Hi Khristena,
Any form of calcium can cause kidney stones, including dietary
calcium. Some people are more susceptible than others. Most doctors
recommend a citrated calcium product like Citra-Cal or a generic
citrated calcium. The citrate helps prevent the formation of stones.
You can ask the pharmacist at your drugstore if you are unsure if a
product is citrated or not. Biocalth is not citrated, per its website.
It is also very expensive. Try a large chain drugstore for a generic
brand of citrated calcium.
To avoid the risk of kidney stones, drink plenty of water. If you
are prone to stones already, cranberry juice can also help prevent
stone formation.
"Kidney stones form when there is a high level of calcium
(hypercalciuria), oxalate (hyperoxaluria), or uric acid
(hyperuricosuria) in the urine; a lack of citrate in the urine; or
insufficient water in the kidneys to dissolve waste products. The
kidneys must maintain an adequate amount of water in the body to
remove waste products. If dehydration occurs, high levels of
substances that do not dissolve completely (e.g., calcium, oxalate,
uric acid) may form crystals that slowly build up into kidney stones.
Urine normally contains chemicals? citrate, magnesium, pyrophosphate?
that prevent the formation of crystals. Low levels of these inhibitors
can contribute to the formation of kidney stones. Of these, citrate is
thought to be the most important."
"Approximately 85% of stones are composed predominantly of calcium
compounds. The most common cause of calcium stone production is excess
calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria). Excess calcium is normally
removed from the blood by the kidneys and excreted in the urine. In
hypercalciuria, excess calcium builds up in the kidneys and urine,
where it combines with other waste products to form stones. Low levels
of citrate, high levels of oxalate and uric acid, and inadequate
urinary volume may also cause calcium stone formation."
"Hypercalciuria is inherited. It is the cause of stones in more than
half of patients. Calcium is absorbed from food in excess and is lost
into the urine. This high level of calcium in the urine causes
crystals of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate to form in the
kidneys or urinary tract.
Other causes of kidney stones are hyperuricosuria which is a disorder
of uric acid metabolism, gout, excess intake of vitamin D, urinary
tract infections, and blockage of the urinary tract. Certain diuretics
which are commonly called water pills or calcium-based antacids may
increase the risk of forming kidney stones by increasing the amount of
calcium in the urine."
"A simple and most important lifestyle change to prevent stones is to
drink more liquids?water is best. If you tend to form stones, you
should try to drink enough liquids throughout the day to produce at
least 2 quarts of urine in every 24-hour period.
People who form calcium stones used to be told to avoid dairy products
and other foods with high calcium content. But recent studies have
shown that foods high in calcium, including dairy products, may help
prevent calcium stones. Taking calcium in pill form, however, may
increase the risk of developing stones.
You may be told to avoid food with added vitamin D and certain types
of antacids that have a calcium base. If you have very acidic urine,
you may need to eat less meat, fish, and poultry. These foods increase
the amount of acid in the urine.
To prevent cystine stones, you should drink enough water each day to
dilute the concentration of cystine that escapes into the urine, which
may be difficult. More than a gallon of water may be needed every 24
hours, and a third of that must be drunk during the night."
If you are over 50, you need calcium daily. Try the citrated form and
drink plenty of water!
If any part of my answer is unclear, please request an Answer
Clarification, before rating.
Regards, Crabcakes
Search Terms
citrated calcium
kindey stone prevention |
Clarification of Answer by
26 Jul 2005 10:38 PDT
Ooops, I forgot to mention the other half of your question!
Calcium does cause constipation in some people. If you suffer from
constipation, try taking a 500mg tablet in the morning, and another
500mg tablet in the afternoon. This will give you all the calcium, you
need, by giving you smaller doses, but more often. By drinking lots of
water, and eating a healthy and balanced diet, you should avoid stones
and constipation!
Sincerely, Crabcakes