How to improve memory
Category: Health Asked by: homerjaysimpson-ga List Price: $14.00 |
21 Jul 2005 17:01 PDT
Expires: 20 Aug 2005 17:01 PDT Question ID: 546424 |
I'm worried about my memory. It seems that I am constantly forgeting thangs that my fiance has mentioned, or not able to recall events that acquaintances are discussing. I'd say that I'm a very intelligent person - 28 y.o. I read a lot. I work as a lawyer in a big firm, so its relatively high stress. Hmmm....what else to say.... Oh, well one of the main reasons that I ask this question is that my maternal grandfather had alzheimers. I know I should have looked into it years ago, but I don't really know if it is the sort of disease that runs in the family. Could you please give sources on that topic? I'm sure that is not my problem right now, so maybe this is a two part question. Let me know if I need to split the questions up. Basically, I'm looking for any advice on how to "exercise" your memory or keep your memory in good shape. Any supplements that might be taken (that actually work)? Any other general advice? |
Re: How to improve memory
Answered By: umiat-ga on 23 Jul 2005 09:46 PDT Rated: |
Hello, homerjaysimpson-ga! It sounds like you have a lot going on in your life right now. Forgetfulness is one of the symptoms of stress, and it may be that your mind is constantly mulling over other topics, internally, while your fiancé or in-laws are talking. We all have levels of importance that we attach to conversations, especially if we are going through a period of life that is inherently stressful. I, for one, am guilty of only "half-listening" many times, especially when I have more important tasks crowding my brain. For example, my husband might be telling me details about his current job, and while I am nodding and responding, I am actually silently trying to figure out how I will get my daughter situated for college, help her reduce her anxiety, deal with my aging parents, etc. Are you silently thinking about your job, impending marriage - other concerns - while your fiancé is reminding you that you need to fill the car with gas, or your in-laws are discussing their next vacation? More telling would be whether your are forgetting essential tasks necessary to perform your job as a lawyer. Do you find that you can perform your job as before? While Alzheimer?s "may" have a tendency to run in families, the evidence is not clear, and it is unlikely that you are experiencing symptoms at this young age. However, it is never too early to learn to listen effectively, and to improve your memory. EFFECTIVE LISTENING ==================== "Five Tips for Listening Well," by Thad Peterson http://featuredreports.monster.com/listen/tips/ "Respect and Ways to Listen Effectively." Family Works http://www.urbanext.uiuc.edu/familyworks/respect-02.html Listening Effectively." http://www.wright.edu/~scott.williams/skills/listening.htm TOOLS TO IMPROVE MEMORY ======================== Some useful tools for improving memory are compiled on the following site: http://www.psychwww.com/mtsite/memory.html MindTools has a list of links to memory improvement techniques for specific types of information: http://www.mindtools.com/memory.html "Five Simple Techniques to Improve Your Memory," by Ajan Raghunathan http://www.psychology4all.com/FiveMemoryTechniques.htm "Tips and Techniques to Improve Your Memory," by Sharon Jacobsen http://www.finetuning.com/articles/786-tips-and-techniques-to-improve-your-memory.html Books ====== "The Memory Doctor: Fun, simple Techniques to Improve Memory & Boost Your Brain Power," by Douglas J. Mason, Spencer Xavier Smith http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1572243708/ref=pd_sxp_f/102-8633616-5704941?v=glance&s=books "Harvard Medical School Guide to Achieving Optimal Memory (Harvard Medical School Guides)," by Aaron P. Nelson, Susan Gilbert http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/007144470X/ref=pd_sim_b_1/102-8633616-5704941?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance "Intelligent Memory: Improve the Memory That Makes You Smarter," by Barry Gordon, Lisa Berger. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0670032409/ref=pd_sim_b_5/102-8633616-5704941?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance ALZHEIMER'S ============= From "An overview of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias." Alheimer's Association. http://www.alzwisc.org/overview.html#families Does Alzheimer's disease run in families? "The evidence is not clear. Cases where several members of a single family have hadd autopsy-confirmed diagnoses of Alzheimer's disease are rare. Much more common is the situation where a single family member is diagnosed as having probably Alzheimer's (meaning that physicians are 80 to 90 percent certain that it is Alzheimer's)." "A person's risk of developing the disease seems to be slightly higher if a first-degree relative (brother, sister, parent) has the disease. This situation is called "familial," which means there could be a genetic factor involved, or perhaps family members were exposed to something in the environment that caused the disease." Does Alzheimer's disease occur in younger adults? "Yes. The disease can occur in people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s, although most people diagnosed with Alzheimer's are older than age 65. This is called "early-onset" and represents less than 10 percent of Alzheimer cases." = From "Alzheimer's disease and dementia." James Tighe. BBC/UK http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/mental_health/disorders_dementia.shtml "Alzheimer's disease does appear to run in families, but having a relative with Alzheimer's doesn't appear to significantly raise your own risk of developing the problem." == I hope the references I have provided prove helpful, and ease your mind somewhat! Take care, umiat Search Strategy improving memory how to listen effectively stress and forgetfulness alzheimers does alzheimer's run in families? alzheimer's in young adults |
