I have a Splitter Window divided into two CScrollViews, one on top of
the other. I want the two views to share the horizontal scrollbar in
the bottom view, and the horizontal scrollbar in the top view to be
hidden. I also want the bottom view to have a vertical scrollbar. I'm
looking for any sort of solution.
Here's a screenshot of what I have so far:
I have tried two methods.
In the first method I used the scrollbars from within the scrollviews.
In the screenshot, I used EnableScrollBar(SB_HORZ, ESB_DISABLE_BOTH)
to disable the scrollbar in the top view. However, I need to *hide*
it, and ShowScrollBar(WS_HORZ, FALSE) is not working.
In the second method, I called SetScrollStyle(WS_HSCROLL) from the splitter
window object, which eliminated the horizontal scrollbar in the top
view. Great! However, now I can't get the vertical scrollbar in the
bottom view to appear, and that is essential.
Rus200 |