Category: Computers Asked by: joel1357-ga List Price: $50.00 |
30 Jul 2005 03:37 PDT
Expires: 29 Aug 2005 03:37 PDT Question ID: 549741 |
This question is for Tox-ga only. Based on our agreement from the last question, please provide all relevent information here. Thank you for your hard work, we really appreciate it. We will get in touch with this company right away and will make a decision quite quickly on which company we will be using. Again, per our agreement, if we go with the company you provide we will add a $100 tip. |
Answered By: tox-ga on 01 Aug 2005 07:12 PDT Rated: |
Dear Joel, I've spent the past few days personally communicating with the company, recommenders, and past customers of the company to make sure one last time that they are able to do what you're looking for. Considering the price you've offered for these question, and the sense of urgency that you've indicated, I understand this is very important for you and your partners. After thorough research, I've concluded once more that they are among the top in their trade that will be able to provide what you need. As you are able to obtain both custom and ready-made software through them, you can choose between greater flexibility or faster availability. At this point I will post the contact information to the company so that you can contact them directly. Xavier & Company Consulting http://www.xavierco.com For consulting, support, and administrative issues info@xavierco.com For web spidering, searching, and archiving software seoul@xavierco.com I wish you all the best in your project and hope to hear from you after a successful venture. Cheers, Tox-ga |
rated this answer:
Tox, Thank you for your hard work. In the end we went with another company. Thanks, Joel |
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