From: http://www.fs.fed.us/r8/foresthealth/pubs/oakpests/p7.html
Malacosoma disstria
Importance. -- Outbreaks occur periodically on oaks and other
hardwoods over wide areas of the eastern half of North America. Growth
loss and dieback occur, but trees are seldom killed unless they
sustain 3 or more successive years of defoliation.
Identifying the Insect (figure 6a). -- Caterpillars have pale bluish
lines along the sides of a brownish body; a row of keyhole-shaped
white spots down the middle of the black back; sparsely covered with
whitish hairs; and reach 2 inches (50 mm) at maturity. Adult moths are
buff brown with darker, oblique bands. Egg masses of 100 to 350 eggs
encircle the twigs and are covered with frothy, dark brown cement.
Identifying the Injury (figure 6b). -- The first noticeable signs of
attack are sparse crowns and falling frass. Caterpillars often cluster
on the lower trunks of infested trees. Trees or even stands may be
completely defoliated during spring.
Biology. -- Eggs hatch in early spring. Caterpillars feed for 4 to 6
weeks on the opening buds, foliage, and flowers. Despite its name,
this species does not form tents. Pupation occurs in yellowish cocoons
and lasts 10 to 14 days. Moths emerge from late May to July and
deposit their eggs, which overwinter. There is one generation per
Control. -- Natural controls include insect parasites of the pest's
eggs, larvae, and pupae. Predators, virus and fungus diseases as well
as high and low temperatures also kill forest tent caterpillars.
Several chemicals and a microbial insecticide are registered for
My question: I would like a few examples of the rate of spread of a
forest tent caterpillar.
Thank you
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