After going over your site, I've discovered at the bottom of the page
you are using a large keyword tag inside a comment area. This is
called "Spaming" and most search engines don't like it, in fact the
major ones will black list you for things like this.
Also, your robots.txt file keeps most of the site from being indexed.
Much more than you probably realize.
If you are using a software package such as Web Position Gold, or
other similar ones that check and report your status on the Google
Search engine, or other engines, then this is probably the major cause
of your lack of listing status.
Your keywords are huge, but the Google-bot pays very little attention
to those, especially if those words aren't used as text somewhere on
the page, or on some page close by. Other search engines like to use
them, but only if they are relevant to the page and the site, and
yours don't appear to be from a web-bots point of view.
The only engines I found you listed on are Overture and Fast, but
could only find you listed there by using your websites name
aerotraining.com. Using keywords from your site to try to find you
didn't produce very good results.
Basically your site isn't very web-bot friendly and is probably on a
few blacklists. Below are some links that will help you get your site
cleaned up, re-submitted and back on the search engines.
Search Engine Guide: Orbidex: Safe and Smart Site Submissions
Google Search Engine Webmaster page
Google Support Discussion Group.
Search Engine Forum at JimWorld
This last is a really good place to grab a cup of coffee and stay for
a while. It will help you a lot in the future if you decide to get
professional help and will help you do most of the work you need to do
webadept-ga |
Request for Answer Clarification by
29 Sep 2002 01:37 PDT
I replied to the answer, but clarification might help. The answer was
jargon, and not useful. For instance: "Basically your site isn't very
web-bot friendly and is probably on a few blacklists." doesn't help me
figure it out at all.
Also: "This is called "Spaming" and most search engines don't like it"
is simply not correct. Spam, as far as I know, is unwanted email. If
I'm not correct, then you're using jargon.
Clarification of Answer by
29 Sep 2002 09:47 PDT
That's interesting, because you took the comments out that had all
those keywords in there (webpage spamming), you took the /html_gif out
of your robots.txt and it looks like you followed most of the other
advice found on those webpages. Instead of not ranking at all, you now
have a PageRank of 5 of 10, which for a site like yours is very good.
I'm not really sure what part of the answer you didn't understand, but
whatever it is, you obviously don't need to dwell on it.
Next time it would be good to ask for clarification before you rate
the question. Most of the Researchers here will follow up with you
until you have the answer that you are looking for.