Dittos were among the first "must-have" label jeans. The craze for
Dittos started in California (like most crazes!) and spread across the
United States and even, to some extent, to Europe.
Here's a link to a scan of two old Dittos ads, showing the stylish,
colorful trim on the back that made the jeans so popular back in the
days of disco, Earth Shoes, and polyester leisure suits:
Dittos jeans and sweaters were designed in 1978 by Aron Art Lasky,
owner of Air'n Art Designs in California, according to the Air'n Art
Designs Web site. Lasky appears to be an incredibly versatile designer
whose work extends far beyond fashion. According to Air'n Art:
"Aron has been designing and fabricating solutions for a multitude of
entertainment and industry challenges for over twenty years!
Animatronics for Walt Disney; Fashion for Dittos of California;
Prototype toys for Worlds of Wonder; Movie props and special effects
for Stan Winston Studios; Videocassette marketing design for NCB
Entertainment; Trade show booth and theme park shows for the Themed
Entertainment industry...Museum showcases and interactive displays;
Commercial and graphic design for commercial and private businesses;
Website design and creation for businesses in the Los Angeles area;
Computer aided design and 3D modeling; Photography and photographic
arts, to name a few. "
Google search strategy:
"dittos" + "jeans" + "designed by"
Best regards,
pinkfreud |