Hello mrmora-ga,
It appears that in California the kinds of laser procedures you want
to perform are only permitted for physicians and specific licensed
medical practitioners under the supervision of a physician. Check out
this website for the exact rules and regulations. Be sure to read the
whole page to get the complete picture.
Good luck.
~ czh ~
Use of Lasers, Dermabrators, Botox and Other Treatments by Non-Physicians
During the past few years, the Board has received an increase in calls
inquiring about who may perform what type of cosmetic procedure and
where. There is a particular interest in those elective cosmetic
procedures that are becoming very popular with our appearance-oriented
population, especially baby-boomers concerned with the signs of aging.
Physicians call to find out who they may hire so that they may expand
their practice to capture this market, and non-physicians call to find
out if they might be allowed to profit by performing various
treatments. The Board believed that it might be helpful to share some
of these questions and our responses with our readers.
Who may use lasers or intense pulse light devices to remove hair,
spider veins and tattoos?
Physicians may use lasers or intense pulse light devices. In addition,
physician assistants and registered nurses (not licensed vocational
nurses) may perform these treatments under a physician's supervision.
Unlicensed medical assistants, licensed vocational nurses,
cosmetologists, electrologists or estheticians may not legally perform
these treatments under any circumstances, nor may registered nurses or
physician assistants perform them independently, without supervision. |