Hi myxlplix-ga :
This is an interesting probability question. I will assume that you
are a novice in this area, so please forgive me if I explain something
that's obvious to you. :-)
Let's start with what you know.
* You have 100 planes.
* Each plane has an 80% chance (or a .8 probability) of returning a
correct observation and a .2 probability of returning an incorrect
Figuring out the probability that n planes return a correct conclusion
overall is simply a matter of adding up the probabilities for each
possible combination of individual observations that leads to a
correct conclusion. (We'll assume here that if there is a tie - say 2
planes return correct observations and 2 planes return incorrect
observations out of 4 planes sent - then we count that ambiguous
result as an *incorrect* conclusion.)
We'll call our probability of a correct conclusion p_correct_n.
What happens for 1 plane? There's only one possible scenario for a
correct conclusion in this case - the one plane returns a correct
p_correct_1 = 1*(.8) = .8
What about for n=2? The only correct scenario is when both planes
return a correct conclusion. This can only happen in one way - both
plane_1 and plane_2 return correct observations.
p_correct_2 = 1*(.8 * .8) = .64
What about n=3? There are two correct scenarios here - either all
three planes return correct conclusions or two of three planes return
correct observations and the other plane returns an incorrect
observation. However, the second scenario (2 out of 3 correct) can
happen in 3 separate ways - plane_1 and plane_2 correct, plane_1 and
plane_2 correct, or plane_2 and plane_3 correct.
p_correct_3 = 1*(.8 * .8 * .8) + 3*(.8 * .8 * .2) = .896
What about n=4? There are two correct scenarios here as well - either
all four planes return correct observations or three out of four
planes return correct observations and the other returns an incorrect
observation. The second scenario can happen in 4 separate ways -
planes_1,2,3, planes_1,2,4, planes_1,3,4, or planes_2,3,4.
p_correct_4 = 1*(.8 * .8 * .8 * .8) + 4*(.8 * .8 * .8 * .2) = .8192
So, the probabilities seem to be going up and down, but in an overall
upward trend.
What are the general formulas for p_correct_n?
If n is odd then:
p_correct_n = sum( nC(n-i+1) * .8^(n-i+1) * .2^(i-1), i=1..(n+1)/2 )
If p is even then:
p_correct_n = sum( nC(n-i+1) * .8^(n-i+1) * .2^(i-1), i=1..n/2 )
* sum(...) is the Sigma (summation) function where all the appropriate
values over the range of i are added together
* nCi is "n choose i", or the number of separate ways that i items can
be chosen from n items. This can be computed with the formula:
nCi = n!/(i!*(n-i)!
The ! (factorial) operator is calculated by multiplying all the
positive intergers equal to or less than the given value together. For
example, 6! = 6*5*4*3*2*1 = 720. (Also, 0! = 1)
* The "^" character represents exponentiation. For example, 2^3 =
2*2*2 = 8.
So, re-evaluating for n=1,2,3,4 gives:
p_correct_1 = sum(1C(2-i) * .8^(2-i) * .2^(i-1), i=1..1)
= 1!/(1!*0!) * .8^1 * .2^0
= 1 * .8 * 1
= .8
p_correct_2 = sum(2C(3-i) * .8^(3-i) * .2^(i-1), i=1..1)
= 2!/(2!*0!) * .8^2 * .2^0
= 1 * .64 * 1
= .64
p_correct_3 = sum(3C(4-i) * .8^(4-i) * .2^(i-1), i=1..2)
= 3!/(3!*0!) * .8^3 * .2^0 + 3!/(2!*1!) * .8^2 * .2^1
= 1 * .512 * 1 + 3 * .64 * .2
= .896
p_correct_4 = sum(4C(5-i) * .8^(5-i) * .2^(i-1), i=1..2)
= 4!/(4!*0!) * .8^4 * .2^0 + 4!/(3!*1!) * .8^3 * .2^1
= 1 * .4096 * 1 + 4 * .512 * .2
= .8192
These values match our earlier results.
Using a computer math program called Maple (http://www.maplesoft.com),
I computed the values for all values of n from 1 to 100.
