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Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
Category: Relationships and Society > Romance Asked by: rochelleann-ga List Price: $10.00 |
24 Jul 2005 20:28 PDT
Expires: 23 Aug 2005 20:28 PDT Question ID: 547442 |
Hi there I am getting married in 2 weeks, for the second time in less than a year, to the same guy. Confused? Well, it's really not that complicated, we got married a year ago as immigration gave us 90 days to do so (I arrived from Australia to the USA on a fiance visa), and now we are having our big, proper wedding with all of the family invited...on our own terms! Anyway - my husband and I agree that we want a really simple wedding, though this is easier said than done. We live in Alaska, and I've had to do everything for the wedding over the internet as we have no stores in my town....including my wedding dress. I've bought three so far. I digress... As far as our ceremony goes, we feel a bit ridiculous doing the whole thing over. It would feel so fake, and like we were acting in a play or the likes, so we have composed a very different more fitting ceremony. We took our original script from our first wedding last year, and broke it up into parts. Each part was given to 6 special people in our lives. These 6 people are going to read the ceremony aloud to the group. My husband and I are going to turn to each other and say " Do you, ...... take ME to be your lawful wedded wife....etc.." , then my husband's father (who originally married us) is going to do the official closing of the ceremony, however we have added yet another twist. Each person in witness to our ceremony will say in unison..."???" and here the problem begins. Instead of having my husbands father say "and now with the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife" (this seems redundant, as we are already husband and wife) we want to say something along the lines of (remember, this is everyone speaking in unison) "We stand together, united, to bless the wedding rings of ....... and together, we wish them a very happy successful future together". But, I just can't do it without it sounding either too bland or far too cheesy! Any ideas for that last line? |
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Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: myoarin-ga on 25 Jul 2005 05:16 PDT |
"... to bless the wedding rings of ..., may they always be a symbol to you both of the vows that bind you, and be a reminder of this day and joyous occasion. May your future be blessed with love and forgiveness, hope and happiness." Neither too bland nor too cheesy, I hope! All the very best you both, Myoarin |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: rochelleann-ga on 25 Jul 2005 10:24 PDT |
Great suggestion myoarin - I will definitely use some parts of it. I am however, hoping to word it in such a way as to emphasize the significance of having people dear to us in our lives bless the rings for us. I don't particularly like the intro I came up with "We stand united"...however I want to say something along the lines of a group of loved ones and friends blessing the rings....in unity. Blah - I just don't know... |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: myoarin-ga on 25 Jul 2005 11:04 PDT |
Rochelleann, I think you have a wonderful idea - didn't want to comment on it before. Some more ideas - just brainstorming: "We, whom you have chosen to share - to be with you - in this important moment bless ..." I was thinking before of suggesting that they could say something like: "We pledge to support you ...", but then I thought that this idea - somewhat like the role of godparents at a christening - was probably going too far, considering the possible geographical distance for some of them. I will be very happy to continue to share thoughts with you on the text. My wife and I (German and US) married in Sydney - with much less profound thoughts, but enough, it seems - 33 years later. :-) Myoarin |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: rochelleann-ga on 25 Jul 2005 14:55 PDT |
Thanks Myoarin - I appreciate any help I can get with this! I imagine the immigration rules are a lot different now to when you got married. It's been almost a year since our original wedding here in Alaska, and I still don't have Permanent Residency, or a social security number. It's a big old pain in the backside! I bet your Sydney wedding was beautiful! Did you get wedding photos in front of the bridge, or the opera house? Anyway - I think we are getting closer with the wording... "In love and friendship, we bless these rings as a symbol of your lifelong committment to each other. May your futures be forever happy and successful." The thing is, some of the people present at our wedding may not love us, or be our friends...this sounds strange, but there are 1500 people in our town and we are running an ad in the paper. Some people will probably just show up to look and see...this is certainly a unique situation! :) |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: myoarin-ga on 25 Jul 2005 16:14 PDT |
Whoops! I was texting for the six friends. I would feel kind of funny about being expected to join in blessing your rings if I were just there out of curiosity ... But it is a great idea to invite the whole world to your wedding. What about letting those six say the more personal part and a last line such as you just wrote, and then ask the the congregation to repeat it? I guess your father-in-law would be the one to do that: "Will you all join in repeating ..." ?? But it is your wedding. Purely personally, I prefer "future" in the singular - yours together, one for ever; and "successful" to me sounds like a wish for a business venture - not that every marriage isn't. But, again, it's your wedding. What does the groom's father suggest? He may have a good idea - and appreciate being asked. Myoarin |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: rochelleann-ga on 25 Jul 2005 18:05 PDT |
