Request for Question Clarification by
23 Jul 2005 16:32 PDT
Hello uzzz-ga,
I have found dozens of articles about the damage caused by the Forest
Tent Caterpillar but could not find anything to confirm tree mortality
caused by these infestations. Would negative information on your
question be useful? Here is an example of the many research reports
I look forward to your clarification.
~ czh ~
Forest Tent Caterpillar, Malacosoma disstria Hübner (Insecta:
Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae)1
Populations of forest tent caterpillars occasionally or periodically
attain outbreak proportions. During outbreaks, enormous numbers of
caterpillars cause widespread and extensive defoliation of host trees,
and may create an overwhelming nuisance to people encountering them.
Seldom are trees killed during such outbreaks and where tree mortality
has occurred, it usually has not been substantial (Anderson 1960).
Severe and repeated defoliation can, however, lead to dieback and/or
reduced growth of affected trees, which in some instances may be
significant (Drooz 1985).
The extent, magnitude and impact of this outbreak reached pronounced
levels in 1995 and, in general, escalated to alarming proportions in
1997. Noticeable declines in forest tent caterpillar populations were,
however, recently evident at some locales where caterpillars had been
abundant for three to four years. Although no tree mortality has
occurred as a direct result of defoliation, the sheer number of
caterpillars, their frass, and the subsequent populations of adult
moths have caused numerous problems for people, particularly in urban