the Family,' 'David Letterman,' 'The Lucy
Show,' and I absolutely loved 'Carol Burnett.' Isn't it interesting
how Carol does these retrospectives, and they shoot right to the top
of the ratings? I think that's because viewers are more secure in
watching something they remember and are comfortable with as compared
to what goes on Fox News (Channel) and CNN and MSNBC all day long.
There's a message there."
The Hollywood Reporter: Viewer support
SHOSHANA SPERLING, Performance Artist
"Besides intelligent parents to provoke her thinking, she?s been
inspired by the masters of comedic performers such as: Lily Tomlin,
Gilda Radner, Carol Burnett, Woody Allen, John Cleese, Kids in the
Hall, and Mel Brooks."
Scarborough Arts: The Great Wall of Sperling
JOHN LEGUIZAMO, Actor/Comedian
"I met [Lily Tomlin] at an awards ceremony, and I just went, 'You
deserve it. baby! You always deserved it. I even forgive you for The
Incredible Shrinking Woman!'... I used to go watch her stuff at the
old Museum of Broadcasting [in Manhattan]. I loved Carol Burnett's
show, too."
GoBelle: John Leguizamo: he's got legz
DEB FILLER, Comedienne
"AVIVA-Berlin: Who inspires your work as a comedienne?
Deb Filler: I love Carol Burnett, Lucille Ball, and Gilda Radnor
[sic]. Leonard Bernstein inspired me a lot. He was such a wise man and
a wonderful teacher. Mel Brookes [sic], I really liked his work when I
was a kid."
AVIVA-Berlin: Interview with Deb Filler
ALEX HOUSE, Comedienne
"And who is her inspiration? 'I don't follow the traditional comics; I
follow the non-traditional comics like Carol Burnett and Ellen
DeGeneres,' House said."
The Tack Online: Students get involved with comic's routine
"Despite what she considers a slow start, Brogdon is getting noticed.
'Fortunately my stock is up right now and - to totally mix my
metaphors - I've got to ride that pony.' She looks to the future with
an eye on writing and performing on a smart TV show. 'Larry Sanders to
me is the pinnacle,' she says. 'And I love Carol Burnett."
San Francisco Examiner: CO-HOST OF "CNET CENTRAL" and "COOL TECH"
MARCEL DIONNE, Hockey Legend
"I come from Drummondville, Quebec, not Hollywood. I'm still learning.
I even watch The Honeymooners on television because they're new to me.
I watch Fonzie, too, in Happy Days, and I like Carol Burnett."
Sports Illustrated Online: A Seller's Market
WANDA SYKES, Actress/Comedienne
"Richard Pryor was everybody's favorite. But before I was exposed to
Richard, it was Dick Gregory, Moms Mabley, all those who used to come
through "The Ed Sullivan Show" and the different variety shows we had
back then. And I always loved Carol Burnett and Lucille Ball and Woody
Allen movies, and, of course, Bill Cosby."
Lansing State Journal: Comic takes stand on funny business
TRACY MORGAN, Actor/Comedian
"Well, I had a lot of funny people in my life - my uncles, my father -
all funny. And then there are legends like Carol Burnett, Jackie
Gleason and Eddie Murphy - all those people."
Sunset Gun: Morgan on Morgan
"Oh my gosh, Mary Tyler Moore Show, loved Mary Tyler Moore, loved Carol Burnett."
Mirror of CBS: Terry Farrell in Her Own Words
STEPHANIE MILLER, Radio Personality
"Stephanie Miller was featured in today?s Boston Herald, answering
questions for a change. Topics included Stephanie?s childhood idol
(Carol Burnett), her view of the Massachusetts Governor (an empty
suit) and right-wing hatemonger Ann Coulter (the epitome of evil)."
Democracy Radio: Q & A with Stephanie Miller
LAURIE KILMARTIN, Writer/Comedienne
"While spending her college days as a competitive swimmer, Laurie
Kilmartin couldn?t avoid that sinking feeling that she needed to do
something more with her life. So, following in the footsteps of her
childhood idol, Carol Burnett, she switched from the pool to the stage
and has been working as a comedian ever since."
HBO Comedy Festival: Event Information
MELISSA SENATE, Romance Author
"As a kid I worshipped Carol Burnett and wrote little skits, but was
too shy to perform them. My dream was to become a variety show writer
(what happened to variety shows, anyway?)."
Cache of eHarlequin.com: An interview with... Melissa Senate
"What three bloopers happened the night I saw the Sondheim 'review'
Putting It Together? (My idol Carol Burnett tripped up on her
lightning-paced 'Not Getting Married Today' lyrics..."
The Village Voice: La Dolce Musto
JULIE ANDREWS, Actress/Singer
"Andrews spoke of her admiration for dear friend Carol Burnett, but
also noted, 'Carol probably brings out the worst in me. We bonded the
minute we first met and usually do wicked, silly, naughty things
whenever we get together."
Julie Andrews News: Julie Andrews lecture strikes a note with audience
"Inspired by Carol Burnett, Lucy and Mary Tyler Moore, Aniston admits
she was always the class clown."
Dark Horizons: Interview: Jennifer Aniston
"Inspired by Carol Burnett, whom she admired on television, Hart says
that her first ambition was to be a comedic actress."
Bootleg Betty: The Staggering Harlettes
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "admire OR admired OR love OR loved OR like OR
liked carol burnett"
Google Web Search: "fan of carol burnett" OR "fan of * carol burnett"
Google Web Search: "idol * carol burnett"
Google Web Search: "inspired by carol burnett"
I hope this is helpful!
Best regards,
pinkfreud |