Hello Fones,
The short answers to your questions are:
No (to consultant connections), No (connect w/o virus protection), and
none (white papers or policies) that answer your question, though I
will point you to several helpful documents that may meet your needs.
The longer answer will require some analysis and in addition, I will
outline some alternatives that may provide you the proper balance
between risk and reward for your situation.
To properly answer the first question (should we let consultants plug
into our network?), you need to answer questions like the following:
Why do I want to have consutants plug into our networks?
What are the benefits of a direct connection (to us and the consultants)?
What are the risks of a direct connection (to us and the consultants)?
If the consultants have a specific task to perform (e.g., software
development, security analysis) that requires access to your internal
networks - I suggest you provide those consultants a desktop system
that is properly configured, monitored, and managed. I also suggest
you get them to sign some "Acceptable Use Policy" (AUP) - see below
for several good references - to help set the guidelines for use and
protect you if they step over the line. [the AUP should also emphasize
the need for virus protection - addressing your second question] You
may want to also conduct computer security training - the same as for
your employees. Make a "clarification request" if you need some
pointers to security training.
If the consultants need a high speed link to access the internet or
their home systems (without access to your internal network), there
are a few options:
- wide area broadband wireless [see below]
- setting up a "DMZ" for guests
Both of these solutions can "meet the need" if this is the type of
service you need to provide. The first one basically takes the out of
your hands - the consultants get access through a third party. The
second option gives you some flexibility on access and should be done
in conjunction with an AUP - the guest signon can help enforce that
restriction. If you don't know what a DMZ is, see
for a description of several different network scenarios with and without a DMZ.
The solution that you use should be based on the level of risk / level
of benefits that you forsee. For an overview of firewall policies and
risks, see
or for the more nicely formatted version starting at
I can make some other suggestions on risk / reward analysis if you need it.
Based on what you described (I asssume something like...)
Remote Users -- Internet -- Firebox -- Internal servers / Internal users
it may be possible to set up something like this:
Remote Users -- Internet -- Firebox -- Internal servers / Internal users
+--VLAN-- Consultants
where the VLAN and Firebox configuration (see the white paper at)
(near the bottom, titled "Using Virtual LANs to Get More From Your Firewall")
will allow your consultants access to the Internet and keep them off
your internal servers and protect your internal users.
For more information on specific references [and to help answer the
third part], see
Acceptable use policies - use search phrases like
"acceptable use policy"
corporate "acceptable use policy"
"acceptable use policy" -ISP -university -hosting
(note - many references are for universities, internet service
providers - I tried to find some that were more directly applicable to
your needs)
Wide area broadband information can be found with search phrases like
wide area broadband wireless
to find suppliers like
Verizon - http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/mobileoptions/broadband/serviceavailability.jsp
(this is not an endorsement of their service, just a pointer)
"guest" access references can be found using search phrases like
firewall guest access
For example,
describes how to set up a wireless access point to allow guests access
to a separate LAN (with access to the Internet) while allowing your
employees secure wireless access to your internal network. If you give
the consultants wired access - you could set up your wired routers to
provide a similar VLAN (or wired LAN) to the Firebox.
If some part of the answer is incomplete or unclear, please make a
clarification request and I would be glad to expand on the answer.
Good luck with your work with your company and the consultants you
have to deal with.
--Maniac |