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Asking out the coffee shop girl
Category: Relationships and Society > Romance Asked by: rleatham-ga List Price: $2.00 |
31 Jul 2005 20:17 PDT
Expires: 30 Aug 2005 20:17 PDT Question ID: 550269 |
I'm looking for a creative way to ask out a girl who works at a coffee shop. I go there frequently so we know each other?s names, but not much more. She's Australian, which is unique, and seems genuinely happy to see me whenever I come in. I get pretty timid when it comes to asking girls out, and I don't want to do anything that will make me feel uncomfortable coming back in to the shop if I get rejected. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. | |
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Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: adiloren-ga on 31 Jul 2005 22:51 PDT |
Be yourself- tell her that she seems interesting and you want to get to know her better. Don't try to be too cool or clever and don't ask her if she wants to get a cup of coffee! Good luck! Mike Cameron: I don't know you very well, you know, but I wanted to ask you - how'd you get Diane Court to go out with you? Lloyd Dobler: I called her up. Mike Cameron: But how come it worked? I mean, like, what are you? Lloyd Dobler: I'm Lloyd Dobler. Mike Cameron: This is great. This gives me hope! Thanks! |
Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: bitmaven-ga on 01 Aug 2005 01:01 PDT |
Ah Love... ;) The best way to approach it, is to have a specific date place in mind (as all of the experts tend to reccomend). A group setting is always good for a first date. My personal favorite, is to ask someone you're interested in to a party that you, or a friend are having. It tends to be much more likely to yield a yes answer (read: Its safe) than "Would you like to go out sometime?" ever will. Even better, if you go there often, try to strike up a general convo with her. Ask her what she likes to do. Tell her about something you did, to see if she shares the interest. It's always easier to ask a prospective interest, "Hey, there's a Thievery Corporation concert on Friday, would you like to go?" when she likes 'em, as opposed to if she thinks they're lousy. As a wise friend of mine said, "Remember, girls are people too." Good luck! Bitmaven-ga |
Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: journalist-ga on 01 Aug 2005 07:54 PDT |
Greetings Rleatham, Definitely a group gathering, or a daytime excursion to a park, museum, etc. (where there is a crowd) is perfect for a first date. Having a daytime date removes a lot of tension that the date could wind up in sexual mode, and many women view daytime dates as safe - also, with a daytime date, it's a great way to get to know her sans any alcoholic beverages. If you genuinely like her, take her on a daytime adventure where you two can communicate freely and soberly, and get to know each other in a non-threatening atmosphere. Best regards, journalist-ga |
Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: frde-ga on 02 Aug 2005 06:07 PDT |
<quote> She's Australian, which is unique, and seems genuinely happy to see me whenever I come in. </quote> Australian girls are not unique, loads of them about - generally pretty nice Just talk to her - if she is not interested then nothing will happen - but if she is interested she'll make a move The female of the species is far deadlier than the male. |
Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: ale1964-ga on 21 Aug 2005 06:21 PDT |
Find out when your waitress, or store clerk, or other working girl is on shift. Go to your local florist and get a nice bouquet of wildflowers and such made up. Don't go for a dozen red roses; that is way too heavy. Write on the card, "To (Her name), from your secret admirer." Then have a buddy deliver it on or before her shift. If you can't get a buddy to do it, try to talk a passerby into doing it. People usually enjoy helping out when it is a matter of love. Corny, ain't it? Wait a few days, before you go for the piece de resistance. Go to your local T-shirt store, and have them make up a T-shirt. It should say, "I AM YOUR SECRET ADMIRER." Put this shirt on under a button up shirt or jacket, and then walk in on your honey pie's shift. Waltz up to her, tap her on the shoulder, and open your shirt or jacket. Now, that will make an impression. You were clever, different, unique, and went to all that trouble just for her. (Never mind that you only have to pay for the shirt once, but can use it over and over again. Just make sure it stays clean, so it doesn't look used - that will really blow it for you!) After she gets through hugging you, or even kissing you, tell her you'd like to see her, and you're willing to go to some effort to do it, and then some. Then ask her out. If she's got any smarts and heart at all, she'll go for it. This is a great, fun method, and it really works like a charm! |
Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: myoarin-ga on 21 Aug 2005 15:32 PDT |
RLeatham, Have you talked to her yet? The previous comment doesn't sound to me like something for a somewhat timid person, but the idea of the flowers could be used. A simple handful of what could be garden-picked: you go in the place and ask with your order for a glass of water for your flowers. She will wonder about whom they are for. IF she asks, you can admit that they are really for her. If she doesn't ask, when you've finished your coffee, you can either 1) tell her that the flowers are for her, OR 2)just leave them on the table or on the counter when you pay: 2a) maybe she will then remind you of them and you can say that they are for her - or just say that she can have them. She will like that, maybe wonder at your somewhat bashful approach, but that doesn't matter. OR 2b) she doesn't notice or say anything, and you just leave the flowers behind. A day or two later when you return, if she is at all interested, she will mention the flowers, and you can take it from there, OR If she doesn't mention them, you can ask about them, saying that you forgot them. That will arouse her curiousity: guys with flowers usually have them for a girl, but forgetting them ...? Hopefully then she will remember them and say something positive, and you can then take it from there. All a bit long-winded. It is really just getting some flowers and letting her give you a glass (flowers small enough to fit), and seeing what happens. :) Myoarin |
Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: missy-ga on 22 Aug 2005 18:27 PDT |
Hi there! It looks like I'm going to be the lone dissenting voice, here. If you like going to that shop and like talking to her, don't ask her out. Just keep talking to her in a friendly fashion, and let her make the first move. Speaking as a former waitress, I did NOT appreciate it when customers either flat out asked me out or went about any of the "cute" methods listed above. It upset the dynamic of our already established relationship - I'm the server, he's the customer; it's my job to treat him nicely and make him happy. The balance of power is already tipped and while you may not be aware of it - or even want it to be that way - the girl is at a disadvantage in this situation. If he's regular, I *am* going to be genuinely happy to see him, because I know what to expect from him, I know he's not going to be rude to me or neglect to leave a tip, and if he's a nice chap, my shift wil feel like it's going a little faster when I'm taking care of him. He makes my job a little nicer, a little more fun. That doesn't mean a romantic advance would be welcome. Most service personnel do not like being "picked up" at their place of employment, because customers often feel that they are entitled to a "yes" answer. (Please understand that I'm not accusing you of this attitude, merely pointing out that it's prevalent and makes service people skittish.) It also tends to upset bosses, co-workers and other customers if you're perceived as a distraction, and if someone complains, she could be reprimanded. If you're intent on going out with this girl, proceed with extreme caution, lest you end up the subject of one of the many "OMG, this customer is STALKING ME!" stories on one of the many "Customers Suck" communities about. You seem like a nice fella - admittedly, I'm a softie for shy guys - and I'd hate to see you get shot down AND lose your favorite coffee spot. --Missy |
Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: aneelindia-ga on 21 Dec 2005 23:01 PST |
Go step by step if you are not a risk taker 1. Create a email id (secret admirer) 2. Send a nice card (paper not ecard) saying - I like you, but don't know how you going to react. Hey drop me a mail (xxx@xxx.com) 3. Wait for couple of days for email, will start ur communication. If she does not drop email, send 2 flowers (white and red rose) saying I dont know what in your heart but my in full of love like this rose. waiting for ur email xxx@xxx.com 4. Once communication start try to know what she likes, she will insists on knowing u. Ask her for 3 guess and if ur in, means she is noticing u BUT DONT TELL HER YES. 5. Wait for special day - her day off, birthday, ur birthday, etc and send her card to meet at particular location by someone, arrange in such a way that u will be in restuarent looking at her expression to know if she is intrested. 6. Go to place an 1/2 hr ago with best looking, hide urself so u can look her while coming and see her reaction, if she is intrested. 7. Meet her and open ur heart. SHORT WAY - GO TO RESTUARENT AND ASK HER, IF SHE MIND GOING OUT FOR A MOVIE WITH U. |
Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: dano2l-ga on 17 Jan 2006 22:57 PST |
Don't do any of the anonymous stuff. You'll either freak her out or tick her off. That only works in the movies. Personally, I'd never ask out a server. If you think she's cute, so do 50 other customers, 30 of which probably already hit on her that day. Your best bet is to slowly build up your conversations and see what comes out of that. You asked the question in June. What happened? |
Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: 74n0va-ga on 05 Feb 2006 23:31 PST |
Just ask her out!!!! Dont be friendly for years because its a known fact women like it when the guys approach them!!, Just ask her out. walk up to her and ask if she be intrested in going out sometime. Thats it, dont have to make a scene or anything, trust me she'll probley get kind of nervous and will not know what to say and will probley stutter for a second and will have no choice but to say yes, I use to ask "how should i ask her out" then i firgured it out, its simple JUST ASK HER OUT simple...no need to think how your going to do it just do it. YOU: Hey there again, ill have the usual (or order) Coffe shop girl: Hey blahh blahh blahh YOU: ok well see you later then stop turn around nice and smooth smile and say "Hey by anychance would you like to go out sometime" Coffe shop girl: hehehe...umm sure ok.... You: what time do you get off work Coffe shop girl: Around 4:30pm.... You: How about dinner tonight around say 6:00 o clock? (or where every you want to take her) COffe shop girl: hehehe ok sure You: Can I get your number and ill call you around 5:30 Coffe shop girl: Ok hehehe here it is BAM! thats all it takes! this can all go to disaster if she has a boyfriend trust me it works...im telling you and FLIRT allitle bit to if you want to throw some hints accouple of days before this small o deal...I always found out that smiling and straing at her in the eyes (not creepy) can really give her a hint and when your walking away turn around and glance at her and smile...and 100 bucks says if she's single shell give you the flirty smile back....thats also a good way to pop the question just walk right over there after she gives u the smile and pop the question Just grab ur jewels it aint hard buddy! I got faith in you ! That right there tells you |
Re: Asking out the coffee shop girl
From: kristobel-ga on 15 Apr 2006 14:42 PDT |
I'm not going to offer advice since undoubtedly something has happened in the 9 months since you've posted (what happened?), but I want to say thanks for everyone's responses; they've been helpful for me. I did a search because because I'm in a similar situation with the girl that works at the coffee shop that just opened next to my office. Fortunately I have a friend that works with her and he's sort of doing reconnaissance. ;) |
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