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Q: Factual errors in any recent science fiction film ( Answered 4 out of 5 stars,   0 Comments )
Subject: Factual errors in any recent science fiction film
Category: Arts and Entertainment > Movies and Film
Asked by: diddy00-ga
List Price: $10.00
Posted: 29 Jul 2005 12:33 PDT
Expires: 28 Aug 2005 12:33 PDT
Question ID: 549533
I need as many factual errors in any recent science fiction movie.
Some possibilities are Apollo 13, 2001, Star Wars, etc... but not
limited to that list. The better the factual error (meaning it was
hard to find or is not obvious error), the better. Basically I need
hard factual errors in ANY recent science fiction movie (to repeat
myself). Remember, the harder the error is to find, the better! If I
recieve some great factual errors I will tip well.

Request for Question Clarification by rainbow-ga on 29 Jul 2005 12:45 PDT
Hi diddy00,

How recent is recent? Also, how many movies would suffice as an answer
to your question?

Subject: Re: Factual errors in any recent science fiction film
Answered By: rainbow-ga on 29 Jul 2005 15:13 PDT
Rated:4 out of 5 stars
Hi diddy00,

The following are some sci-fi movies that contain factual errors in
them. I chose recent to mean from 2001 and onwards.

The Chronicles of Riddick (2004)

Factual errors: 
*If the sun on the planet Crematoria is hot enough to instantly
incinerate someone, then ducking into the shadows to avoid direct
sunlight wouldn't do much good - the air would heat up like an oven,
and you would roast!


The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

Factual errors: 
*During the Mexican US Embassy scene we see a building with several
fixed satellite dishes. The angle of the dishes is far too low for a
tropical (or almost tropical) location, they'd be pointing much higher
in the sky.

*We are led to believe that the only global surveys of the weather
available are through manual observations from the International Space
Station. In reality there are several dedicated meteorological
satellites in orbit around the Earth.

*The space station appears to be orbiting from east to west; in fact
it orbits in the other direction.

*In one scene in earth orbit, the space station appears to be tumbling
out-of-control but the view from the observation portal the astronauts
look through is steady. A space station would remain gyroscopically
static in orbit unless acted upon by an outside force like gravity or
a meteoric impact which was not depicted. The only other reason for a
space station to spin would be to create artificial gravity, but the
stations design does not indicate this would be the case.

*Water expands when it freezes. The amount of water frozen in New York
would have caused catastrophic damage on its own. In the movie, the
water freezes without even the ships buckling.

*On the Trimble GPS Unit, the screen shown is the Satellite Screen,
not the Map Screen, so every time the navigator was asked where they
where, he could tell them how many satellites where being used, but
not the location of the unit.

*As well placed as the Hawaiian Airlines ad was, Hawaiian does not fly
anywhere east of Phoenix.

*During a meeting with his cabinet, the President stands and leaves,
yet everyone seated at the table remains seated. White House protocol
requires that when the President stands up, so does everyone else.

*American glaciologists in Antarctica are heard using US units of
measurement during their work. The metric system is in use by
glaciologists - even American ones - in all scientific contexts. The
metric system is far easier to use.

*Hailstones are shown as plain clear chunks of ice. Because of the way
that they form, hailstones are opaque balls of concentric layers of
accumulated ice (like rings of a tree), or agglomerated lumps of
smaller stones.

*Glasgow Celtic are shown wearing blue kits. Blue is the one color
Celtic would never wear, as it is the home color of their arch-rivals
Glasgow Rangers.


Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)

Factual errors: 
*One of the old military trucks in the final scene has a civilian
(state) license plate on it. Military vehicles do not have such
license plates.

*Firefighters are seen extinguishing a vehicle fire outdoors with a
carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. These types of fire extinguishers
would be ineffective on a car fire as they work by depriving the fire
of oxygen. Carbon dioxide quickly disperses outdoors and the fire
would have its oxygen back in no time. Firefighters use dry chemical
extinguishers on minor car fires and hose lines on larger ones.

*Near the beginning of the film, Robert Brewster is told that "the
firewalls are still holding" between the public computer networks and
the core military defense networks. For security reasons, core
military defense computers have always been physically isolated from
any non-secure networks; there is no connection between them at all.

*Toward the end, when trying to enter the shelter, Kate enters the
pass-codes on what seems to be a normal looking computer keyboard.
Each time she enters numbers, she types in numbers as if a phone
button pad. Phone orientation and keyboard orientation are reversed.

