Hi jeff_hoff and thanks for the question.
"All firearmsrifles, handguns, and shotgunsare exposed to mechanical
wear as well as the abusive effects of the weather and unexpected
handling problems. These problems include being dropped in muddy
fields, fresh water, or even salt water. Taking proper care of a
firearm means protecting it from the effects of such wear.
After every visit to the range or field, take time to clean your
firearms and make certain your equipment is in good working order.
That means checking for possible obstructions in the bore and for any
mechanical malfunctions. The first step, however, is to make certain
that your firearm is unloaded!
While it is certainly okay for children to watch you disassemble and
clean your firearm, it is extremely important that they do not touch
any of the equipment you use or waste byproduct that results from the
cleaning because of potential exposure to lead.
Having the proper cleaning equipment for a firearm is as essential a
part of firearms ownership as having the correct ammunition.
1.Make certain the shotgun is unloaded
2.Consult your firearm's owner's manual to determine
the extent to which you may safely disassemble your shotgun
for cleaning
3.Visually inspect the bore for blockages, rust, and leading
4.Apply bore solvent to a brass brush or fine steel wool,
and swab out the barrel
5.Run a dry patch down the bore and check for leading or rust
6.If no trace of either exists, run an oiled patch down the bore
7.Follow the instructions and remove all dirt and debris
with a brush and solvent-soaked cloth
8.Once clean, apply a light coat of oil to interior and exterior metal
9.Reassemble and store safely. "
In terms of what equipment you need. It is much easier to purchase a
kit specifically designed for the purpose. The type of kit you will
need is available at the website below. It is IMPORTANT to make sure
you get the right size of kit to fit your shotgun ie. 12 gauge, 16
gauge or whatever size your shotgun is.
Thanks for the question and if you need any clarification, donīt
hesitate to ask. I am a shotgun owner as well, and would be happy to
expand a little on my answer if need be.
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