difficulty in english vietnamese translation |
Clarification of Question by
29 Jul 2005 18:34 PDT
I'm preparing for a research about difficulty in english vietnamese
translation. I need ideas, tips solutions, methods to solve this
Request for Question Clarification by
29 Jul 2005 18:36 PDT
Are you looking for sources of answers to your question in English, in
Vietnamese, or both?
Can you clarify what your "research" will involve, and what kinds of
information would help you?
Clarification of Question by
29 Jul 2005 19:41 PDT
It's graduation essay research. I'm looking for both sources, enhlish
is better .thanks
Request for Question Clarification by
29 Jul 2005 21:39 PDT
Hi hatma!!
I don´t know if what i found is useful to you, here is a brief
description of what I can give to you:
I found two nice documentes regarding the problem (and solution) to
develop an electronic English/Vietnamese translator:
"Generation of Vietnamese for French-Vietnamese and English-Vietnamese
Machine Translation" by DOAN-NGUYEN Hai, Groupe de recherche sur
l'asymétrie des langues naturelles, Université du Québec à Montréal,
H3C-3P8, Canada:
This paper presents the implementation of the Vietnamese generation
module in ITS3, a multilingual machine translation (MT) system based
on the Government & Binding (GB) theory. Despite well-designed generic
mechanisms of the system, it turned out that the task of generating
Vietnamese posed non-trivial problems. We therefore had to deviate
from the generic code and make new design and implementation in many
important cases. By developing corresponding bilingual lexicons, we
obtained prototypes of French-Vietnamese and English-Vietnamese MT,
the former being the first known prototype of this kind. Our
experience suggests that in a principle-based generation system, the
parameterized modules, which contain language-specific and lexicalized
properties, deserve more attention, and the generic mechanisms should
be flexible enough to facilitate the integration of these modules."
"Some Lexical Issues in Building Electronic Vietnamese Dictionary" by
Dinh Dien, Pham Phu Hoi , Ngo Quoc Hung:
So far, the computer-based processing for Vietnamese has been limited
due to different reasons and one of those is the lack of fundamental
databases for automatic processing of natural languages by computers.
One such necessary database is the electronic Vietnamese Dictionary
used to process Vietnamese by computers. Computer Processing of
Natural Languages consists of various tasks and all these tasks need
to access the electronic dictionary database. So, the pre-requisite
condition for every NLP (Natural Language Processing) is to build the
electronic dictionary which computers are able to read from (in
technical terms, this dictionary is called MRD: Machine Readable
Dictionary). In this paper, we present some issues needed to be solved
in building a large-scale MRD for Vietnamese, e.g.: the macrostructure
and microstructure of more than 35,000 entries in the dictionary, the
internationality of criteria for
selecting word-entries in order that this dictionary can inherit,
interface to other popular English NLP systems in the world."
From a Vietnamese university I found the complete lessons of the
course "THEORY OF TRANSLATION", there are 7 lessons, here is the
Lesson 1 The Nature of Meaning
Lesson 2 Linguistic Meaning
Lesson 3 Referential Meaning
Lesson 4 The Dynamic Dimension in Communication
Lesson 5 Equivalence at word level
Lesson 6 Types of correspondences and contrasts
Lesson 7 The Techniques of Adjustment
I also found some articles that could be helpful in your project:
"Vietnamese translation in Australia: A missing link" by Frank Tr?nh,
this is a short essay about the difficulties of English/Vietnamese
translations, here is his conclusion:
"These problems of unnatural and unidiomatic target language were
encountered in Vietnamese community information publications. The
reasons for this supposedly collocational incompetence on the part of
the translator appear to be in the translator's misconception of their
work, lack of cultural sensitivity, influence by language
interference, and the lack of proper feedback from readers and/or
other translators. However, more recently, as a result of efforts made
by some government and private agencies by way of translator-checker
process, the Vietnamese translations have achieved a somewhat higher
degree of readability."
If you consider that what I found satisfies your needs I will post the
links to the full texts of all the mentioned documents plus some
others that are in some way related with your question. In the
negative let me know what more do you need in order to focus the
Clarification of Question by
29 Jul 2005 21:56 PDT
I already found these text
but o want to find somthing like this
Request for Question Clarification by
29 Jul 2005 22:23 PDT
I also found your sample text, I think that the course "THEORY OF
TRANSLATION" is what you need, I will post here the link and let you
check it, if it is what you need just let me know if not I will let
this open to other researcher:
Request for Question Clarification by
29 Jul 2005 22:25 PDT
See for example the lesson five "EQUIVALENCE AT WORD LEVEL"
Clarification of Question by
30 Jul 2005 00:02 PDT
hope you can open this topic for other researchers thanks
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Jul 2005 00:27 PDT
Hi hatma-ga,
Is this page similar to what you're looking for:
http://www.vny2k.net/vny2k/TrinhNhat-EnglishInVietnam.htm ? It
provides anecdotes about how English is mangled when translated into
Vietnamese because of cultural differences. (Note that the Vietnamese
orthography in that site is nonstandard - the site advocates a
reformed orthography that have not been used outside of that site).
Or are you looking for more scholarly sources talking about the
differences in structures between the two languages?
Request for Question Clarification by
30 Jul 2005 08:29 PDT
I've been looking into your question, and I'd like to ask for a bit of
1. You seem to be more interested in lexical/linguistic studies than
in straightforward software-design studies -- is this correct?
2. Many references are not available online, though you may be able
to retrieve them through university databases (presuming these are
available to you). Is it OK to reference studies where only a
citation can be given, but where no direct URL is available?
3. Is this link the type of information you are looking for:
Direct translation systems since 1965
...in particular, see page 8:
12.2. Logos Development Corporation (1969-78)
The Logos Development Corporation was founded in 1969 by Bernard E.
Scott in order to continue research under the sponsorship of the US
Air Force for an English-Vietnamese MT system. He had begun
preparatory work on the system in the Spring of 1965 at Computer
Technology Inc. In June 1970 a public demonstration of the system
(LOGOS I) was given on a small corpus of just 1300 words, which was
considered sufficiently satisfactory for the US Air Force to commence
the translation of training manuals and to recommend further
development. Nevertheless, the designers described it as an ?initial
capability system... not yet sufficiently developed for a large scale
machine translation of technical material? and emphasised that LOGOS
output required considerable post-editing. (Byrne et al. 1970)...[much
more text follows...see especially, the summary of the comprehension
and briefly mentioned...
12.6: Other direct translation systems.
During the early 1970s there was another English-Vietnamese MT project
at the Xyzyx Information Corporation at Canoga Park, Menlo,
Let me know your thoughts on these items.