"p_correct_1 =", .8
"p_correct_2 =", .64
"p_correct_3 =", .896
"p_correct_4 =", .8192
"p_correct_5 =", .94208
"p_correct_6 =", .901120
"p_correct_7 =", .9666560
"p_correct_8 =", .94371840
"p_correct_9 =", .980418560
"p_correct_10 =", .9672065024
"p_correct_11 =", .98834579456
"p_correct_12 =", .980594720768
"p_correct_13 =", .9929964388352
"p_correct_14 =", .98839008641024
"p_correct_15 =", .995760250290176
"p_correct_16 =", .992996438835200
"p_correct_17 =", .997418537163163
"p_correct_18 =", .995747966683708
"p_correct_19 =", .998420879450834
"p_correct_20 =", .997405172599325
"p_correct_21 =", .999030303561736
"p_correct_22 =", .998409799012455
"p_correct_23 =", .999402606291308
"p_correct_24 =", .999022030167748
"p_correct_25 =", .999630951965445
"p_correct_26 =", .999396751274023
"p_correct_27 =", .999771472380298
"p_correct_28 =", .999626937096448
"p_correct_29 =", .999858193550607
"p_correct_30 =", .999768774388334
"p_correct_31 =", .999911845047974
"p_correct_32 =", .999856405167363
"p_correct_33 =", .999945108976340
"p_correct_34 =", .999910671026972
"p_correct_35 =", .999965771745958
"p_correct_36 =", .999944343688577
"p_correct_37 =", .999978628580389
"p_correct_38 =", .999965275517262
"p_correct_39 =", .999986640418264
"p_correct_40 =", .999978308106872
"p_correct_41 =", .999991639805099
"p_correct_42 =", .999986434094364
"p_correct_43 =", .999994763231542
"p_correct_44 =", .999991507296101
"p_correct_45 =", .999996716792807
"p_correct_46 =", .999994678294096
"p_correct_47 =", .999997939892035
"p_correct_48 =", .999996662432841
"p_correct_49 =", .999998706367551
"p_correct_50 =", .999997905145145
"p_correct_51 =", .999999187100994
"p_correct_52 =", .999998684179852
"p_correct_53 =", .999999488853677
"p_correct_54 =", .999999172944694
"p_correct_55 =", .999999678399069
"p_correct_56 =", .999999479827707
"p_correct_57 =", .999999797541884
"p_correct_58 =", .999999672647345
"p_correct_59 =", .999999872478607
"p_correct_60 =", .999999793878312
"p_correct_61 =", .999999919638788
"p_correct_62 =", .999999870145956
"p_correct_63 =", .999999949334483
"p_correct_64 =", .999999918154003
"p_correct_65 =", .999999968042776
"p_correct_66 =", .999999948389620
"p_correct_67 =", .999999979834666
"p_correct_68 =", .999999967441619
"p_correct_69 =", .999999987270496
"p_correct_70 =", .999999979452252
"p_correct_71 =", .999999991961439
"p_correct_72 =", .999999987027258
"p_correct_73 =", .999999994921948
"p_correct_74 =", .999999991806745
"p_correct_75 =", .999999996791066
"p_correct_76 =", .999999994823574
"p_correct_77 =", .999999997971567
"p_correct_78 =", .999999996728511
"p_correct_79 =", .999999998717401
"p_correct_80 =", .999999997931787
"p_correct_81 =", .999999999188764
"p_correct_82 =", .999999998692106
"p_correct_83 =", .999999999486760
"p_correct_84 =", .999999999172684
"p_correct_85 =", .999999999675206
"p_correct_86 =", .999999999476536
"p_correct_87 =", .999999999794408
"p_correct_88 =", .999999999668702
"p_correct_89 =", .999999999869835
"p_correct_90 =", .999999999790276
"p_correct_91 =", .999999999917569
"p_correct_92 =", .999999999867204
"p_correct_93 =", .999999999947783
"p_correct_94 =", .999999999915896
"p_correct_95 =", .999999999966923
"p_correct_96 =", .999999999946724
"p_correct_97 =", .999999999979037
"p_correct_98 =", .999999999966244
"p_correct_99 =", .999999999986715
"p_correct_100 =", .999999999978608
Now to answer your original questions:
1: Will I increase my chances of being accurate if I send more than
one plane out?
Yes, as you can see, the trend of the results definitely gets more
accurate the more planes you send out. However, because of the assumed
rule for ties, p_correct_n is a little less accurate for each even
value of n than it is for the previous odd value of n.
2: What is the reasoning behind the answer.
I've explained the mathematical reasoning above. :-)
In plainer terms, because the planes individually are so accurate
(80%), the more you send out, the less likely you are to get enough
inaccurate observations to lead you to an incorrect observation.
3: If the answer to question 1 is Yes how would I apply the answer to
question 2 so that I can figure my accuracy or probability of having a
correct answer to the question the recon planes went to answer.
Example: After ten reports with 8 planes reporting the bridge
destroyed and 2 reporting the bridge still intact, I have a 96% chance
of being correct if I conclude the bridge is destroyed.
The above formulas allow you to apply the answer to any number of
planes. If you truly want to stay under 100 planes, then I've already
supplied all the results above.
In fact, if you have an accuracy target, you could look at the above
value table and pick out the exact number of planes you need to send.
For example, if you want to have at least a 99% chance of a correct
conclusion, you need to send out 13 planes
(p_correct_13 = .9929964388352).
While I didn't use any search strategy to create this answer (using my
own experience instead), the search of:
will bring up several good tutorials on the subject of probability.
