Hello lyonsboy-ga,
Contact information for Sean Thomas Bunch, also known as Sean Bunch,
can be found at the website of Gunmetal Group. Sean Bunch is one of
the founders of this organization. Gunmetal Group is also mentioned
in his bio at the FX link you provided in your question.
Gunmetal Group
Contact Us
Scroll to the bottom of the page for his e-mail address and phone
number. There is also a main phone number and address for the
organization at the top of the page.
Gunmetal Group
About Us
?Gunmetal?the beginning?
?While working as the Senior Military Advisor on JAG, Matt Sigloch saw
a need for more military realism. Tradition background actors just
didn?t measure up. They lacked the military appearance, knowledge and
discipline necessary to satisfy the standards of a military drama.
Matt knew that if he could find real Soldiers, Airmen, Sailors and
Marines to act as special ability background, he would have his
The answer came in Jonathan Barton and Sean Bunch, two stellar
Marines, fresh from the war in Iraq. Both had extensive military
experience and a data base of military trained personnel to aid in
I hope you have found this information helpful. If you have any
questions, please let me know by using the request for clarification
feature prior to rating the answer.
Google Search Terms:
"sean bunch"
://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off&q=%22sean+bunch%22 |