*Sarah Connor dies in August 1997. In accordance with her will she has
many guns hidden in a coffin right after her death. After the cemetery
scene, at the RV, The Terminator pulls a Heckler & Koch UMP-45 out of
the coffin. This gun wasn't for sale until mid-1999. Two Years after
the gun was placed in the coffin.


Resident Evil (2002)

Factual errors: 
*When Spence listens in on Alice's conversation, he is using a
standard shotgun mircrophone on a zeppelin shock mount. This is a
location sound piece of equipment for film work. Although a shotgun
mic does have a decent reach, it is not a suitable (telescopic)
microphone for spy work.

*As the Umbrella-Commando-Squad break into the hive, the Red-Queen
identifies all of their weapons as HK_MP5k. In fact Rain has the only
MP5k. The others have a G36k with grenade launcher.

*Bio-tech labs' medical equipment is all made of plastic not glass for
the very reason shown with the breaking vial.


Jurassic Park III (2001)

Factual errors: 
*There are numerous instances where dinosaurs are portrayed in a
manner inconsistent with widely published dinosaur hypotheses. In
mitigation, since much of the hypotheses are not yet theory, some
artistic license must be allowed.

*When Dr. Grant's team is excavating in the Montana Badlands, a wood
thrush is heard in the background. The wood thrush isn't found in
Montana and would certainly not be live in a desert environment.

*The two D size batteries would not be able to supply either the
voltage or the current to power the camcorder.


AVP: Alien Vs. Predator (2004)

Factual errors: 
*The full moon for October 2004 would be on the 28th, not the 10th.

*The term "Hunter's Moon" is from North American folklore and would
not be familiar to Italy.

*Icebreakers have round prows, not angled ones.

*The story is set in October (summertime in Antarctica). It should
therefore be daylight on the surface, and yet it's dark as night.

*Alexa is wearing only a thin sweater (and no hat) after the Alien
burns her jacket, yet she doesn't even shiver while outdoors in

*Sebastian refers to "the Long Count" while describing a calendar that
he refers to as "Aztec". The Long Count was a feature of the Mayan
calendar system; the Aztec calendar, although based on the Mayan,
didn't use the Long Count.

*Cobwebs are visible throughout the pyramid. These webs could not
belong to any species of spider capable of surviving the Antarctic
conditions presented in the film.


28 Days Later... (2002)

Factual errors: 
*A soldier radios in "..., I repeat, ...". In UK signals, "repeat" is
reserved for artillery fire; correct would have been "I say again".

*As the taxi is driving towards Manchester, an explosion in the city
is seen and heard at the same time. Unless there was coincidentally
another explosion some time earlier with uncanny timing, the sound
should have come much later.


Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001)

Factual errors: 
*The Yeats poem is misquoted on the door in Dr. Hobby's office. Dr.
Know reads it "Come away, O human child! To the waters and the
wild..." This is the correct line, and also what Gigolo Joe says as he
reads it. However, the lines on the door read "To the waters of the

*The story opens with New York and other coastal cities having been
flooded due to the melting of the polar ice, but the ending has the
world in the midst of an ice age. If that were the case, the waters
would have first receded, leaving the cities on dry ground again. In
fact, sea levels would have dropped even further than they are today,
as more and more water was bound up in the ice.


Equilibrium (2002)

Factual errors: 
*When the Mona Lisa is seen it's clearly on canvas while the real Mona
Lisa is painted on a plate of wood. Though when it's authenticated
there's a reading that says that it is indeed wood.

*The Mona Lisa in the movie is far too large. The actual size is 77 x
53 cm (30 x 20 7/8 in), far smaller than the painting depicted in the


Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Factual errors: 
*During the subway fight, the windows on the cars shatter as if they
were glass. The windows of the New York subways are constructed of a
plastic material and would not shatter in such a manner.

*The sticker for the pizza parlor on Peter Parker's helmet says
"Bleeker Street". The street in lower Manhattan is actually Bleecker.
It's often spelled wrong, though.


The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

Factual errors: 
*When Trinity is disabling the power grid, the computer terminal
indicates that she is disabling 27 power nodes, numbers 21 to 48.
That's actually 28 nodes.

*When Trinity stops the motorcycle to avoid the truck, she doesn't
shift down so it's impossible afterwards to gain speed as shown.


The Core (2003)

Factual errors: 
*When Rat offers to help Josh stop Project Destiny, he tells Josh
"here is the information you're primed for". Josh understands the code
and enters "prime numbers" into his computer: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc.
But 1 is not a prime number. (Note: 1 used to be considered prime
number, but modern number theory doesn't think so - Josh ought to be
up to date with these things.)

