There was a classic horror movie which name i can not remember, nor
can i remember anyone that was in it. I do remember that it was black
and white, and there was a scene that scared the krap out of me as a
child, even now thinking about it still raises the hair on my arms
Allow me to describe the scene for you the best i can remember and
perhaps someone here will know the name of this movie.
Back in the old days when they used to have a persons wake and funeral
in their home, it was night time and no lights on, storming outside
and an occasional flash of lightening would shine through the large
rooms windows and by the large picture window was the casket with the
body of an elderly woman in it, you could see her when the lightening
flashed otherwise you just saw the shiloette (sorry about the
spelling) then the scariest part for me was 3 fast flashes of
lightening, like a stobe effect, first flash shows the women sitting
up in the casket, second flash shows her pointing at the person in the
room (actually it would be pointing at the camera because this scene
you are looking through his point of view) then the third flash shows
her laying back as she originally was. very spooky and very fast
entire lightening flashes maybe 3 seconds but i really loved that
scene and havent seen it since i was a child. Hopefully this jogs
someones memory and they might know the title of this movie. |
Clarification of Question by
25 Jul 2005 14:08 PDT
You had asked when it was i had seen this and if i was sure it was a
movie and not a TV show. Yes definately a movie, it was in the mid to
late 60's that i seen it, but i would have to guess it was made in the
30's possibly 40's. The only other thing i can think of was that it
appeared on a show here in the Chicago area called Creature Features,
a weekend show that featured late night scary movies. It is where i
first seen The wolfman, Dracula, Frankenstein and of course The Mummy,
not to mention a ton of others. This is pretty much all i remember
about it.