homerjaysimpson-ga rated this answer: and gave an additional tip of: $1.00 |
Re: How to improve memory
From: jonharman-ga on 21 Jul 2005 23:51 PDT |
Recent tea study: http://www.newstarget.com/004474.html http://www.ontcm.com/message/10411173401.htm Ginkgo Biloba http://www.consumerlab.com/results/ginkgobiloba.asp |
Re: How to improve memory
From: doug62-ga on 23 Jul 2005 07:10 PDT |
It sounds like forgetting things is a new occurrence for you. However, there is still a possibility that you might have a component of Adult Attention Decificit Disorder. This is something that you could discuss with your healthcare practiioner, and you might want to do some more research on the Internet about the signs/symptoms. Since you state you have a high stress job, have you considered the impact of stress on your ability to concentrate and therefore recall information? Stress can be a common reason for problems with concentrating and active listening. Regular exercise can help control stress and again, this might be an issue to discuss with your healthcare practitioner, as there are pharmacologic interventions that can be made. Given your age, it would seem to me that the onset of Alzheimers would be slim. However, you shouldn't dismiss your symptoms and should instead pursue exploring them with your healthcare practitioner. (Are you beginning to see a pattern here?) ;) Life is too short to not make the most of it. You already know that you have a family history of Alzheimers disease and although the disease is not inherited there is strong support that there is a familial tendency towards the disorder. Also, there are better treatments than ever, but to be maximally effective they must begin as early in disease progression as possible. I'm not aware of any supplements that have been "proven" to be effective (or everyone would probably be taking them at this point). There are lots of anecdotal information that will steer you towards many different supplements and you'll have to research each of them carefully and thoroughly before biting. There is support for mental exercises decreasing the risk and or progression of dementia of almost any type though. Keeping your mind active, as I'm sure you do in your daily work, as well as activities such as reading, completing crossword puzzles, etc. may be helpful. Hope this information is beneficial in some way! |
Re: How to improve memory
From: myoarin-ga on 23 Jul 2005 18:09 PDT |
I agree entirely with Umiat-ga's opening remarks. Call it Adult Attention Deficicit Disorder or just selective inattention: somethings just go in one ear and out the other. At the moment, we hear it and immediately relegate the subject to a memory delete area. This is usually entirely correct from our need for the information, but if others - your fiancee - later refer to the subject, it isn't there, at least not immediately. Don't worry about it. It isn't Altzheimer. Most married couples are skilled at selective inattention - do I really care or want to know what my wife thinks about this or that person - whom I have never met - and their problems? No, rightfully, but she expects me to remember. Doug's recommendation of physical exercise is good; it lets you unwind and regenerates. Just demanding for yourself a half hour to unwind, to shift scenes without new input is a great help; feet up, newspaper up - probably forget most if its contents, but better is jogging or the like. Maybe you think about work, whatever, after a shower you are ready to be an attentive person again. Make it a habit, that improves the effect, physically and mentally, knowing you have the time for yourself, even if you have guests; you and they will appreciate that then you are there for them, attentive, not suddenly talking about your unfinished work .... ever done that? Take care, myoarin |
Re: How to improve memory
From: calgonia-ga on 27 Jul 2005 14:21 PDT |
Burn-out level stress can result in un-restful sleeping that can result in memory loss. Are you getting restful sleep at night? Start keeping a sleep diary. First thing in the morning write down when you go to sleep, when you get up, and whether you feel rested. A friend, who went through severe burn-out several years ago, overheard me say something similar last year (my burn-out was spectacular shortly thereafter). I was carrying around a paper and pencil because I couldn't keep anything in my head for more than a minute. He told me that it may never come back. He used to do a lot of community theater, and he'd memorize lines in a couple of days. It now takes him a couple of weeks. I still don't have my memory back either, and it's been 10 months. If you think that your memory loss may be stress/rest related, and, even with the sleep diary, you find that you're not getting rest, go to a doctor and get medical help to restore normal sleep patterns. |
Re: How to improve memory
From: homerjaysimpson-ga on 27 Jul 2005 15:20 PDT |
Thanks for all of the comments. I actually don't think it is stress related. Although my job stresses out a lot of my co-workers, I generally am very laid back and rarely "take work home with me." I work some long hours, but I doubt that stress is a big problem. I also get plenty of sleep - that is definitely not an issue. I do, however, need to exercise more. That is for sure. Thanks again for the comments, everyone. |
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