*When Rat is trying to "hack" his way into the DoE's "Intranet
Database", on his first try to access a file he gets an error "404 -
Access Denied". Actually, web server error message 404 corresponds to
"File Not Found", while 403 is "Forbidden / Access Denied". Since Rat
is working from a seemingly secured computer - he seems to have no
trouble at all accessing the DoE's "Intranet" as clearly stated on the
screen - probably the correct error message should have been "401 -


Search criteria: "factual errors"

I then verified that the movies were science fiction according to the
Internet Movie Database.

I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions regarding my answer
please don?t hesitate to ask before rating it.

Best regards,

Request for Answer Clarification by diddy00-ga on 29 Jul 2005 17:39 PDT
Could you find anymore factual errors that were space related? As far
as recent, these are fine. I really need to focus on one particular
movie, and the more space related factual errors the better.

Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 30 Jul 2005 00:37 PDT
Here are two more sci-fi movies that have numerous factual errors in them:

Space Cowboys (2000)

Factual errors: 
*Since the Earth has about one hundred times the mass of the moon, one
would have to travel more than halfway there to be captured by the
moon's gravitational field.

*When becoming aware the satellite has problems, it is at 1000 miles.
It is supposed to be sent back to geostationary orbit (where it
presumably came from) but that's more than 20,000 miles higher. That
descent is inconsistent with the rate of orbital decay presented in
the movie. Also, the Space Shuttle operates at orbits of at most a few
hundred miles.

*The X-2, as shown at the beginning of the movie, was a single-seat
aircraft, whose forward cockpit area was designed into an
escape-capsule system, as opposed to the ejector seat shown.

*No sound is audible in space, however most of the external "space
shots" in this film have some sort of audible sound.

*The space shuttle always re-enters the atmosphere bottom first. If it
had re-entered nose first as depicted, it would have burned up.

*The interior shots of the orbiter show a ladder between the flight
deck and mid-deck. During flight there is no ladder installed, as it
would reduce useable space in the mid-deck and isn't necessary for
moving between the decks in zero-G.

*All of the actors playing the Daedalus team are 6'1" or taller. NASA
had a height limit for the Mercury program of 5'11" so no member of a
space flight program could have been over 6 feet tall.

*When Hawk launches the missile platform toward the moon, he aims
straight for it. Due to the moon's orbit around the Earth, that would
result in the moon shifting considerably in position before Hawk would
ever have got there. In order to hit the moon, the platform would have
to be aimed further along the moon's orbit.


Mission to Mars (2000)

Factual errors: 
*While looking at a DNA sequence Jim McConnell says that the last two
chromosomes are missing. What is missing is actually the last two
nucleotides. DNA does not have chromosomes.

*When looking at the DNA model, only a few base pairs of the DNA are
shown. All DNA is exactly the same regardless of what organism it
comes from. The only differences lie in the sequences of the
nucleotide bases. It is absolutely undeniably impossible to
distinguish human DNA from any other type of DNA based on the very
short stretch of bases shown in the figure at which the scientist
proclaims "that DNA looks human." Humans have over 3 billion bases,
and almost all of them are in common with other primates. A few bases
will never be enough to prove that any DNA is human in any time period
or technology level. It is thus a gross contradiction of scientific

*When Woody Blake takes his helmet off in space he freezes instantly.
This would not happen, as heat transfer in a vacuum is inefficient. He
would probably suffer from oxygen deprivation (and, if he didn't
exhale promptly, the bends and pressure differentials) first.

*When on the planet of Mars we continually hear sounds. There is only
an insignificant atmosphere and so we wouldn't hear anything except
for the radio in their helmet/rocket.

*The floating candy double helix would not have stayed coherent while
spinning on the long axis; that kind of rotation is impossible in zero

*When the three astronauts enter the alien structure and view the
solar system model, all the planets (and the Earth's moon) are
revolving in the wrong direction. Viewed from the Northern hemisphere,
planets rotate counter-clockwise around the Sun, and so does the Moon
around the Earth. It is possible that the alien solar system model is
seen from the other orientation i.e. our Southern hemispheres of the
planets are on top for them. However a Mars with large ocean masses in
the top hemisphere is seen, which is in fact our Northern hemisphere
of Mars, assuming that water filled the depressions on Mars long ago.