If you need any further clarifications, please ask before you rate
this answer.
websearcher-ga |
Clarification of Answer by
16 Aug 2002 06:33 PDT
Hi myxlplix-ga:
poormattie-ga makes an excellent point in his comment below. It allows
us to eliminate the up-down nature of the figures that I provided by
stating that in the special case when there is a tie, that tie
conclusions have a 50/50 chance of being correct. Therefore, as
poormattie-ga shows, when n is even:
p_correct_n = p_correct_(n-1)
and that this means that there's no real point in sending an even
number of planes, just send the previous odd number and you'll get the
same result. (My analysis showed the same thing except it mistakenly
concluded that sending the even number would actually *decrease* the
accuracy from the previous even number, instead of keeping it equal.)
So, our new formulas would be:
If n is odd then:
p_correct_n = sum( nC(n-i+1) * .8^(n-i+1) * .2^(i-1), i=1..(n+1)/2 )
If p is even then:
p_correct_n = p_correct_(n-1)
And our new table of values would be:
"p_correct_1 =", .8
"p_correct_2 =", .8
"p_correct_3 =", .896
"p_correct_4 =", .896
"p_correct_5 =", .94208
"p_correct_6 =", .94208
"p_correct_7 =", .9666560
"p_correct_8 =", .9666560
"p_correct_9 =", .980418560
"p_correct_10 =", .980418560
"p_correct_11 =", .98834579456
"p_correct_12 =", .98834579456
"p_correct_13 =", .9929964388352
"p_correct_14 =", .9929964388352
"p_correct_15 =", .995760250290176
"p_correct_16 =", .995760250290176
"p_correct_17 =", .997418537163163
"p_correct_18 =", .997418537163163
"p_correct_19 =", .998420879450834
"p_correct_20 =", .998420879450834
"p_correct_21 =", .999030303561736
"p_correct_22 =", .999030303561736
"p_correct_23 =", .999402606291308
"p_correct_24 =", .999402606291308
"p_correct_25 =", .999630951965445
"p_correct_26 =", .999630951965445
"p_correct_27 =", .999771472380298
"p_correct_28 =", .999771472380298
"p_correct_29 =", .999858193550607
"p_correct_30 =", .999858193550607
"p_correct_31 =", .999911845047974
"p_correct_32 =", .999911845047974
"p_correct_33 =", .999945108976340
"p_correct_34 =", .999945108976340
"p_correct_35 =", .999965771745958
"p_correct_36 =", .999965771745958
"p_correct_37 =", .999978628580389
"p_correct_38 =", .999978628580389
"p_correct_39 =", .999986640418264
"p_correct_40 =", .999986640418264
"p_correct_41 =", .999991639805099
"p_correct_42 =", .999991639805099
"p_correct_43 =", .999994763231542
"p_correct_44 =", .999994763231542
"p_correct_45 =", .999996716792807
"p_correct_46 =", .999996716792807
"p_correct_47 =", .999997939892035
"p_correct_48 =", .999997939892035
"p_correct_49 =", .999998706367551
"p_correct_50 =", .999998706367551
"p_correct_51 =", .999999187100994
"p_correct_52 =", .999999187100994
"p_correct_53 =", .999999488853677
"p_correct_54 =", .999999488853677
"p_correct_55 =", .999999678399069
"p_correct_56 =", .999999678399069
"p_correct_57 =", .999999797541884
"p_correct_58 =", .999999797541884
"p_correct_59 =", .999999872478607
"p_correct_60 =", .999999872478607
"p_correct_61 =", .999999919638788
"p_correct_62 =", .999999919638788
"p_correct_63 =", .999999949334483
"p_correct_64 =", .999999949334483
"p_correct_65 =", .999999968042776
"p_correct_66 =", .999999968042776
"p_correct_67 =", .999999979834666
"p_correct_68 =", .999999979834666
"p_correct_69 =", .999999987270496
"p_correct_70 =", .999999987270496
"p_correct_71 =", .999999991961439
"p_correct_72 =", .999999991961439
"p_correct_73 =", .999999994921948
"p_correct_74 =", .999999994921948
"p_correct_75 =", .999999996791066
"p_correct_76 =", .999999996791066
"p_correct_77 =", .999999997971567
"p_correct_78 =", .999999997971567
"p_correct_79 =", .999999998717401
"p_correct_80 =", .999999998717401
"p_correct_81 =", .999999999188764
"p_correct_82 =", .999999999188764
"p_correct_83 =", .999999999486760
"p_correct_84 =", .999999999486760
"p_correct_85 =", .999999999675206
"p_correct_86 =", .999999999675206
"p_correct_87 =", .999999999794408
"p_correct_88 =", .999999999794408
"p_correct_89 =", .999999999869835
"p_correct_90 =", .999999999869835
"p_correct_91 =", .999999999917569
"p_correct_92 =", .999999999917569
"p_correct_93 =", .999999999947783
"p_correct_94 =", .999999999947783
"p_correct_95 =", .999999999966923
"p_correct_96 =", .999999999966923
"p_correct_97 =", .999999999979037
"p_correct_98 =", .999999999979037
"p_correct_99 =", .999999999986715
"p_correct_100 =", .999999999986715
Thanks to poormattie-ga for catching this subtle point! :-)