That's a really good point. I was going to print out little notes for people so they knew what they were going to say. I'll definitely make it optional if people in the audience want to join in...I'm so glad you are here to help me think through this!!! My husband is not much help at all in this department, but great in others. Can't have everything :) I totally agree - future, not futures...that sounds so silly reading over it again! What if....We get the 6 special people to say: "In love and friendship, we bless these rings as a symbol of your lifelong committment to each other. May your future together be forever happy and successful." And then, Keith's Dad can say: "Will you all join in blessing this marriage".. And the congregation can say something like "We bless this marriage"...or something a little more meaningful, but not as long winded as the sentence the 6 people say...??? |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: myoarin-ga on 25 Jul 2005 19:43 PDT |
Glad you appreciate... It's fun to be able to help. Yes, something like that. I was thinking that the congregation could repeat the last sentence that the six said, maybe without using a note. That would distract rather than concentrate attention on their words. Perhaps Keith's Dad could say: "Rochelle's and Keith's friends wish to bless the couple. You are all invited to join in repeating their last words," which would be "May your future together be forever happy and successful." Or whatever you decide. The six would have to lead in repeating, of course, and hopefully the congregation would have enough experience to join in. Personally, I wouldn't burden the congregation with the words: "We bless ..." Are we getting closer ...? Myoarin |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: jmwong982-ga on 26 Jul 2005 09:58 PDT |
This should really come from you..but I think you should incoperate into the last line something to do with the fact that you have overcome all these odds and obstacles to be together, and still have managed to come to this place. ummm "and may this celebration be a symbol of the deepest strength your love has possed thus far throughout the journeys in which you have embarked, and may there be many more to come filled with the undeniable love that has brought you this far, to where you surround yourself by loved ones to witness this proclamation of your devotion to each other." its wordy, but you could revise it. you get the general idea. |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: rochelleann-ga on 26 Jul 2005 14:27 PDT |
Last night I printed out this page, and showed him the back and forth between myoarin and I...he really liked what we came up with, but said that he wants everyone in the audience to participate in the final words...not to seperate it between the 6 "special" people, and then the audience following....back to square one... Where were we, perhaps I need to come up with a really simple one-liner that does not assume that people love us and also does not put words in their mouhts. I feel kind of funny making people say "We wish you...." when this might not be something they wish, though I'm sure there is no reason they would object, it is weird. Perhaps just this, said by all: "May your future together be forever happy and successful." |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: myoarin-ga on 26 Jul 2005 15:22 PDT |
Okay, it's his wedding too :) (But if you get anything printed, we want a credit at the bottom: "The above text was prepared with the help of Google Answers - www. ....") No? It was just a joke. It has been a pleasure trying to help. Maybe it gets back to Kieth's Dad saying: "The couple would like you all to join in ...." I'll be here, if you want more suggestions. If not, have a wonderful wedding and a great life! Myoarin |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: rochelleann-ga on 26 Jul 2005 15:33 PDT |
Thanks Myoarin :) Perhaps Keith's Dad could say...."Keith & Rochelle would love if you would join in the blessing of their marriage. Let us ay together...." "May your future together be forever happy and succesful!" But then, he ceremony is sort of left hanging...how would I end it after that? As this is the very last part of our ceremony.... |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: myoarin-ga on 26 Jul 2005 15:55 PDT |
Hug, kiss, shake hands or hug Dad, if appropriate also the Big Six while the music starts, and then sweep out of the building (or out of the altar area). .... Luckily - for me - I have no idea about your taste in music. Bach's Toccata in (D?), to "We are the Champions". (But if there is an organist, don't ask him or her for the Bach, not that piece anyway, it's pretty difficult.) Again, all the best to you both, Myoarin |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: rochelleann-ga on 26 Jul 2005 16:34 PDT |
Perfect! You're the greatest :) We won't have anyone doing the music as we are having an outside wedding at the harbor, however a hug, kiss and handshake is perfect. I'm so tightly wound at the moment with planning this thing all by myself that I'm not thinking clearly. Again, I really appreciate all of your useful help!!! Rochelle |
Re: Help with wedding - wording for close of ceremony...
From: myoarin-ga on 26 Jul 2005 16:45 PDT |
And then jump in the boat and sail away into the sunset, with Bing Crosby crooning to Grace Kelly: "And here's to you, a-and here's to me, true love ..." It's going to be swell! Take care, Myoarin |
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