Just a thought:
Perhaps emotion can be defined as a combination of neurological
logical operators and nuerological mental states.
For example:
Take the human emotion we would call LOVE. Could love, from a truly
unromantic point of view be the simple recognition of need
Then HATE would be the logical recognition of that which CREATES
needs. Those things in our lives that create needs would have the
tendancy of making us feel like avoiding them, while the things that
fullfill needs would attract us to them.
From a biological point of view, it is only important that we do this,
and not so important that we understand why we are doing so. The
emotional operator creates emotional mental states that MOTIVATE us
into action (or inaction, such as the case of DEPRESSION), as needed
or deemed appropriate.
We can therefore elaborate on other emotions:
FEAR becomes a simply biological prioritizer. When faced with what we
fear we have the almost uncontrollable urge to pay attention to the
fear-source until the percieved threat is dealt with.
FRUSTRATION is the logical conclusion that the individual lacks the
resources (intelligence, money, etc.) to adequately FIGHT a problem,
or "deal with it directly", while at the same time putting emotional
value on doing so.
PANIC is the logical conclusion that escape, or FLIGHT, from a
situation/environment is not possible, or seemingly unlikely, however
DEPRESSION would be a defense mechanism. An individual can only
maintain a belief system that is in disagreement with their
environment for a definite period of time (usually), although that
period will vary from person to person. When a threshold has been
overcome in the form of STRESS from this disagreement between ideal
reality based on belief system versus the perceived reality of the
individual, then the defense mechanism process starts. Depression of
the brain is necessary to "rewrite" the neurological connections of
the brain, and therefore rewrite the belief system to bring it into
accordance with the perceived reality.
I could go on (as I have mapped out every human emotion now, with
relation to evolutionary development, and referenced to emotional
mental state as well), but I think the rest becomes self evident. If
you have any questions please feel free to contact me. This is just a
hobby/interest of mine, and I found this question by accident.
I just thought I would have some fun by answering a little bit. :)
Have a nice day. |