*Inside the face, Jim checks the screen on his wrist to see what the
gasses were in the room. It reads "Nitrogen 56% Oxygen 20% Trace
Gasses 1%" which doesn't add up to 100%. The nitrogen should be at

*The walls of the tent should be fully inflated by the much higher
pressure inside, compared to the low atmospheric pressure of Mars.

*Because there is no pressure in the outer space, the astronaut's
space suits should look swollen since there is air pressure inside
them. However, in the movie astronauts suits look normal when they are
in the open space (we can see changing wrinkles). The same is valid
for when they are on Mars surface.

*Mars has an atmosphere, albeit a very thin one, that gives it a blue
sky, not a red one. The astronauts' white suits would still appear
white; only the ground is red.

*When Woody is wanting to descend in orbit to the space station, he
points his thrusters away from it to float towards it and reverses
their direction to slow down. This would work if there was no gravity,
but since they are floating in the orbit of mars, he would have to
point the trusters directly in front of him, slowing him down, and
causing him to float in a lower orbit.

I hope that helps.

Best wishes,

Clarification of Answer by rainbow-ga on 30 Jul 2005 00:44 PDT
Here are the factual errors that can be found in Apollo 13:

Apollo 13 (1995)

Factual errors: 
*After the party, Lovell holds his thumb in front the gibbous moon.
Then, telling Marilyn where to find "her" mountain, he says the Sea of
Tranquility is "where the shadow crosses the white part." The
terminator was in fact near the Sea of Tranquility on July 20, 1969,
but the moon was less than half full; it's depicted in the scene as
gibbous, with the terminator on the other side.

*When Jim Lovell is standing in his garden looking at the moon (one
eye closed) he covers and uncovers the moon (from his perspective)
with his thumb. Since the moon was the only light source in this
situation, the shadow of his thumb would have to be shading his eye.
But the third person perspective shows the thumb's shadow elsewhere.

*The seas are the dark parts.

*In Houston the moon set that night at about midnight CDT, while the
Apollo 11 astronauts were returning to their Lunar Module; hence it
would not be visible after the party at the Lovells'.

*The launch tower was on the north side of the Saturn V. If Mattingly
was watching from east of the pad near the beach, then he would see it
on the right.

*In the launch sequence, we see a countdown that ends with ignition of
the first stage engines; we see the Saturn V take off about 20 seconds
later, and as Lovell points out, the clock starts counting forward
then. In fact the ignition sequence for a Saturn V rocket began 8.9
seconds before liftoff, with the countdown reaching zero at the
nominal time of takeoff, not at ignition; the clock would then
immediately begin counting upward.

*Rockets burning hydrogen/oxygen (Saturn V second and third stages),
or the hypergolic fuels used on all Service Module and Lunar Module
engines and thrusters, have essentially invisible plumes in a vacuum,
not the bright white plumes depicted.

*The actual explosion took place at MET (Mission Elapsed Time)
055:54:53, a full hour before the time shown.

*The astronauts are shown looking at Mare Tranquilitatis, then
crossing from sunlight into shadow, followed by loss of signal, all
within seconds. In fact at loss of signal they had been in the moon's
shadow for some time and were nowhere near Mare Tranquilitatis.

*While passing over Tsiolkovsky crater on the moon's far side, the
astronauts also speak of sighting Fra Mauro and Mare Imbrium, both
nearly halfway around the moon.

*Just after acquisition of signal, Houston tells the astronauts that
their speed is "approximately 7,062 feet per second" and their
altitude above the moon is 56 nautical miles. That speed is 500 ft/s
below lunar escape velocity at that altitude, hence impossible on a
free return trajectory. In fact, any free return trajectory
symmetrical about the moon-earth line would put them at over 100
nautical miles altitude at acquisition of signal.

*A TV scene at Mission Control shows Houston Astros player Jimmy Wynn
hitting a home run on 13 April 1970. The Astros were shut out by the
Los Angeles Dodgers 2-0 that day. The home run shown was hit 10 June
1967, in a game between Cincinnati and Houston, it was the longest in
Crosley field history.

*In some cold scenes in the LEM, breath is visible. The warm breath
rises, which wouldn't happen in a weightless environment.

*"Houston, we have a problem," is probably the world's most known
misquote. After the bang, the conversation was as follows. Swigert:
"Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here." Charlie Duke: "This is
Houston. Say again please." Lovell: "Houston, we've had a problem.
We've had a main B bus undervolt."

diddy00-ga rated this answer:4 out of 5 stars
Good job finding what I needed after 2nd request. Only used one website.

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